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No Name(End of Chapter Five's here!)

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PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:06 pm
This is a novel I've been workin' on for a while now but it needs some work. I really need to figure out a name for it so if you have any ideas please post them. I'd very much appreciate any ideas and/or crutique(sorry I spelt that wrong.).

Dear Journal,

I proposed a plan to the rest of the writers, I said it was time we found out what was so different between one of us and a popular, a jock, a goth and to do this we would each go into a group for three weeks time(I was to go to the populars). That’s how this whole thing got started. Me. It all started because of me; but who would have thought it would end up the way it did? Who would have thought I could go from invisible to the total opposite in a such a small amount of time? All it took was three weeks. Three short weeks changed my life forever.
-Adrian Allious.

I nodded to the other writers then walked through the front doors of school, feeling slightly self conscience in my shorts that barely met dress code, a t-shirt that’s neck line is lower than I’m use to, and makeup I never wear covering my face. I’d just walked past a few guys talking in the hall when I tripped and fell, my books scattering all around me but instead of the laughing I usually hear one of the guys I’d just past come forward and helped me.
“Are you ok?” A guy with intense emerald green eyes, copper colored hair, bronze skin, and a muscular build asked, helping me to my feet and picking up my books.
“Yah, thanks,” I said, surprised when I realized it was Andrew Stephenson, the most popular guy in school and the bad boy, who had helped me.
“No problem,” He said, smiling at me then asking, “What class do you have first period?”
“Anderson,” I answered, tucking some hair behind my right ear and smiling back.
“Cool, I’ll walk with you,” He said and started walking, still carrying my books.
We walked, side by side, all the way to Mrs. Anderson’s class where I immediately started walking to my seat, which ironically was right behind his.
“Wow, I can’t believe I never noticed you sat right behind me this whole time,” He paused, running his hand through his hair then setting my books down and asking, “Do I have any other classes with you?”
“No, I don’t think so,” I said, sitting down right as the bell rang.
I tried to pay attention as Mrs. Anderson droned on and on about literary devises
and proper grammar but I just couldn’t for some odd reason. I started doodling mindlessly
on my paper and was startled when a folded piece of paper landed in front of me. I
Unfolded the paper careful not to draw any attention and read:
Will you sit with me at lunch? -Andrew. I quickly wrote yes, thinking Damn that was faster than I expected then refolded the paper and threw it over his shoulder and onto the paper in front of him.
The rest of English and all of Trig, Social Studies, and P.E. passed quickly and Andrew was waiting for me as I walked into the cafeteria.
“Hey,” he said, smiling widely at me as he pulled a chair back for me.
“Hey,” I replied, smiling back and sitting down.
“This is Jace, Alex, Devan, Mackie, Melanie, and Micki,” He told me, pointing to each of the people at his table as he said their name and sat down next to me.
“Hi, I‘m Adrian,” I said, smiling at them.
“H-h-hi,” The guys called Jace and Devan stuttered in unison.
“Hey,” The guy called Alex said smoothly, smiling back sweetly and I resisted the urge to sock him.
“Hello,” The bitches in my history class, and of course cheerleaders, Mackie, Micki, and Melanie chirped together as if they’d practiced it.
“How is it none of us have ever seen you around school before?” Alex asked, looking at me like I was a piece of meat.
“I have no clue,” I lied, knowing that none of them had noticed me because I normally didn’t wear these clothes.
“S-s-so are you going to the f-football game after school t-today?” Devan stuttered.
“No, I don’t really care for watching football,” I answered, giving him a half smile.
“You mean you like to play,” Mackie scoffed and the other girls giggled.
“No, but it‘s funner than cart wheeling around the field in short skirts to show school spirit,” I said, smirking and the three girls glared at me.
“Then what do you like to do?” Andrew asked, eyes laughing and smiling widely.
“Softball, basket ball, gymnastics, play guitar, and draw,” I replied almost truthfully, leaving out that I like to read and write so they wouldn‘t think I was a total looser.
“Isn’t gymnastics exactly like cheerleading?” Mackie sneered.
“No, gymnastics is a serious competitive sport when cheerleading is all pompoms and short skirts,” I answered, smiling when I heard the guys go into coughing fits.
