Accepted Profiles!!!
Who you will be RPing with!

Yep, so these are the accepted profiles for Nekos (students). Remember that you need to send your profile to me in a PM.

Nekos And other Cross Overs ^ ^ (students)

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Hello, my name is: Cassie Taylor Hunt
Last time I checked, I was a: girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 14
I crush on: doesn't matter I'm 14!
But I think I may have feelings for: my teacher...*blush*
I’m usually: She's very shy and timid. She has a very cute high voice and laugh and is kind to a fault. She always gives people the benefit of the doubt and that makes it easy for people to use her. She is very forgiving and hates holding grudges.
Here’s a little bit about me:
Cassie was born in the Academy so she is well-known around the area. She is the adored daughter of two high ranking nekos and is very well taken care of. Anywhere she tends to go she is treated like a younger sister but she is desperately trying to break free of that. When she was younger she was teased a bit by one older boy neko until she grew up a bit more and became a beautiful young girl. He then started to fall for her which confused her so much that she developed a phobia of guys that hit on her. She will go completely red and cannot talk around them for a fear of them teasing her.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Sweets
❤ Drawing
❤ Singing
❤ Her art teacher
χ Rude people
χ Spicy food
χ Pencil breaking
χ Chromatic scales
All thanks to: TheMadHattersWonderland

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Hello, my name is: Ichigo (White Hair) & Natsumi (Black Hair)
Last time I checked, I was a: Girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: Both 16
I crush on: Males
But I think I may have feelings for: None Yet
I’m usually: Ichigo is an out going girl, and usually acts up. She's always trying to make friends, and likes to make people giggles. Her one weakness is Natsumi, who can calm her down with just a glare. She's very clumsy.
Natsumi is very mellow, without her sister she can't do anything right. It is unusual if they are appeared separated. They are both very smart. They can't be outwitted no matter what.

Here’s a little bit about me:
Ichigo and Natsumi has always been together, everywhere they go was like a mine buried in the ground. Kids pulling on their tails. Thinking they are a witch's familiar. Ever since they enrolled into the Academy they were safe.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Weather (Rain, Fog, etc)
❤ Midnight, Morning, Dusk, Dawn
❤ Musical Instruments
❤ The Four Seasons (Spring, Winter, Etc.)
χ Spiders
χ Crowds
χ F's on Test
χ Being Dirty
All thanks to: I_LostLivedLoved

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Hello, my name is: Lacie Merose
Last time I checked, I was a: Girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: Eight
I crush on: boys
But I think I may have feelings for: I-I havn't tought about it...I just got here.
I’m usually: Soft spoken at times, but tends to get headstrong and foolish if I feel strongly about something. I'm well rounded, and curious also. I'll be a little mischevous also, whoever influences me. I have a temper, and get embarrassed easily
Here’s a little bit about me:
I can't remember much, but apparently our family was killed, to protect us my sister tells me. I was rescued intime, but I was very young and left with a program to raised small nekos. Now that I'm older, they sent me to school, and it's my first time here. I didn't go earlier, instead I was homeschooled. I finally get to go to school with Alice, but I'm a little nervous and lost. Alice can be so mean sometimes!
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Food
❤ Books
❤ Gloom
❤ Soccer
χ Rude people
χ Knives
χ Cockroaches
χ Scratching the Sofa
All thanks to: MindXHunter

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Hello, my name is: Alice Merose
Last time I checked, I was a: Girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: Seventeen
I crush on: Both, but more Guys
But I think I may have feelings for: Psh! Thats my business
I’m usually: Headstrong, a fighter, angered easily. Sarcastic, a bit cruel, but secretly kind and does the best for people she cares for. A bit of a punk is what she's called, and some people are afraid of me.
Here’s a little bit about me:
My father left our family when we were little. We were all trying to re-locate to a new place, but he tried to convince my mother it was more dangerous if we tried. We were already stuck in a dangerous place. After moving, someone was already after us and they murdered my mother. Me and my sister were saved in the heat of battle and taken away. I came to the highschool years later, and I'm a bit happier.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Sweets
❤ Books and Science
❤ My little sister
❤ Having Fun
χ Anyone who hurts her friends, especially her little sister
χ Idiots
χ Rude People
χ Lairs
All thanks to: MindXHunter

