silent nightwish
Maikeru Yorudan
I hate how people say how call of duty 3 sucks but then they like black ops (their the same thing!!!!!!) Treyarch DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE GAMES!!!!!!!!! they suck at it and modern warfare 3 sounds cool....if you want a full on shoot em up fps then go buy halo reach.

thats true, they're as idiotic as a babies arm, i hated world waar, cod 3,..well frankly because they were the same exact thing... and so since i did my research on black ops, I'm not buying it, reznov is apparently in it
who the hell if reznov.....i only played a little bit of cod 3 (hated it)......i like cod 1 (it was like a 3/5 for me)...and cod 2 (was alright 3-4/5) ....and cod 4 (5/5)....... and cod 5 (4/5).....and cod 6 (5/5)........and cod 7 (0-5)