“Would you consider going to the football game?” Alex asked smoothly, not looking at my face but at my chest.
“Considering you’ve been looking at me as if I were a piece of meat this whole time and your talking to my chest, not my face, no I wouldn’t consider going to the game,” I said, without thinking. Dammit! Think, Adrian, think!
“Damn, she pegged you man,” Andrew laughed, placing his hand on my knee.
“She sure did,” Jace said smiling at me.
“Your girls got some guts,” Alex said approvingly, still looking at me with his beady little snake eyes.
“I ain’t his girl and I have a name,” I said, gently removing Andrew’s hand. Please I can’t believe you just tried that., I thought resisting the urge to rolled my eyes at Andrew.
“She’s got some spark to. I like that, and since you aren’t Andrew‘s girl, you don’t mind me doing this,” He said, slipping his hand onto my thigh and starting to move upward.
“As a matter of fact I do mind,” I replied, removing his hand none to gently. Jackass! I can not believe you just did that!, I thought resisting the urge to sock him right then and there.
“I suggest you don’t do that again,” Andrew growled and I looked at him surprised, Why would he care what his friends did to me? They do it to every other girl in the school.
“I’ve lost my appetite,” I said, getting up, throwing my food away, and starting to walk toward the exit door.
“Come on baby, don’t be like that,” Alex said right as Andrew said, “Wait up, Adrian.”
“Don’t called me baby,” I snapped without thinking. Idiot! I can’t believe you just did that again!
“You always make the good ones leave,” I heard Jace say.
“Yah, I liked her,” I heard Devan agree as Andrew caught up with me and we started walking again.
“Don’t listen to Alex, he’s a complete dush,” Andrew said, opening the library door for me. At least he realizes it too.
“How’d you know I was going to come here?” I asked, walking in and sitting down at a table in the back.
“I didn’t, I just like to come to the library when I’m sick of them,” He answered as he took out a note book.
“You like to write too?” I asked, shocked as I took out my note book as well.
“Yah, you like to write?” He asked, equally shocked.
“Yah, it’s one of my favorite things to do,” I said, smiling at him.
“It’s one of mine too,” He said, smiling back.
We talked for the rest of lunch and I was late to Biology but I didn’t really care. The rest of the school day past quickly and as I walked to my locker I was surprised to see Andrew there waiting for me.
“Hey, you want a ride home?” He asked, smiling when he saw me.
“Hey and yah that‘d be great,” I replied, smiling back as I opened my locker. Why was I so happy to see him?
“How was your day?” He asked, grabbing my back pack and holding it open as I put my books in.
“Boring as hell,” I answered, closing my locker door then leaning against the lockers.
“Want to make it less boring?” He asked, slinging my backpack over his shoulder then putting his hands on either side of me, trapping me between him and the lockers.
“And how exactly would you do that?” I asked, breathlessly. No! What are you doing!? Your not suppose to like him, Adrian, your on a mission! I thought to myself but every molecule in my body screamed for him, I wanted so badly to kiss him and wished he’d shut up and do it already.
“Like this,” He said, kissing my neck then saying, “And this,” then kissed me.
No! Abort, abort, abort! Your in way to deep, get out while you still can! I kept thinking but my lips seemed to have a mind of their own and the rest of my body followed their lead. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he pulled me closer, kissing me more intensely.
“I have to get home before my parents start to freak,” I said, breaking away.
“Do you have to?” He pouted.
“I have to at least check in with them,” I told him, smiling. What!? No!, the part of my mind that was still sane thought.
“Then we can do something fun?” He asked, smiling back.
“Well I don’t know if it’ll be funner than this,” I said, kissing him again right as the second wave bell rang. No! No! No! Stop!, a little voice in the back of my head screamed but the rest of me ignored it.
“Whenever I’m with you I have fun,” He told me and I rolled my eyes.
“Let’s get going,” I said, twisting out of his arms and grabbing his hand.
“So what do you want to do tonight?” He asked, following me as I started walking.
“We could catch a movie then go for a swim,” I suggested. No! You can’t go out alone with him! You won’t be able to resist him! Idiot! The sane part of my head was really starting to annoy me.
