Ok so i got a PSP not long ago and i just HAD to get MHFU, this is actually my first time ever playing a MH game, ive only seen it vagely but it looked awesome and fun, especially with other ppl, so i started playing it and it was EPIC, i mean the sheer variety of monsters and weapons and armors is simply mind blowing, and not only that but as i progressed more into the game, i found i can chop some of the harder monsters body parts off, as soon as i first did that to an Elder Dragon (which was RLLY hard to kill btw) i had to pause and close my jaw, since this was like the first time i have ever played a game where i could collect a dragons tail, A TAIL!!!!!
im like at a 100+ hrs into the game, and im still killing new monsters, i mean i was like RLLY into it, i soooo want to get a Wii now so i can get the new one coming out since im sure it would be even more fun!!!!