Orchid Moon
(Given permission by Panthers to make a sister technique to his)

Your Rank: Academy Student
Ninja Class: Taijutsu
MAJOR NOTE: (This technique is the sister technique to panthers7 (our rpcs are brother and sister). She cannot also,use her sword during the 2nd,3rd,and Final Stages.)
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List?: No (its a personal jutsu)

Jutsu Info
Name: Shiro: Angel Gate opening
Type: Ninjutsu
Element(s): None. (Though there will be a move within the technique that will be developed.)

Rank of Jutsu: The Jutsu is a move in development. It enables Shi to get stronger as she grows. The angel gate opening has four stages.Or four Angel Gates.
*At Genin level, Shi can use the technique but only to the first gate release.
*At Chuunin level, Shi can release two gates and have a reduced effect if they simply open only the first gate. But the opening of the second gate will still have tremendous effect on the body.Also at this level the opening of the first gate will be able to last longer.
*At Jounin level, Shi will have the ability to release three gates. The opening of the first gate will have minor bodily harm,the second gate release will have a reduced bodily harm but not significant. But the opening of the third gate will actually have tremendous effect on the body. The first and second releases although will have a stronger duration at this level.
*Finally at any level above Jounin, Shi will have mastered the technique entirely. She will be able to open the last and final gate at the cost of a near to death exposure to the body. Also the three gates underneath the final gate will have a stronger duration.
Range of Jutsu: The move happens to the self,so there is no true range. Except for the range in which Shi will be able to hold the technique.
Description: To begin with, Shi developed this technique with the thought of the psychology of the body. As well as wanting to gain power the of having either the curse mark or bijuu's without having the pain of....well having them. Shi wishes to gain power on her own accord. Going off the theory that everyone has a good, holy,and a side that lies within them that is truly angelic ;Some people are unable to reach the true goodness within their hearts and are corrupted by evil. Well Shi took this to an entirely new level. Instead of focusing on getting rid of the darkness that hides in our souls she would instead force the good to grow greatly stronger then the darkness thus reducing it greatly. Now time to describe the stages in which she named by the degree's of positive emotion.

First Angel Gate: Love

*Abilities: In this stage there is a spike in the chakra. I wouldn't necessarily say the chakra is doubled but it indeed is a tremendous raise in power.Shi's attack has increased lightly but her speed is definitely the focus of the form. In this form there is no physical change but their is a thin line of white chakra surrounding Shi. She will be able to hold his power for a sustained amount of time.(Which means only 5 posts). Although at higher levels,as said before,the ability to hold the power will be increased.(Meaning 8 for Chuunin&Jounin but 10 for any level higher.)
*Weakness: After the time is up(Or 5 posts),Shi will take the repercussions of forcing the goodness to grow making the darkness weaken, the evil will grow more then it had began. At a Genin level she will face tremendous pain even to a point of a comatose state.(Meaning I will do the pick a number option 1-10,which will depict the severity of the punishment. 1 being the lowest,10 being the highest.This method will be used through the majority of the technique.)

Second Angel Gate Release: Endearment

*Ability: At this stage of the technique Shi is has another tremendous chakra boost. Speed and strength is near to doubled due to her basis of fighting being Taijutsu. She takes a small change physical appearance. The thin line of chakra has become thicker. The ends of her hair will start to become white.The Sharingan(if she gets a Implant) will automatically be activated at this point.(At this level she can sustain the technique for 8 posts.)
*Weakness: In this stage,depending on the rank of Shi, will have a hardened effect. Like the first,it will put the body in an immobilizing pain. (Shi will be in this harmed state depending on what my outcome/rank of Shi.The *post action* will be utilized once again. 1-15)

Third Angel Gate Release: Salvation

*Abilities: In this state there is a doubling of the power of both chakra,speed,and strength. Shi will also become more Angelic and in mentality and will only attack to defend teammates or herself at this stage. There is also a huge difference in physical shape. Shi's skin tone will have become pale white in color. The white tips at the ends of her hair, will grow up to half way up her hair.The sharingan eyes will have become more apparent,and the eyes will have a bright glow to it. They will constantly be spinning even though it won't go into Mangekyou Sharingan until Shi obtains it;and even then she has the choice to utilize it if she has trained in this style.(sharingan effects only happen if Shi has implants) The last true physical feature for this stage will be the halo that appears.(1 inch above.)(Also,the length of this move will be up to 8 posts before the reverse affects take place.)
*Weakness: Like the other two there will be horrid pain shi will have to face by bringing up this power. The pain,if you wish to inquire,will feel like burning needles stabbing Shi in every orifice of his body. Her eyes may bleed due to the over use of the sharingan.The recovery and injury time is also quite a punishment.(Meaning using the *post action* routine, she will have 10-15 posts to go through.)

Fourth Angel Gate Release: Eternity

*Abilities: In this form Shi is practically a angel herself. She has revealed the holiest portion of the human soul and brought it to surface. Her speed,power,and strength in increased tenfold and there is no reason right fight now unless teammates or herself is in a life/death situation. Teammates and those around are in complete and utter safety if they are in mortal danger. The physical changes are also amazing. Her hair has turned completely white and she has formed wings that burst out of her back though they do not allow her to fly but with her speed and strength it appears that way. Also in this form Shi's sharingan (if she has) has changed completely white except for the tomes. (Duration is a max of 10 posts.)
*Weakness: The pain is near to death to put it bluntly. Every muscle,joint and limb is in sever pain. Though some extremely high leveled medical nin may be able to help a little but the use of pulling out the holyness from one's soul is are good but harsh move. Shi will have a very long recovery after using this technique. (15-25 posts to recover.)

Some notes to further explain

*Shi has to open every gate in order to unlock the gate she wants. Meaning, if she wanted to unlock the third gate, she would have to unlock the first,second,then the third.
*In which, the posting of each release will reset the posting timer. But that doesn't mean the posting is doubled. It simply means that one would have to post the max amount for that stage.
*As said before Shi can alleviate some of the pain if she uses the low level gates while at a higher level:
-At Genin level Shi can only use the first gate.
-At Chuunin level Shi and use both first and second gates. in which the first gate's punishment for using the technique will be lessened.(By Recovering 2 posts less.)
-At Jounin level, Shi can use all three gates. The punishment will be lessened for the lower two.Meaning a decrease of two posts for opening the second gate at this level,and a decrease of four posts for using the first gate at this level.(( One post less for the second stage and two for the first stage.))
-Any level HIGHER than Jounin, Shi can open all gates. The punishment for using the lower will be as follows:For opening the third will be a decrease of one posts.For opening the second will be a decrease of two posts,and for opening the first gate will be no punishment as that level is practically mastered.
*The last note I can really think of for now is that Shi, like the demons,angels,and Curse mark individuals,can train to be retain her normal personality and take no influence from during these levels. Though this truly only pertains to Shi's third and Fourth Release it posting goes as follows:
-For control over the third there must be 15 posts.
-For control over the fourth there must be 25 posts.
-This is not including the recovery time.
*Ps- Out side of this release, every time she gets out of it the darkness inside of her grows, creating a sort of evil personality that talks to her within her mind.