“That sounds like fun,” He said, opening the door for me.
“Thank you,” I said, walking through the door.
“Your very welcome,” He replied, following me.
Dear Journal,
Barely anybody noticed it was me under these idiotic clothes, I guess it pays to only hang out with the writers when your doing something like this, but it’s still me and I’m still my clumsy self so naturally I fell and my books scattered all over the floor. But this time guess who helped me up? Andrew. Andrew Stephenson, the bad boy but he showed me a side of him today that I’ve never seen before, he showed me the sweet guy who loves to read and write that was hidden behind the rough exterior. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I let him kiss me and I kissed him back then went to a movie and later a swim with him, ALONE! I know I’m a complete idiot but with everything here and the stress with the writers and school I just gave in but not tomorrow. Tomorrow I’ll be stronger. Tomorrow. How am I going to stand this?
-Adrian Allious

“Adrian! Where the hell do you think your going?!” My father bellowed coming into the room and yanking me roughly off the chair just moments after I finished putting my high tops on.
“I’m going to school,” I said quietly, trying to yank my arm free but he only held on tighter and I tried not to cry out in pain.
“Your not going anywhere until I say you can. Where were you last night?” He growled and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“I was out,” I said just as quietly as before and his fist connect with my face.
“You know what I mean, answer me b***h!” He screamed in my face.
“Andrew,” I gasped as his fist connected with my stomach, I could already feel my face starting to swell.
“Who the hell is-?” His question was interrupted by the door bell and he loosened his grip. I yanked away and ran to the door.
“Hey, I was wondering-?” Andrew stopped mid sentence and asked, “Adrian what happened?” and I noticed tears were running down my cheeks.
“Nothing, let’s just get out of here,” I said, wiping away the tears and wincing when my hand brushed the spot where my face was now swollen.
“Adrian, what’s going on?” He asked, grabbing my wrist when I tried to pass and seeing the bruises that were starting to form there.
“It’s nothing I swear,” I lied, trying to hide the side of my face my father had hit.
“It’s not nothing Adrian, your face is swollen, you have bruises on your wrists, and I’m pretty sure your going to have a black eye in a few minutes,” He said pulling me to his chest and rubbing my back when I began to sob.
“Adrian! Get the hell back in this house we were not done speaking!” My father said, coming up and yanking me roughly away from Andrew by my hair and nearly making me cry out in pain.
“Adrian!” Andrew exclaimed, starting to come toward me.
“I’ll be fine, I just probably won’t be in school the next few days is all,” I whispered, following my father.
“Adrian please,” He begged.
“Trust me,” I said, tears running down my cheeks like waterfalls.
“Go up stairs to your room and don’t come down until I tell you to,” My father growled after he’d punched me until my lip split and I felt like I was going to barf.
I slammed my door behind me and locked it then grabbed my school backpack and a small suit case, filling it with clothes, my note books, a few books, my softball mitt and my laptop. I dropped my suit case and my backpack out the window and into the bush bellow, knowing my father wouldn’t hear then grabbed all of the money I’d had in a shoe box under my bed and shoved in my wallet, thankful it was all one hundred dollar bills because there had to be at least three thousand dollars there. I put the wallet in my back pocket then grabbed the cell phone I’d boughten myself and calling Megan, knowing she’d lie to the teacher and get them to let her answer.
“Adrian? What’s wrong? Where are you?” She answered, sounding concerned after three rings.
“I’m at home and I’ll fill you in more later but is it ok if I stay at your house for a while?” I asked.
“Of course you can, the key’s under the lawn gnome we painted in third grade and after you take your stuff there please come to school, Kaitlin and the rest of the writers are worried, they all came up to me while I was trying to fit in with the Goths and it totally made them suspicious,” She said, still sounding worried.
“I love you Meg! See you soon,” I said then hung up and put the phone in one of my front pockets and jumped out the window, catching myself on a branch of the tree by my window then flipping effortlessly down all of the branches like they were bars for gymnastics instead of rough branches.
After I dropped my suit case off at Megan’s house I shoved one of her sweat shirts over my head, pulled the hood up to hide my face then sprinted all the way to school and made it just in time for my only class with Megan, Social Studies.
