Poem 1: The Crow

Oh little crow at the dead tree
Why does my life says woes is me
oh little crow at the dead oak tree
my life is near as your red eye begun
i get a bullet and roll it in the gun
oh red eyed little crow at the dead oak tree
can you see the death i am in only want to be free
oh red eyed little crow at the dead oak tree
I have splattered red near the tree now will you set me free?

Poem 2: Split Mouth Woman
P.S.: figure out this poem to get it

To where I walk alone in the valley of dead
A beautiful women with her mouth covered looks at me with nothing said

Am I beautiful she said has once said
I feel atonement in the valley of the dead
Am I beautiful she said one more time before i saw something in her hand this time.
Yes i said quickly as i blink my eyes with dread one last time

To where she pulled out a scissors nothing bigger than a half of a machete nothing bigger but death rang its bell toll in me to say something clearer, I scream on to find my throat slit and mouth almost cut out. A woman has took off her hand and showed her mouth instead showing a split like mine she did, one more time the bell rang clear I woke up and nothing was there.

A dream I thought I thought suddenly but i acted a little funny right behind me is the woman with the shears so i ran away from her in the clear hoping she wont kill me very near.