
----● Please respect everyone in this thread.

----● Please limit the contents of your threads to PG-13.

----● Please DO NOT create multiple threads of the same thread.

----● No Cybering.

----● NO trolling or flaming, you will be automatically banned.

----● NO spamming allowed, you will be automatically banned.

----● NO stretching out pages.

----● TekTek Contest, Bump Threads, Booty Grabbing Threads are allowed.

----● Advertising is prohibited. Exceptions in SIGNATURE ONLY. You will be banned if you do not follow.

----● Begging is prohibited also.

----● Failure to obey the rules, a warning will be sent. You will only get one warning before you will be banned.

----● What belongs here?
----------- Questions. Requests. Quest Threads. Polls. Any other contest that do not include writing.

----● What doesn't belongs here?
----------- Original Short Stories // Chapter Stories, Poetry, FanFictions, or RPs.

----● I want to set up a writing contest, do I put it here?
----------- Nope, please have it in The Backyard Sub-Forum.

----● I'm having problems with another person, who can I talk to?
----------- One of the moderators, please.

----● I have a question, who can I ask?
----------- Any of the Moderators listed below. You can also post in this thread and a moderator will get to it soon.