Keeping my face down I handed Mr. Havens my tardy slip then took my seat next to Megan. Mr. Havens, like all of my teachers, didn’t care that I had my hood up and asked no questions. The moment I sat down a note landed on my desk: What happened?-Meg.
I wrote: Andrew came over to pick me up this morning but he saw my father and I and after he left I just finally figured out that I have people who love me and don’t want to see me this way. I’ve been waiting for my mom to come and save me but now I know she’s not coming back and I need to save myself, not only for me but for my friends too.

The paper landed on my desk again: So he knows?-Meg. I wrote yes and gave it to her right as the bell rang. I told Mr. Walker, my P.E. teacher, that I wasn’t feeling well and he let me sit out, trusting me like all my teachers.
“Adrian?” His voice came from behind me as I walked out of the girls locker room.
“Andrew?” I asked spinning around and slamming into him.
“Are you ok?” He asked, catching me before I could fall.
“I will be,” I answered when my hood fell, revealing my face.
“Did he do this to you?” He whispered, running his fingers along my split lip, swollen jaw, and black eye. I looked down, pulling my hood back up and he changed the subject, asking instead, “Are you going to sit with me today?”
“Sure, if you want,” I said, smiling slightly.
He smiled back and grabbed my hand as we walked to the cafeteria.
“Why, look who’s back,” Alex said as we came up to the table.
“Oh joy, Adrian’s back,” Mackie muttered and Micki giggled but Melanie actually smiled shyly at me.
“Hey Adrian,” Jace and Devan said, smiling widely at me.
“Hey babe,” Alex said smoothly and when Jace, Devan, Andrew, and even Melanie glared at him I smiled.
“Hey guys,” I said softly, sitting in between Jace and Andrew.
The next thing I knew the bell rang and I was walking to my next class and before I knew it I was walking out the door with Megan to go to her house.
“Kaitlin and Conner are coming over to see how you are,” Megan told me as I got into her car.
“How are we going to explain this to the rest of the writer’s. You three are my best friends, I‘ve known Conner since kindergarten and you and Kaitlin since second grade so you know but the rest of them don‘t. I don’t know how I’m going to cover it this time, he hurt me pretty bad,” I said, taking down my hood for the first time in her presence so she could see.
“Oh my,” She murmured, taking her eyes off the road for a moment as she looked at my face.
“I think I’ve got some bruised ribs too,” I said softly.
“Why’d you let it go on for so long?” She asked quietly.
“Because part of me thought that he would change and the other part of me was waiting for my mother to come and save me like she use to,” I said just as quietly.
“I’m sorry, I know it’s been hard for you since your mom left but you’ll always have Conner, Kaitlin, and I. The four original writers and best friend for life,” She said and I smiled as she pulled up to her house.
When Kaitlin and Conner came in a few minutes later they were still wearing their under cover clothes like Megan and I. My long copper hair was no a tangled mess of curls and I was wearing the stupid make up I still wasn’t use to, shorts, high-tops(of course), and I’d taken off Megan’s sweatshirt so my purple low-neck tank top was visible now, Megan was wearing black make up, a long sleeve black v-neck sweater, black skinny jeans, and black ballet flats which only made her ivory skin, auburn hair and piercing green eyes stand out even more, Kaitlin had her curly black hair pulled back into a ponytail and was wearing a white t-shirt(which really made her beautiful brown skin stand out), navy blue basketball shorts, and sneakers, and Conner’s wavy black hair was charmingly messy and he was wearing slightly baggy dark jeans, motorcycle boots, a worn out red t-shirt, and a black leather jacket(so he pretty much looked the same as always but his jeans were darker and he was wearing a leather coat).
“I’m so sorry. Are you ok?” Kaitlin asked, hugging me.
“I will be,” I replied, hugging her back then letting go I saw Conner open his arms silently and I went to him hugging him silently, out of the three of them Conner knew me best and he knew all I needed was someone to lean on and not someone to feel sorry for me.
“How’s the project going for you guys?” I asked a few minutes later.
“Great, the jocks love me because I can dunk a basketball and make three-pointers easily,” Kaitlin said, smiling proudly.