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Hello, my name is: Lily "Blade" Neverhart
Last time I checked, I was a: Girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 17
I crush on: Straight
But I think I may have feelings for: No One
I’m usually: Fiery, cunning, sly, short-tempered
Here’s a little bit about me:
Blade was raised by her master to be a warrior and bodyguard. He treated her like the daughter that he had lost to illness, and she loved him dearly. Putting every ounce of strength she had into protecting him and training hard, she became one of the best warriors. The army even sent her a recruit application, but she denied it, she was only loyal to her master. But one day, her master became very ill, and there was no cure for it. He died two weeks later, leaving her to his cruel brother. Running away, she lived in the wild for a few years.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Flutes
❤ Daggers
❤ Music
❤ Reading
χ Guns (thinks its cheating in a fight)
χ Blood
χ Broken Bones
χ Sweat
All thanks to: Seraphim_Lie

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Hello, my name is: Ritsuka-San
Last time I checked, I was a: Boii
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 14
I crush on: up..
But I think I may have feelings for: the person who makes me smile inside..
I’m usually: a bit quiet most of the time. Everyone tries to get me to talk but im not much of a talkative person when it comes down to it. Though i maybe quiet i am very deadly and not to mention a very large cosplayer that can get down and dirty when i need to.
Here’s a little bit about me:
I come from a very wealthy family. My mother and father are hit sensations that wipe the earth as we speak. In the Neko world as well human. They are in a band called Sniver, yes my father is the guitarist and married my mom the singer. The same old crap happens all the time. But when the day my father found out i was a Neko he thought very low of me until i was old enough to bring in the money. Sending me away for my safety my mom enrolled me in this here Academy to better myself and hopefully talk.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Lollipops
❤ 'Special' Cosplays
❤ Stuffed Animals
❤ Sharp Items
χ Father
χ Annoying Girls
χ Labor
χ Crappy Music
All thanks to: Mistress_Insane

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Hello, my name is: Jakey Haze
Last time I checked, I was a: Dude
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 16
I crush on: The Ladies
But I think I may have feelings for: No idea!
I’m usually: Funny, talkative, occasionally perverted, silly, easily distracted; especially by girls.
Here’s a little bit about me:
I was raised by my parents in a city, however I was never allowed outside. They always said that if I went outside, someone would try to get me and sell me. They didn’t want that to happen. They would home school me.
So I would sit on the deck of our apartment, looking down the busy city streets below for fun. The best thing I could do was play the many video games my parents so generously bought me. I was spoiled; everything I wanted, my parents would buy for me, mostly because they were quite wealthy and felt bad that they wouldn’t let me outside.
But then one day, when I was ten, these men came to our city apartment. They talked to my parents alone for an hour or so.
Next thing I knew, I was in a black car driving away with these men I’d never met before.
I’ve been in the Academy for seven years, and the teachers and other students know me pretty well, I’d say.
I just got back from visiting my parents. Another school year. Woo.

Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Theee Laaadies
❤ Cats
❤ Guitar
❤ Video Games
χ Dogs
χ Math
χ Annoying People
χ Broccoli
All thanks to: QueenRosalia

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Hello, my name is: Adrien Riku Camon
Last time I checked, I was a: Boy
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 17
I crush on: Those Sexy Females
But I think I may have feelings for: Someone.
I’m usually: Funny, Outgoing, Flirty, Perverted, Athletic, Smart
Here’s a little bit about me:
Adrien grew up alone in an orphanage. The other kids avoided him due to his ears but he never gave up hope and he was sent to Carmine Academy, where he would be accepted for who he is. Adrien has attended Carmine Academy for 5 years.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Girls
❤ Sports
❤ Night
❤ Skating
χ People with Ego
χ Lazy people
χ Rude males
χ Bland food
All thanks to: Phat_Boi33

