
----● Please respect everyone in the thread.

----● Please DO NOT have more than 1 thread of the same contents.

----● NO trolling or flaming, you will be automatically banned.

----● Do not recruit other members for your own guild. This is only for RP recruitment in this guild. You will be warned.

----● Failure to obey the rules, a warning will be sent. You will only get one warning before you will be banned.

----● What belongs here?
----------- RP Group Search, RP 1 x 1 Search, RP Recruitments, RP OOCs, writers looking for another writer to collaborate with, and Writer's Block problems.

----● What doesn't belong here?
----------- RP Threads, Stories, Poems, Contest, or anything else that doesn't relate to recruitment.

----● I can't find anyone that wants to join my RP / Collab Work, what did I do?
----------- Keep trying. Try inviting a moderator too!

----● I'm having problems with someone in my thread, who do I go to?
----------- Please go to a moderator first! He/She is able to help you.

----● I have a question, who can I ask?
----------- Any of the moderators listed below. You may also post in this thread and a moderator will get to it soon.

