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Name of weapon: Krieg
Your Rank: Genin
Who owns the weapon: Ronmaru
Where it was found/Who made it: It was made by one of Ronmaru’s Uchiha relatives about ten years ago, who gave it to him as a present on his twelfth birthday. He keeps it back in the cloud village.
User’s Class: Ninjutsu (One taijutsu style, one weapon style)
The Range of the weapon: Short to mid-range (The blade is very large)
-When engaged in hand to hand combat, or combat that close, the size of the sword makes it harder to use in such close conditions.

-Weak against wind jutsu; effective against fire and lighning jutsu.
Description: Krieg is a man sized cleaver. It’s size is very comparable to the cleaver Zabuza used in the series, but it is much thicker than the guillotine sword. Krieg has the ability to support the lightning element to the point of being able to store excess lightning based chakra inside of the blade. It can halt lightning based attacks (Effect only strong enough to halt attacks up to Ronmaru’s level: If he’s a genin, he can only stop up to genin level lightning jutsu through the blade). Due to the uchiha’s heavy usage of fire, the sword has been built to withstand fires from up to chuunin level jutsu, unless extra chakra is added to reinforce the blade, making it able to withstand further damage unscathed. With the lightning chakra that is able to be stored in the blade, the wielder can perform a wide range of lightning based attacks without forming hand seals. However, these attacks consume just as much chakra as any other jutsu, and, since they can be used in much more rapid succession, drain the wielder much more quickly than using jutsu.

When put up against a wind Jutsu, this blade can only cover what is behind it. Normally, the wind just goes around, making this blade almost entirely useless against wind-based jutsu.
Rp Sample:
The Chuunin exams were here, and Ronmaru felt that he’d never been so ready. However, these exams were a bit different from their predecessors. In these exams, the one on one battles came first, and it was by pure chance that Ronmaru was paired against a Genin of the Mist Village. Funny, how these two villages were the only ones in the exams. He figured that the two would go head to head quite often. “Let’s have fun, shall we?” Ronmaru said with a charismatic grin on his face. He was lucky to have learned the Lightning Strike Fist Taijutsu, and the Cloud Village Sword Style before these exams started; he would need them in order to wield Krieg, his, simply put, gigantic cleaver.

“I guess.” his opponent said, almost sneeringly. “Don’t bore me.” With that said, the ninja drew his twin katana, and lunged straight for Ronmaru, not even bothering to use jutsu. He soared through the air, having schemed to attack Ronmaru from the air, instead of taking the smartest approach, and attacking him head on.

“You’re gonna regret that….” Ronmaru said as he gripped Krieg’s handle. Immediately, he freed his cleaver from its container. He had already pumped it with lightning chakra, having done so when he grabbed the hilt of the sword. He swung horizontally into the air, sending a wave of lightning directly at the mist ninja. Afterwards, he stabbed his blade into the ground, and formed a single hand seal. Suddenly, ten strings of lightning burst from his fingertips, and wrapped themselves around the mist ninja’s feet. Ronmaru then pulled the ninja towards him; towards the wave of energy, not allowing him a venue of escape.

“Oh…damnit!” the mist ninja exclaimed as the wave drew nearer and nearer. He formed hand seals in a frenzy, and chakra began to surround him. A water clone formed below, not moving at all as Ronmaru’s opponent formed another seal. The man had used a substitution jutsu, and swapped with his clone, who was decimated by the wave. The real ninja was now laughing mockingly at Ronmaru from his clone’s previous position. “You can’t catch me….you’ll run out of chakra before you can!” He began to laugh tauntingly, displaying obviously his arrogance.