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Hello, my name is: Okami Masami
Last time I checked, I was a: Girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 14
I crush on: Boys
But I think I may have feelings for: No one yet…
I’m usually: Friendly, cute, flirty, easily amused, overly expresses emotions, fierce at times, silly, fun to be around, shop-a-holic, sweets lover, heavy sleeper, loves cute things and cupcakes, giggly.
Here’s a little bit about me:
I lived in a small town in a grassy, peaceful, area. It was really nice. Everyone knew each other in the town. Everyone treated me like a normal person, despite the foxy ears and tail. I guess I was hot for a fox/human cross over.
Then the tragedy happened. Our entire town was turned into a sea of flames, all because of some stupid smoker. Fortunately, me, my mother, my father, and my little sister made it out alive, with a few other survivors. I was out in the fields with my younger sister when it happened, so I was unharmed one bit. My mother and father, on the other hand, were burned real bad. We went to a hospital in a near-by city. My parents were fine, but we had to move into the City as well. So much for the peaceful life out in the grassy plains.
We lived in the city for a few years, until I was the victim of an attempted kidnapping. That was when the police and my Parents decided to have me go to this Academy.
I am new to the Academy now, since they are apparently letting in other cross over animals. I can’t wait to see what the Academy has in store for me.

Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Cute things
❤ Cupcakes
❤ Boys
❤ Music
χ Rude/mean people
χ Fire
χ Rap Music
χ Boredom
All thanks to: QueenRosalia

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Hello, my name is: Elsie Van-Helson
Last time I checked, I was a: Female
Candles on my Birthday Cake: Seventeen
I crush on: Straight
But I think I may have feelings for: Well be quiet, I kinda have this cursh on Lucian
I’m usually: a huge b***h. But, I am very nice. I rather be mean if I feel insecure. I believe I am not pretty like the others say. I think I am very ugly. It didn't really help that my parents said that I am not. Anyway, I am very careful with my words. I have trust issues, easily made blush, and etc. Anywhoo, finish it off. I tend to give out good advise.
Here’s a little bit about me:
Born with my parents. They brought me up to make me think that I was very ugly and useless. So, they deliberately sold me the slaves area. I was only ten when I was first sold to my very first master. Which, for him, made it all better. He likes the younglings. Soo, during there, the first few weeks were okay. I thought it wasn't so bad. But, then before I turned eleven, he basically raped me. Like, seriously. I was so.. bruised from him pounding on me. I tried to run away, but he caught me the first few times. To punish my actions, he kept me in a room, no food, no water. Anyway, I ran away finally without any help. I was still a weakling. But, at age twelve, I was brought to the academy. I stayed in my room for a year. Unwilling to come out. I did, and now I am seventeen and having some issues. But, I am coming over it.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Life
❤ TV; Music
❤ Pocky
❤ Seafood
χ Meat
χ Death; Blood; Killing
χ My past
χ Me
All thanks to: iNessieMonsterRawr

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Hello, my name is: Jun Miyagi
Last time I checked, I was a: Male
Candles on my Birthday Cake: Sixteen
I crush on: Bi-curious
But I think I may have feelings for: Whoever catches my heart.
I’m usually: fun. I love to have a great time. A smile is always on. I hate troubling others with any problems. I tend to be right there, calming people down. I hate when others are sad, then it makes me sad. I guess you can call me sympathetic. I love being out-there. Being collected isn't as fun as you having extreme fun. So, yes.. I am a party-hard kind of guy.
Here’s a little bit about me:
I was born into a wealthy family. I got everything, but never was once snobby. I was actually the party son. I used my family's fame to get into the hottest clubs and such. But, I went to bad club once. And, thats where I was kidnapped. Parents tried to find me, but then they died cause they got so close. Time after that, I escaped and the academy got me at age sixteen. I've only been here for a year, and everyone loves me and knows me. But, ssh, no one knows the real reason Im here. Im only here to get away from my kidnapper.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Girls
❤ The academy
❤ Sleeping; Tons of it
❤ Me
χ Over-eating
χ My past
χ Teachers that boss
χ Parentals
All thanks to: iNessieMonsterRawr

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Hello, my name is: Sakura & Imai Hotaru
Last time I checked, I was a: Female & Female
Candles on my Birthday Cake: Seven & Seven
I crush on: Boys
But I think I may have feelings for: Crush?
I’m usually: We're usually two peas in a pod. We dont like to be mean, or anything. We're the nice pair of twins. As if we're capable of actually being mean or something. We are what the others call, "cute and cuddly" anyway, we have to go now! Baii~
Here’s a little bit about me:
We're born and raised in a family of two. Yes, only us. No momsy or popsy. We dont remember any of our real parents. Or if we had any... So.. anyway, we were never sold into slavery, Thank god, so.. here we are in the school, since were two.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Food
❤ Being together; always
❤ Having fun
❤ Our school
χ Not eating
χ Being bored
χ Being separated
χ Our parents
All thanks to: iNessieMonsterRawr

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Hello, my name is: Erika Ritsuka Cain
Last time I checked, I was a: Girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: Sixteen
I crush on: Girls mostly
But I think I may have feelings for: hm..
I’m usually: Very laid back, she enjoys
wasting time by playing video games or working on her computer.
She is a huge geek and loves to show it off by talking about her
current level in a game or ranting about computer parts she needs.

