Carolina says...
ok so get ur ipod or something and shuffle up the songs
then fill it in with this, like if ur life was a movie
sometimes, the songs are just like the thing its playing during
Credits :
Alife~lily allen

Waking Up :

First Day of School :
liar liar~NeverShoutNever

Falling in Love :
Everytime we touch~cascada o.o scary

Fight Song :
Billy brown~MIKA

Prom :
All we Knew~paramore

Life is...okay :
Imma be~ black eyed peas

Mental Breakdown :
Grace kelly~mika

Driving :
Alice~Avril Lavigne

Flashback :
Thanks for the Memories~Fall out boys o.o

Getting Back Together :
Waking up in Pairs~Katy Perry

Losing Your Virginity :
Making Love~NevershoutNever o.o

Wedding :
Super star~ wedding

Birth of Child :
Pocketful of sunshine~Natasha bedingfeild

Final Battle :
I like Money~ millionaires

Death Scene :
born for this~Paramore crying

Funeral Song:
Chinese~lily allen

End Credits :
Get in Line~Ke$haUser Image