“Oh, really?“ Without warning, Ronmaru activated the YuraYura Ranpu without hand seals. A brilliant flash of light blinded the other ninja while Ronmaru made his move. Ronmaru stabbed his blade back into the ground, and formed a clone. By this time, the ninja was rubbing his eyes; he wouldn’t be blinded much longer. Ronmaru grabbed his blade again, and swung it vertically downward, shooting another wave of energy straight for the ninja. As it neared him, the ground was torn open from the concentrated power of the wave, which continued all the way back to the hand seal statue behind the ninja.. Ronmaru stabbed his blade in the middle of the crack, making a perpendicular cross out of the two. Now, the clone stood behind the sword, and drew a kunai. Ronmaru, however, had other plans. He quickly moved behind the still-thankfully-disoriented ninja, and hid behind the statue of a hand seal.

Now, the ninja had his sight back. He noticed the sword, but Ronmaru appeared to be gone. With a closer look, he noticed the edge of a kunai jutting out from the side of the sword; Ronmaru was still here, just hiding like a coward. The ninja executed a long string of hand signs, in preparation to use the Water Dragon Jutsu.

Ronmaru had formed a hand seal as well, but his was just a single one. The familiar strings of lightning traveled through the crack in the ground toward the ninja. As soon as they latched on, Ronmaru tore the ninja’s feet out from under him, forcing him to fall on his stomach and face. The strings quickly wrapped themselves repeatedly around the ninja, forming ten different segments in which the ninja was bound. His hands were forced behind his back, the backs of the hands pressed against one another. This ensured that he could not complete the string of hand seals for the Water Dragon Jutsu. “I would never catch you, huh? You have no clone to make, and you cannot make the seals for Kawarimi….I believe this match belongs to me, no?”

“Not until you kill me….I won’t let you win so easily.” The ninja said menacingly. He wouldn’t budge….it was really his pride clouding his judgement, but he wouldn’t learn that without a painful lesson.

And, of course, Ronmaru would be more than happy to give this cocky son of a b***h that lesson in pain. “Bring me my sword.” He commanded to the clone, who obliged immediately. Within moments Ronmaru was presented with his sword. He cut off the chakra strings from his right hand, allowing the ninja to move his arms.

He did so immediately. He formed a single hand seal, and began to focus chakra. His fingers were pointed at the ceiling, and his breathing was ragged; he’d run out of options. However, not even he could foretell what would come next.

As his opponent’s water clone was in the middle of taking shape, Ronmaru abruptly sliced the ninja’s hands right off his wrists, leaving two spouting fountains of blood. “Don’t be arrogant with me…..I HATE arrogant people.” Ronmaru said, as he activated his Sharingan. The three tomoe in each eye seemed to pierce the boy’s soul; the Ronmaru in combat was nothing compared to the Ronmaru everyone normally knew…..he was an emotionless monster in battle.

The ninja cried out in pain as his jutsu, and his ability to use it were swiftly eliminated from existence. “You….you b*****d!” He forced himself free of the other strings, and quickly got on his feet. He swung his right foot at Ronmaru, and followed up with a roundhouse kick with his left. “You’ll pay for what you did to me!!!”

Ronmaru, having activated his three tomoe, saw the ninja getting up before he even did so. So, when the ninja ‘threw those two kicks’, Ronmaru’s arms were already waiting to block. As soon as they halted the kicks, the fists flew with deadly precision at the middle of the ninja’s chest, sending him sprawling backward. He quickly lunged over to the ninja, while he was still skidding across the ground, and got ahead of him. The ninja hit the crack in the floor, forcing him into the air.

Ronmaru was ready to halt the now midair ninja-permanently. Since the man was flying face-first towards Ronmaru, Ronmaru needed only to spin around once. He used the wide, blunt end of his sword, and when the man was within striking range, Ronmaru bashed his skull with the blunt end of the sword, ending his life swiftly and painlessly.

“Winner, Ronmaru.” the proctor in charge of the spars said emotionlessly; it was obvious he’d seen this sort of stuff before, but part of him was still a bit surprised. As Ronmaru stepped off the battlefield, he left a shallow crevice in the middle of the ground to be used by other ninja. That was all he left, besides the corpse of a mist ninja.

"D-Gray Man"
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