Here’s a little bit about me:
She grew up in average middle class family, with a not
so average brain. She was quickly able to work threw many of her
school years though dropped out of high school finding it no fun.
Her parents where enraged by her poor choices and said that they
where shipping her off to a school for Neko's like herself so she
could finish high school properly. Though without much enjoyment
from her parents she agreed.

Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Junk Food
❤ Video Games
❤ Books
❤ Computers
χ Healthy Food
χ Having to fix someones computer
χ Crowded Places
χ To much Noise
All thanks to: iHannibal

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Hello, my name is: Misa Elizabeth Nevering
Last time I checked, I was a: Girlie
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 12
I crush on: Girlies?
But I think I may have feelings for: Eh...
I’m usually: the hyper and bubbly type just like most of the girls in my class and or around m age. I tend to be trouble maker and have multipul personalities when it comes to certain people. None the matter of how i act when im around people i like. Im also a cuious one.
Here’s a little bit about me:
Sent away to this academy by my grandmother, she never told me that she was going to die and no one but Carmine would be able to take me in. It's not like she was my biological grandmother anyway, so why do i care if im with her or not? But then again it does hurt not to have anyone, i am strong, so i can hang in there.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Kimono's
❤ Kitty's
❤ Adventure
❤ Open Fields
χ School
χ Idiot's
χ Drugs
χ Staying out of trouble
All thanks to: Mistress_Insane

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Hello, my name is: Len Kagamine
Last time I checked, I was a: Boy
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 13
I crush on: Females
But I think I may have feelings for: None Yet
I’m usually: Outgoing, Curious, Laid back, Very Athletic, Fun-Loving ( Even though he's a boy), Can't trust people well, light sleeper, A broken person.
Here’s a little bit about me:
Len had a sad life. He used to have a Twin Sister, but she she....... died. No one actually knows about Len's past. He has a bad habit of keeping to himself. It pains his heart thinking about....Rin. Or the thought of him being an only child now. And you want to know about our parents? They were.....Wait no thats TOP SECRET INFORMATION.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Singing
❤ Musical Instruments, especially the keyboard
❤ Being Alone
❤ Midnight
χ Spiders
χ Talking
χ Crowds
χ Low Grades
All thanks to: I_LostLivedLoved

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Hello, my name is: Lucy Kingsley
Last time I checked, I was a: girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 17
I crush on: men
But I think I may have feelings for: Someone who isn't stupid
I’m usually: cruely honest, inside my own word and ocasionally an uber b***h but I like smart people (or at least ones with self respect)
Here’s a little bit about me:
I grew up in Nice, France with my mother and father. I was taught to always value myself and not to change for anyone as well as to detest stupidity. My mother was a neko although my father wasn't so I lack the ears but I have kept the traits and the tail. I was accomplished at the art of cooking and music. When you are kept at home all day there is little elsw to do.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ music (piano)
❤ the small of vanilla
❤ beaches
❤ my pet cat Maria
χ rain (if I have to go out in it)
χ When I can't find good books
χ Stupid people (I want to punch them
χ High-heeled shoes
All thanks to: FatesMyBitch

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Hello, my name is: Sylven Verand
Last time I checked, I was a: girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 17
I crush on: (character’s sexuality)
But I think I may have feelings for: no one at the moment
I’m usually: a tomboy. usually very cheerful, outgoing, strong, and sarcastic. She can also be very kind-hearted. She usually has good intentions but sometimes goes about fulfilling them in an almost forceful kid of way. She also has quite the foul mouth and sometimes crude behavior. She's quick to frustration and sometimes annoyance or anger.
Here’s a little bit about me:
Sylven is the illigitmate child of her father from before her father got married. The family her father has now completely hates her because of this. She likes to hide her feelings about her family from people she doesn't know. Eventually, her father sent her to the Academy to keep her out of trouble and to keep the rest of his family from hurting her or something else.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ music/singing
❤ parties
❤ sports
❤ anything active
χ perverts
χ being annoyed
χ being cooped up inside
χ her family issues
All thanks to: dragon-talk

