Your Rank:Gennin(Second RPC)
Ninja Class:Assassin
Name of Jutsu: Mushi Ken - Insect Fist
Rank of Jutsu: C
Jutsu's Element:None
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu - Aburame Clan
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? Yes
Description: This technique allows the clan member to shape their bugs into a large fist which acts as an extension of the clan members arm. This fist is as dense and durable as iron. Though slow it can deal a massive blow, great enough to break bones and send the target back several meters. It is also capable of extending itself to a maximum of three meters. It can only be used to strike twice before dispersing. This technique does not require the use of Kikaichuu no Jutsu.
Rp Sample
Kamizuki stepped into the arena to face his opponent. He was facing off against a large shinobi, several times bigger then himself. Kamizuki simply smirked as bugs began to crawl down his arm. The bugs began to swarm onto his hand, making it seem to grow until it was about two feet in width. The man began to walk towards Kamizuki. Kamizuki waited for the man to get within three meters. The shinobi began to charge at Kamizuki, his arm cocked and ready to punch. Kamizuki stuck out his hand. A sudden stream of bugs shot from his fist. At the hand of the stream was an enormous fist. The fist collided with the shinobi, nailing him in the chest, shattering several ribs in the process. The man was sent flying back and landed out of bounds. A bell was rung and Kami was announced the winner.

Your Rank:Gennin
Ninja Class:Assassin
Name of Jutsu: Mushi Hifu no Jutsu - Bug Skin Technique
Rank of Jutsu: B
Jutsu's Element:None
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu- Aburame Clan
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? Yes
Description: This technique allows the clan member to be encase within a shell of bugs. The user completely covers their body with bugs for extra protection. The bugs are like little plates of steel that cover the user body. They are reinforced by the users chakra which is why they are so strong. These bugs area strong enough to stand up to weapons and Chuunin rank Taijutsu, but are weak against Raiton and Katon style Ninjutsu.
Rp Sample
Bugs began to pour out onto Kamizuki's body. Soon Kamizuki was completely covered in hard shelled bugs as he ran towards the shinobi he planned to defeat. The shinobi threw kunai and shuriken at Kamizuki but the weaponry simply grazed off the bugs, taking a few along but those were quickly replaced. The shinobi quickly began to make handseals. "Katon: Goukakyou no Jutsu!" the shinobi stated as a flood of fire spilled from his mouth and engulfed Kamizuki. The fire scorched off the bugs, instantly killing them, and left Kami with minor burns.