“Fantastic, the bad boys think I’m awesome because I drive my motorcycle to school now and I seem like I’m exactly like them,” Conner said, smiling smugly.
“Alright I guess, the goths don’t really trust me now though because everyone was coming up to me today. How’s it going with you?” Megan asked me.
“Pretty good, the guys excepted me right away but Mackie hates me because I refused to be one of her minions and Micki follows her lead but Melanie seems like she’s trying to make up her own mind for once. Alex only likes me though because he wants to get in my pants but Jace and Devan are really sweet. Andrew though, he’s complicated.
He’s got this rough exterior but on the inside he’s sweet, kind, caring, and get this he loves to write!” I told them and they all nearly choked in disbelief.
“Get out!” Kaitlin and Megan said in unison.
“It’s true,” I said, smiling at them.
“Wait. How did you get to know all this in such a short period of time?” Conner asked.
“Well, we didn’t exactly just hang out during lunch and first period. We drove to a movie and then later a swim after school yesterday,” I told them truthfully.
“You what?!” All three of them exclaimed in unison this time.
Dear Journal,
I finally got the courage today. I realized that my father wasn’t going to change, that my mother wasn’t going to save me this time(I don’t think she’ll ever come home anymore), and that it was time I saved myself so I ran away. Andrew now knows what my father does to me because he came over when my father was in the middle of beating me and now Kaitlin, Conner, and Meg know that Andrew and I went out last night. I’m not sure what they think and I’m worried about what Conner in particular thinks but we’ll see what happens tomorrow.
-Adrian Allious

That night my dream wasn’t a dream. It was a nightmare I’d had many times but this time there was someone there to save me. My father was beating me worst than he ever had before, nearly killing me but before it could get that far Andrew and Conner appeared out of no where and saved me. Once my father was out of the picture both Conner and Andrew came up to me, watching me silently.
“Who will it be?” Megan’s familiar voice came from behind me and I spun around, only to see her and Kaitlin coming toward me.
“Conner or Andrew? You can’t have both,” Kaitlin said.
“Who will it be?” Their voices came from all directions, echoing slightly but no one was there. They had all disappeared. I was alone in black nothingness. I screamed their names but no one answered.
I snapped awake in a cold sweat and looked around the room. Remembering the events from the previous day I started to cry.
“Adrian?” I heard Conner’s voice come from next to me and I remembered that Kaitlin and Conner had stayed the night as well.
“Conner,” I whispered, tears streaming faster down my cheeks.
“Shh. Your ok,” He whispered, pulling me to him. I buried my face in his chest and let my tears fall on his bare skin as he rubbed my back soothingly.
“I’m sorry,” I said quietly once I’d finished.
“It’s ok, do you want to talk about it?” He asked, still rubbing my back as I layed my head on his chest.
“It’s the same dream I always have except this time someone, actually, two someones were there to same me,” I said quietly, knowing he would know what dream I was talking about.
“It was Andrew and I who saved you wasn’t it?” He murmured and I nodded.
“Adrian. Conner,” Megan grumbled, rolling over so she could throw a pillow at us then continuing, “Go back to sleep, it‘s Saturday morning.”
Conner chuckled softly, causing me to giggle which, in return, earned us another hit from Megan’s pillow. We laughed louder, smiling widely at each other.
“Will you guys shut up,” Kaitlin groaned, putting her pillow over her head.
I looked over at Conner and we both got up, grabbing fresh sets of clothes from our bags. I changed out of my boxers and tank top and into jeans and a low neck t-shirt as Conner changed into a pair of jeans and slipped on a t-shirt. Conner grabbed his jacket as we walked down stairs and I checked my reflection in a mirror as we walked past it, sad to see that my black eye hadn’t improved but glad that my split lip was doing better and the swelling in my face was barely visible.
“Coffee at the corner diner?” Conner asked, putting on his boots then running his fingers through his hair.
“Of course,” I replied, quickly pulling my hair back into a ponytail then shoving my feet into my high tops.
He opened the door for me and I walked over to his bike, grabbing the spare helmet and tugging it over my head. Pulling on his helmet, he strattle the bike and I hopped on behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“The usual,” Beth, our favorite waitress, called from behind the counter the second we walked in.