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Hello, my name is: Odette
Last time I checked, I was a: girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 18
I crush on: men ♥
But I think I may have feelings for: someone..I dont know who yet..
I’m usually: outgoing and congenial..but since the lab I have been withdrawn and nonsocial
Here’s a little bit about me:
I have never been outside the labs before. It was a mutations lab for people..nekos really. My mother was a neko test subject, the did something to her when she got pregnant and instead of being part cat, im part bird. 4 months ago a group saved us from the lab..they say I need to go to this school but...
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ dancing
❤ noodles
❤ books
❤ canopy beds
χ labs
χ onions
χ hospitals
χ needles
All thanks to: peaches_and_cream_cutie

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Hello, my name is: Zero Lucien Cross
Last time I checked, I was a: A boy
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 18
I crush on: Both genders ;o
But I think I may have feelings for: no one just yet
I’m usually: Arrogant, sadistic, cold, manipulative, (but can show a different side to some people)
Here’s a little bit about me:
Zero was brought to this academy by some social workers after being tossed from one orphanage to the next. As a result of this he became cold and distant to others. It is hoped that in time he will become more open and less cold. The academy is his last hope of finding some peace in this life, if not he will be sure to become a lot worse…
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Silence
❤ Music
❤ playing the piano
❤ Teasing others
χ People
χ loud noises
χ rules
χ orphanages
All thanks to: XxHakaxX

Accepted Profiles!!! (Continued)
Who you will be RPing with!

Yep, so these are the accepted profiles for Teachers. Remember that you need to send your profile to me in a PM.


User Image
Greetings, my name is: Alex Desmind
Last time I checked, I was a: Guy
Candles on my Birthday Cake: Twenty Two
I crush on: Guys
I think I might like: Secret
People say I’m: Wise, but lazy. A dry sense of humor. Get up, Survive, Go back to bed.
My occupation: I teach Biology and Advance Biology
Get to know more:
I went to this school when I was little and graduated. After a few years into the world, and how dangerous it really is I came back. I was smaller when I had a family and it was still dangerous, but I didn't see how much and went to school early. I go on my vacations to see my mother and such.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Sleeping
❤ Teaching
❤ Protecting
❤ Eating
χ Lazy learners.
χ People cruel to others
χ Idiots..
χ Carrots and Red Apples
All thanks to: MindXHunter

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Greetings, my name is: Ari Wraith
Last time I checked, I was a: Girl
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 26
I crush on: Straight
I think I might like: ...
People say I’m: Kind, caring, loving, secretly sly and cunning
My occupation: I teach Dance Class and run the Arcade
Get to know more:
Ari's story is a sad one. When she was four, she was taken away from her mother by her father, who sold her to an extremely cruel master. When she was old enough to marry, the master was about to force her to marry him or at least be his pleasure neko, but she managed to get away. She lived in a sewer until she was eighteen, and that was when the academy took her under their wings. She knew that she owed the academy something, she chose to teach dance and work in teh arcade.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ dancing
❤ sports
❤ music
❤ laughter
χ tears
χ being considered weak
χ masters
χ dark places
All thanks to: Seraphim_Lie

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Greetings, my name is: Lucian Jay Hunter
Last time I checked, I was a: strappling young lad
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 22
I crush on: both I suppose
I think I might like: No one as of yet
People say I’m: charming and well spoken. I am very passionate and take everything seriously unless I'm out for a night on the town in which case I'm a total party animal (no pun intended). I can be very persuasive at times and tend to lead people on unintentionally. I'm very intelligent and will not tolerate dumb questions.
My occupation: I am the Art and Music teacher. I tend to switch between the both a lot but focus mainly on art as I also spin as a Dj at the night club on the Academy grounds.
Get to know more:
Lucian was plucked from a rather nasty household at the tender age of 13. He was constantly beaten and used for all types of work and well extra-curricular activities. At first when he first came to the Academy he was quite cold. He wouldn't talk to many people and if he did he was rude and sarcastic. Slowly though he grew out of it thanks to one girl. Her name was Honey Jasper and she showed him how to be kind. They are quite good friends now even though he is her teacher.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Techno, Trance, Industrial and Hardcore beats
❤ Dancing
❤ Drawing
❤ Nature
χ Manly men
χ Masculine girls
χ Too hot or cold temperatures
χ Uncarbonated beverages
All thanks to: TheMadHattersWonderland

