Cassandra Origima's Custom Jutsu:

Your Rank: Jounin
Name of Jutsu: Origami Imprisonment
Rank of Jutsu: A
Range of Jutsu: N/A
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This jutsu requires the Origami no Dara bloodline in order for the jutsu to be preformed. Using the ability to use paper, the user sends parts of himself/herself at his/her opponent, and the paper surrounds the victim like mummification. Depending on the distance between the victim and user allows the jutsu to be almost instantaneous, or very slow. If the victim is within 10 feet, the paper will engulf the victim in a short amount of time, if the victim is farther than 10 feet, then it will take longer for the paper to gather around the victim.

Your Rank: Jounin
Name of Jutsu: Origami Transportation
Rank of Jutsu: C
Range of Jutsu: N/A
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Description: The user uses their ability of the Origami no dara bloodline to disappear and transport themselves among the wind as a cloud of paper. The user slowly starts to move along the wind as pieces of paper, since the jutsu takes time to become effective, it leaves the user open for an attack.
Rp Sample Cassandra had a mission to go to the Sand Village to talk about the fact she killed one of their shinobi. She rather not attract attention to herself, so she preformed a couple of hand signs, and slowly, her right side of her body started to separate into pieces of paper. She caught the wind that was heading to the Wind country, and her body fully disappeared moments later.

Your Rank: Jounin
Name of Jutsu: Origami Impalement
Rank of Jutsu: A
Range of Jutsu: N/A
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This jutsu requires Origami Imprisonment to be in effect. As the user has a victim imprisoned in paper, the user can form a new hand sign, which will make some sections of the imprisoned body, which are mostly located above the organs, will rise, and form large paper needles, and impale the victim. Which will cause internal bleeding, and possibly death depending how long the jutsu is in effect. Once the jutsu is finished, the user must refill on a nearby tree in order to regain paper. The jutsu causes the in-use paper to become worthless.

Your Rank: Jounin
Name of Jutsu: Human Origami
Rank of Jutsu: A
Range of Jutsu: N/A
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Description: This jutsu requires Origami Imprisonment to be in effect and to have Stage 2 Origami no Dara. As the user has his/her victim imprisoned in Origami, the user can preform hand signs, and force the Origami surrounding the victim to bend and fold into any shape or animal, and the victim inside, will do the same. The results of this jutsu will either break almost all of the bones in the victim's body, or kill the victim by the force of the bending and shaping. The jutsu takes awhile to preform, which could be interrupted easily by anyone who attacks the user. The user must refill on paper, since the paper used becomes useless.

Your Rank: Jounin
Name of Jutsu: Animal Origami
Rank of Jutsu: B
Range of Jutsu: N/A
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Description: The user must have Stage 2 Origami no Dara. The user releases a puddle of pulp, that solidifies into a large sheet of paper. The user can then manipulate the large sheet of paper and form it into a large animal of the user's choosing. It can form into a Dragon, Whale, Dolphin, Phoenix, Snake, Frog, Dog, etc. The Origami Animals have more resistance to Fire, Water and Lightning like Stage 2 Origami no Dara. This justu doesn't require a lot of chakra, due to the fact that it requires a lot of pulp from the body of the user.

Your Rank: Jounin
Name of Jutsu: Origami Torture
Rank of Jutsu: A
Range of Jutsu: N/A
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Description: The user can do this at anytime he/she wants, but the victim must be restrained so this jutsu actually works. The user makes a small sized paper needle, which is as strong as steel. The user impales the victim with the small paper needle so it can go inside the victim. From there, the user can manipulate the size of the needle into any shape to make the victim talk. This is used for very slow and painful deaths, or for interrogations.

Your Rank: Jounin
Name of Jutsu: Medical Slip
Rank of Jutsu: C
Range of Jutsu: N/A
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu,
Description: The user must have Stage 2 of the Origami no Dara bloodline. The user merely rips a sheet of paper from his/her body, and places it over the cut, stab, slice, etc. This mainly serves as a bandage, but if you don't have one or have the items to create one, then the user will end up resorting to this action.
Rp Sample
Cassandra was running through the forest of the Hidden Leaf Village as a bloody skirmish appeared out of no where. She had her medical supplies with her and constantly found someone bleeding on the ground. After a while, she bandaged most of the wounded, but she was running out of bandages. She came across another injured ninja. She preformed a hand sign and her hands glowed with chakra. She cleaned the wound and reached into her bandage bag and realized that she didn't have anymore. "Damn." She said as she thought for a moment. She suddenly ripped a sheet of paper from her arm and placed it over the wound. The sheet of paper suddenly stuck to the wound just like a bandage. She left to go look for more wounded ninjas as she knew that a war was bound to erupt.

Your Rank: Jounin
Name of Jutsu: Pulp Filling
Rank of Jutsu: B
Range of Jutsu: N/A
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Description:The user must have Stage 2 of Origami no Dara bloodline. When the user is low on chakra or doesn't have the equipment, but must help a wounded ninja will a deep wound, the user must resort to this action. The user will leak pulp from his/her body to fill in a deep wound to stop the bleeding. This weakens the user, but it keeps the wounded shinobi from dying of blood loss.
Rp SampleCassandra was right about a war. Soon there were hundreds of wounded and dead shinobi from both sides. She exhausted all of her medical supplies and most of her chakra. She ran across a young shinobi, who was dying from a deep wound. She placed her hand on the wound and suddenly leaked pulp into the wound and sealed it. She removed her hand and released the blood soaked paper since it wasn't good anymore. She placed her hand on a tree and absorbed more pulp and paper, and suddenly disappeared into the forest of dying shinobi.