Hello, well not to beat around the bush.

I play on the PC. I was subject to that whole thing about being wrongfully banned from MW2 and then got unbanned and got 2 free copies of left for dead 2. I guess that's an interesting story to start out with. I was really pissed when that happened. It was amazing. So weird too how everybody on the steam message boards aren't very helpful at all. All they tell you is: "VAC Doesn't make a mistake, b***h!" Well.... seemed like the situation spoke for itself.

I really like MW2. I think its better then the first modern warfare. The only thing that really sends it up its own a** and quite frequently makes me wish i was playing the first MW is IWNet. Also my connection never gets passed the 3 bar mark. Many times I've playing with one bar and won.

Favorite weapons:
a** Rifle: ACR (Mostly with ACOG scope)
Sub Mach: UMP45 or Vector
Light Mach: AugH Bar
Snipe Rifle: M21 EBR

I use grenade launchers when i want to unlock the shotgun attachment or i use my dedicated launcher class when I'm getting pissed off by an overwhelming amount of tubers.
And many times i like to stay very quite. ninja

Steam ID: Fujistu