Your Life in Carmine Academy! (Continued)

These are other places and settings in the academy. You can be in any of these places, or be in unlisted places, such as benches, or whatever..
(Just to let you know, you do not have to start your Character off at the Front Gate.)
((And yes, I am aware that some of these pictures aren’t anime D: The reason is because it is quite hard to find specific places in anime form. ))

This is what the Layout of the Academy looks like:
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When you are welcomed in after your wait at the Front Gate the first thing you come across is this building. This building serves as a sort of “Lobby”. It also holds all of the offices of the teachers.
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This would be a High School Branch Classroom:
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The Art Classroom:
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This would be what the Middle School Branch Classrooms look like:
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The Elementary Branch Classrooms look like the Middle School Branch’s. Only with smaller desks and chairs.

A basic Hallway (without lockers) would look like this:
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This would be the Library:
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This is the Lunchroom:
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This is what the sidewalks usually look like that lead from building to building.
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Basic Gym:
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Work out room:
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Tennis Court:
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Outdoor Track:
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The Auditorium:
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~~There are other places too. These next few places have nothing to do with requirements and schooling. In fact, they are in their own little separate area in the Academy. This area is called Small Ville. Small Ville is filled with shops, where you can buy many things using Carmine Coins. Carmine Coins are given to students for doing chores. It’s like an allowance. You can also win up to 10,000 C-Coins (C-Coins for short) in the Arcade’s Lotto.
Students are given 25 C-Coins a week.
Free days, or free time, can be spent in Small Ville, Shopping.
There are many more stores in Small Ville, like Clothing stores, Decorative Stores (For your room), and etc. The ones listed below are the more popular things in Small Ville.

A Hospital room; recovery; is NOT in Small Ville, it’s just listed here because it’s got nothing to do with schooling:
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The Nightclub:
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The Arcade:
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The coffee shop/café:
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The Movie Theatre:
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The Diner:
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The sweets shop:
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Ice cream Shop:
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The Indoor Pool Area; for those Nekos who have conquered their animal instinctive fear of water:
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Barber Shop; everyone needs a little trim, now and then:
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~~The next are some nature-y areas.

The Grand Garden:
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The North Forest:
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The Dead Woods; rumored to be where the Academy buries dead bodies.:
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The Dark Forest; usually foggy and creepy:
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The Mythical Great Grass Plains; No one knows how to get there, but it appears to be that there is some sort of “worm hole” deep within the Dark Forest, and when you get sucked into the worm hole, it’s like a portal. It takes you to the Great Grass Plains. The Great Grass Plains is told to be very peaceful and sunny. However, getting out of the Great Grass Plains seems to be the hard part.. (More of this Myth shall Unravel)
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