Name of weapon: Kichiro
Your Rank: Genin
Who owns the weapon: Kai Muruno
Where it was found/Who made it: Kai grandfather made Kichiro for Kai. He spend two whole years making this weapon for his future granddaughter, but gave it to Kai anyway when he was born. "A disappointment" was what he said when he handed it to Kai on his first birthday.
Users Class: Assassin
The Range of the weapon: 42 in
Weakness: Very fragile like Kai but still strong enough to take several solid blow (Five) before it start breaking apart.
Description: Kichiro
A thin white katana that can easily cut through flesh and pierced armor. Its thin blade can easily go for the opening of a full suit armor or between the ribs, aiming for the heart. The tip of the blade is coated in poison that can paralyze with just a touch. The poison effect will last for 4 or 5 post, depend on the rank of the ninja (Jounin above is 4, below is 5).
Also, the tip of the blade have small opening that can be used to inject poison into the body once the blade are inside the body. The poison cause excrutionary pain and hallucination. The pain come first and lasted for 2 post, then will faded away. The hallucination came later and also last for 2 post. It will cause the ninja to see multiple enemy. It can also make the ninja see attack that aren't actually happening or not see the attack that are happening, or see the attack but not at the right place or time. The poison are released when the holder twisted the handle, sending the poison out from a small hollow space inside the handle.
The end of the handle also contain a poison gas that caused hallucination and a slight effect of body paralyze for a short amount of time. The hallucination are like the poison inside the handle but are not as effective and last half the time. The paralyze also is like from the tip poison but also last half the time and leave a numbing effect on the fingers and maybe even one of the eye. The poison gas is colorless and odorless and take effect right after it got inhale into the body.
Unless one is train with these poison since birth, they will not be able to fight off the poison by themselves. The blade can be easily repaired with the right equipment and a little time thank to Kai bloodline. The poison can be created easily and quickly. It took only 2 post to created both the tip and handle poison, and the gas only take 3 post.