If you really think about it, there could be thousands of galaxies that are millions of miles away from our planet. There could be other races that are native to Earth, other species, people with knowlege and technology that surpasses that of Earth,
And the sad thing is, we will never be able to know about it because of how slowly technology is advancing.

I believe buddah once said " Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

Your mind is a vehicle that can go anywhere in the universe and it's fuel is imagination. The future will come and we well meet it with ideas and thoughts about it when it happens. Do not get so caught up in the what if's of not having met aliens. For all we know we already have met them and there are probably some we'd rather not meet. All we have to go on is our imagination about the truth. We, as civilian people know nothing about the nature of these beings other than collective myths and Hollywood portrayals.