On the recent ep of "idol maid'' the BEAST boys talked about their problems/complaints they had from the first time they met to now. junhyung, yoseob, dongwoon and hyunseung began to talk about how they felt about kikwang. kikiwang wasnt there because he had to film and doojoon was cooking breakfast for them. Dongwoon said " The hyungs don't put back the caps of the different shampoos sometimes." Hyunseung also said " doojoon has a bad habit of drinking out of the water bottle we all share with his lips/mouth. Junhyung also said " In the begining i didn't talk must to yoseob or doojoon because my first impression on them wasnt too great. Then he said. " My cousin had passed a while back ago and it was hard for me, and yoseob and doojoon care for me the most. because of this matter, i began to have a better impression and was really thankful towards those two.

credit :newsen

poor junhyung T^T