Guild Rules

Absolutely No Cybering
No Spamming
Everyone (No Matter What Rank) Must Respect All Members
And Absolutely No Insulting Others RP Abilities of Other Members, if your motives are impure
No Ignoring Other members posts.
Disrespecting the Guild leaders will earn you one warning

Each member has to abide by the rule of being able to post at least one full paragraph per post. 1 or 2 poorly written sentences are inexcusable.
If you fail to do so, one warning will be administered. If this warning does not improve your post length the guild leaders have full permission from me in deleting your character and asking you to leave.

Any serious complaints are to be taken up with me the guild leader.

Literacy Rule
Literacy is key in a good RP guild
Proper grammar and structured sentences are a must if you are to RP here.
If you are constantly posting with many spelling errors and bad structure, you will have one warning.

Guild Leaders
Vice captains and Crew members
If worst comes to worst and if you wish the removal of a certain member, I ask you to notify me through PM so I know the scenario properly!~

Thank you for reading the rules and Guidelines, I hope you take these into full consideration!
Have fun