“Yah, thanks Beth,” We called back in unison. We took our usual huge, booth by the window and waited for our drinks.
We’d been chatting for a few hours when Devan, Jace, Andrew, Alex, Micki, Mackie, and Melanie and walked in.
“Dammit,” I cursed under my breath and Conner turned, his nose scrunching up when he saw them.
“Adrian!” Andrew exclaimed, his face lighting up the moment he saw me.
“Hey Andrew,” I said smiling at him.
“Hi Adrian,” Jace, Melanie, and Devan said in unison, Melanie a little quieter than the other two since Mackie and Micki were glaring at her.
“Hey babe,” Alex said and my grip tightened around my cup as I ground my teeth together. I saw both Conner and Andrew’s jaws tighten and fists ball up. Jace, Devan, and Melanie just glared at him.
“Hi Melanie, Devan, Jace. Hello, Alex,” I said, trying to be polite to Alex even though he was pissing me off.
“You mind if we sit with you?” Andrew asked, starting to come toward us.
“Nope. Conner?” I asked, moving to the other side of the table so I could sit next to him.
“Fine by me,” Conner replied but I could here the hint of anger in his voice.
“So what’re you guys doing?” Andrew asked, sliding in beside me.
“Having coffee, like every Saturday morning. You?” I asked as Jace and Devan slid in next to Andrew, Melanie slid into the spot across from me, Alex took the spot next to her, and Mackie and Micki came last.
“Just grabbing a bite to eat then going to the beach. Do you want to join us?” He asked trying slipping his hand onto my knee.
“I’m sorry but I’m hanging out with Conner today,” I told him gently removing his hand.
“Conner could come too,” He said but I REALLY didn’t think that was a good idea.
“You guys ready to order?” Beth asked, saving me. Mackie, Micki, and Melanie all order salads with dressing on the side, Alex ordered chicken strips, and Andrew, Jace, and Devan all ordered burgers. When it was finally my turn I automatically answered for both Conner and I; I said, “Conner and I’ll have a veggie burger with carrots instead of french fries.” Idiot! I can not believe you just did that! Think Adrian, think! I thought after I’d said it.
“So is Conner your brother or something?” Andrew asked, an under current of some emotion in his voice. I couldn’t tell what it was but it seemed to be anger.
“Nope, he’s one of my best friends though,” I said.
“Oh,” Andrew said and I smiled at him.
We talked for about twenty minutes before I saw Conner was getting uncomfortable.
“Sorry guys but Conner and I gotta go,” I told them and Andrew, Jace, and Devan willingly got up as Conner and I slid out. Andrew caught my arm when Conner and I started walking; I handed Conner my money and he walked to the counter to pay for our food. I turned toward Andrew and he pulled me to him. I hugged him back then smiled at him and went outside. As I hopped on the back of Conner’s motorcycle I saw all of them watching us, eyes bugging out of their sockets.
Conner drove back to Megan’s house and we watched movies the rest of the day. Conner and Kaitlin both stayed at Megan’s again.
Dear Journal,
I had the dream last night except this time Conner and Andrew saved me. When I woke up Conner was there for me; he held me while I cried but these feelings I feel are odd. I guess they have always been there, I just never noticed them. I don‘t know who I like more, Andrew or Conner. I‘m nervous for what tomorrow will bring.
-Adrian Allious

“So what movie are we going to see?” I asked as I sat upside-down on the couch next to Conner.
“I was thinking we could go to the drive-in, their playing Dear John, The Last Song, and The Fast and The Furious,” Megan said as she sketched of picture of who knew what.
“That’s sounds like a good idea,” Kaitlin mumbled, playing mindlessly with the bracelet on her wrist.
“Fine by me,” Conner said and I knew he wasn’t paying attention because he’d never have said yes to those movies if he was.
“Sounds like a plan. We should probably get going though if we want to make it in time if we‘re picking up Elliot and Sammi,” I said, putting my hands on the ground and flipping to my feet. Wincing I regretted standing up the way I had; pain shot through my rib cage like it had when I’d first sat upside-down on the couch.