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Greetings, my name is: Nikalous Guerin
Last time I checked, I was a: boy
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 24
I crush on: Bisexual
I think I might like: hm... that's an interesting question...
People say I’m: He is very childish and tends to do things that get him into trouble. Nick is witty and makes the occasional joke now and then. can be described as eccentric. He can act quite childish, but underneath that he is actually extremely intelligent even if it isn't apparent at first glance. He is very very very difficult to make angry or upset.
My occupation: English and Language Arts, but he also runs the sweets shop and sometimes doubles as a doctor for the hospital
Get to know more:
Nikalous ran away from home at the age of 10 and had been on his own most of the time except for the occasional slave master that captured him. He was always a little escape artist and managed to get free after less than a year of time with each master. Eventually, he found his way to the Academy at the age of 18 and he's been here ever since.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ children
❤ writing and reading
❤ sunny days
❤ sweets
χ rude/mean people
χ people being too serious
χ bland foods
χ his past
All thanks to: dragon-talk

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Greetings, my name is: Eiri Hyuga.
Last time I checked, I was a: Male.
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 21.
I crush on: Males.
I think I might like: (crush)
People say I’m: Soft spoken and often mistaken. I have a warm, sweet side but I hide it with a strict, hard outer shell.
My occupation: I teach History and I work as a waitor at a local club on school grounds.
Get to know more:
Eiri was once know in school as the 'Most likely to be a drop out'. Ony he never seemed to live up to it. People used to make fun of him because of his sexuality. Eventually as her got older people got over it and moved on. Eiri got a job at the academy when he was 20 and has been there for 1 year now.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Candy
❤ Teaching
❤ Soft things
❤ Kind students
χ Naughty Students
χ Spiders
χ Loud noises
χ Storms
All thanks to: Nikki_Nightmare1296

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Greetings, my name is: Emily Fujii
Last time I checked, I was a: Female
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 23 Years Old
I crush on: Males
I think I might like: None Yet
People say I’m: Shy, Easy to Get Embarrassed, Blushes Alot, Clumsy, Caring, Loving, Outgoing, Hard to Get Near, Laid-Back, A Harden Shell
My occupation: RA: French and Works as a Employee at the Sweets Shop.
Get to know more:
Emily been a quiet child all her life, She never complained due to her not speaking to her parents, and had no friends, always keeping her troubles to herself. Never talking about boys harassing her, because of her ears. One day, a day she'll never forget, her house burned down. She was 12 at that time, she survived by her parents throwing her outside a two-story window they couldn't save themselves in time. When Emily was throwned to the ground, she heard words from her parents, she never knew what they said. And she will never ever find out.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ Singing
❤ Candy, Sweets
❤ Reading
❤ Nature: Rain, Flowers, Scenery, ect.
χ Herself
χ Tears
χ Crowds
χ Food That's Taste-Less
All thanks to: I_LostLivedLoved

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Greetings, my name is: hunter ironstone
Last time I checked, I was a: man
Candles on my Birthday Cake: 27
I crush on: girls
I think I might like: Emily Fujii

People say I’m: kind, careing, protective, calm
My occupation: security officer
Get to know more:
Hunters child hood was very dark, his mother was trying to kill him when he was 5 and he ran into the forest were he was bitten by a bear. at first nothing really happened but when he hit puberty he became much stronger and bigger then a normal kid. he was a homless kid at age 15 and had fended for himself for many years. when he was 19 he saw a neko girl getting chased by a gang of guys when hunter steped in they attacked him and he lashed back with the claws of a bear, then he started to transform into a bear. after he saved the girl and the people from the acadamy came and got her they picked him up as well. Hunter was a quick learner and they found out he was very protective over his friends and the innocent, they trained him and got him to learn basic schooling then assigned him the security position to keep the peace and protect the innocent, but as of now no student knows his secret that he is a were bear. you sure can pick him out of a crowd thou, he stands 6'8 and is 310lbs of pure mussle.
Gimmie, gimmie!
❤ protecting people
❤ nature
❤ playing the guitar
❤ singing
χ death
χ tastless food
χ evil or mean people
χ very loud noises
All thanks to: hunter-the wanderer