ok, if you wanna sign up for Crew Team, then you can send a PM to me, and no one else. i will have to look over the words before i can forward it to the Leader of Crew Team. this is to filter out most of the requests, and make things run alot smoother, and quicker (:

PLEASE make sure to answer EVERYTHING on the resume` (:

name: (avatar name)

# of FREE plays performed in:
# of FEE plays performed in:
# of costume requests submitted:

1. What do you like about the Crew Team?
(answer here)

2. Why are you interested in becoming a member of Crew Team?
(answer here)

3. What makes you think that you'll get accepted into Crew Team?
(answer here)

4. Are you aware of the 'Trainee' status?
(answer here)

5. Do you have any idea what is takes to be in Crew Team?
(answer here)

6. Do you have what it takes to be in Crew Team?
(answer here)

7. Who is the Leader of Crew Team?
(answer here)

8. What is the first thing you plan on doing if your accepted to Crew Team?
(answer here)

9. What does Crew Team do, exactly?
(answer here)

10. How would you make Crew Team better?
(answer here)

11. Why do we have a Crew Team?
(answer here)

12. What will you do if your not accpeted into Crew Team?
(answer here)

ok, thats it (: answer those questions, and send it to ME, Guild Captain; Kia Sai
remember that not everyone will be accepted into Crew Team.
if you send one in, and i accept it, please wait for the Leader of Crew Team to respond. (:
i might be adding more questions, so keep checking back.
if you get denied you must wait 1 week before trying to sign up again. this is to keep the spam level low. please send your ANSWERED questionnaire to ME, Guild Captain, Kia Sai!! no one else, no matter what they say!! if you do, you will never see the joys of CT. also, please do not share answers. if i see this, you will be made to suffer for eternity in hell.

EDIT: remember that i have access to all the logs. which means if anyone is promoted/demoted/banned, i will see it. and who did it. so if your caught doing something, YOU WILL BE BANNED. no joke. i dont want people screwing with this guild, or its members.

~Guild Captain; Kia Sai

EDIT: and i will blow your house up.