“You ok?” Conner asked, standing up and coming to my side when he saw my face.
“Yah, I’m fine,” I lied. He raised his eye brows but said nothing.
“So we’re taking your car right?” I asked Megan.
“Yah, mines got the most room,” She replied, getting up and slipping into her ballet flats while the rest of us jammed on our shoes.
“So what’s our excuse if they ask what happened?” I asked as we got into her car.
“Think they’ll believe you fell down again,” Conner asked.
“Yah, since I’ve really only came to school like this what four times in the last three years and I‘m really clumsy,” I said, You usually don‘t come to school like this, I thought and Conner lightly brushed my arm, he knew what I was thinking like always.
“Then that’s the excuse,” He said, smiling confidently at me.
I smiled back as we pulled into Elliot’s driveway and Sammi ran out, nearly dragging Elliot behind her.
“Hey!” Sammi exclaimed, throwing her arms around me as I scooted down so both her and Elliot could fit in the back.
“Hi,” I said, hugging her back and trying not to wince when pain flared through my rib cage.
“What happened?” She asked, seeing my black eye and split lip.
“I fell down the stairs,” I lied easily.
“Oh my, are you ok?” The concern was clear in both her shocking blue and Elliot’s piercing grey eyes.
“Yah, I’m fit as a fiddle,” I said, causing everyone in the car to laugh.
“So how’s the project been goin’ for you guys?” I asked, changing the subject.
“Great! The cheerleaders love me, well Mackie, Micki, and Melanie did until I chose not to join their group. They actually almost got me kicked off the team but a few of the really nice cheerleaders convinced them to let me stay. I bet they’d love having you on the team though if they love me since you’re ten times better of a gymnast than me,” Sammi said, adjusting her skirt and Elliot’s jersey then checking her springy blonde curls.
“And the football team has already excepted me. They love how I can throw the football fifty yards easily and the fact that I could probably out run or take down any one on any of the teams. They also like that I have a cheerleader for a girlfriend. That was a really good idea to put Sammi with the cheerleaders and me with the football players just so the to of us could still be together publicly,” Elliot said, running his fingers through his dirty blonde hair as he smiled at me.
“Thanks,” I said, smiling back at him as I looked at his outfit for the first time. He was wearing wrinkled jeans and letterman jacket with worn out DCs.
“So what movies are we seeing?” He asked.
“Dear John, The Last Song, and The Fast and the Furious,” I replied and Kaitlin, Sammi, Megan, and I laughed again when he and Conner moaned “Seriously!” in unison.
Megan expertly backed into a parking spot at the drive-in then opened up the back and rearranged the blankets and pillows while Conner and I started unpacking the snacks. We all climbed into the back, me sitting between Meagan and Conner(all three of us sharing a blanket), as the movie started. Conner wrapped his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder.
Dear journal,
Today went pretty good. Conner and Kaitlin stayed over again last night and tonight we all went to see Dear John, The Last Song, and The Fast and the Furious with Sammi and Elliot. They totally believed that I fell down the stairs(that’s what the excuse is this time) and when I asked them about how their parts of the project were going it sounded like they were doing great. I have to admit I had a good time tonight. Maybe the future won’t be so bad after all…
-Adrian Allious
PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:32 am
“Adrian!” Andrew’s voice came from behind me as I walked across toward the school, backpack slung over my right shoulder.
“Hey,” I said, smiling when he hugged me tightly.
“How was your weekend?” He let go off me and grabbed my hands, intertwining his fingers with mine.
“Great. Yours?” I asked, smiling at him as we started walking toward the school.
“Could’ve been better,” he replied, smiling back.
“How?” I asked, pretty sure I knew what his answer would be.
“If you had been there.” He stared intently at me.
“How did I know you were gonna say that?” I rolled my eyes, laughing slightly.
“But it’s true,” he said, seriously.
“Really?” I asked, still cautious.
“Yah,” he murmured, pulling me toward him then kissing me.
I kissed him back but this time the little voice in my head only said one thing: Conner.
“We gotta get to class,” I whispered, pulling away then twisting out of his arm, grabbing his hand, and pulling him toward Mrs. Anderson’s classroom.
“You’re still gonna sit with me at lunch aren’t you?” he asked as we walked into the classroom.
“As long as you want me to,” I replied, smiling at him.
“I’ll always want you to, no matter what Mackie and her minions think or what Alex does.” He smiled at me and I smiled back.
“I don’t think Melanie’s completely under Mackie’s control, she seems to have a mind of her own,” I told him, feeling like I should stand up for her.



PostPosted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:57 am
(Chapter Five Continued)“I remember when we were younger, before Mackie moved to town she and I used to be best friends. That was a long time ago though and she’s a different person now so don’t be fooled by whatever crap she’s pulling now; don’t get pulled into their drama.” He stared at me intently.
“You should know by now that that could never happen,” I told him, staring back as I took my seat.
“Good. I don’t think I could stand you turning into one of them,” he said, smiling at me then sitting on top of his desk, still facing me.
“I thought you liked girls like that?” I raised my eyebrows, a habit I really wished I could quit.
“No; I like girls like you,” he told me and the smile I gave him was a little strained since all I could think about was Conner. The bell saved me from saying anything
I felt my phone vibrate and immediately looked at it. Conner had texted me. Wanna ditch the rest of today? We could drive to the pier.
I wanted to but I knew that rumors would fly here. Well more than they already were since someone(No doubt Mackie or one of her minions.) had apparently told everyone I was cheating on Andrew with Conner(That’s what I get from all the whispers around me at least.) even though Andrew and I weren’t even dating. No. I’m getting sucked into the drama even though I promised Andrew I wouldn’t. Wait, I can’t believe this. I’m turning into one of them. The old me wouldn’t have blamed anyone for rumors or drama, she would have just shaken off any rumors and keep herself out of the drama. I needed to get away from here for a while so I texted Conner back. Yah. Meet you by your bike when the bell rings?
He texted back a few moments later. Alrighty. My bike’s in the shadows near the exit. See you in a few.(o:
See you. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and scooped up my stuff as the bell rang.
“Where ya goin’?” Andrew asked as I walked toward one of the school’s exits.
“I’m gettin’ out of here for a while. Conner and I are gonna head to the pier for the day,” I said, grabbing the door handle.
“Why?” he asked, sounding a little mad as he grabbed my arm and spun me around. Something about his tone ticked me off. Why the hell was he mad?
“Why what?” I glared at him.
“Why are you choosing to go with him instead of staying here with me?” He glared back.
“Because I can,” I replied, ripping my arm from his grasp and running out the door toward Conner’s bike.
“What’s wrong?” Conner asked the moment I got to his bike. My face must have given away something.
“It’s nothing,” I said the moment footsteps started coming from behind me.
“Adrian! Adrian, please! I’m sorry!” Andrew’s voice came from behind me but I took my helmet from Conner’s hand and shoved it on my head as Conner started his bike.
“Hurry, please,” I whispered in his ear as I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. He nodded and took off, leaving Andrew and everything else behind us.
Dear Journal,
Today started out ok but things took a bad turn during first period. I realized that I was actually turning into one of them. I didn’t want to believe it but it was true; I cared more about what other people thought of me than what I thought of myself. I took people’s comments to heart and when I heard the rumors about Conner and I it made me wish I could just crawl into a hole. Then after that Andrew got mad when I decided to ditch with Conner and I saw a side of him that I really don’t care for, in fact, I hate it. There’s a lot more to him than I thought and I’m not sure I like the part of him I saw today so how much more of him is like that? I need to know and I will find out but for now I just need to stick with the plan. The rest of the day thought was fine; Conner and I hung out by the pier and looked at all the little shops and then Kaitlin crashed at Megan‘s because her parents decided to take an unexpected second honeymoon and she didn‘t want to be home alone. But I had a good time Conner and I realized there are a lot of things I love about him. Who knew I’d start falling for the guy I’ve know most of my life, my best friend?
-Adrian Allious
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:28 pm
Alrighty, so I probally won't be posting here for a really long time and when I do it will probally be to tell you to check out the rewritten one. But for right now check out "Color?" my new novel. I posted the first chapter on here and I probally won't post anymore but I'll leave the link to my booksie so y'all can read the rest! Thanks!


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