now i started WoW because i thought the idea of a midget rogue who can attack people with exploding sheep was just the most insane thing ever.
sadly, this was back when the only thing engineering was good for was wearing head slot items before anyone else, so i was poor as hell. ended up getting rid of if back in BC so i could scrounge up enough money to get me some flying.... right before they gave us the mote sapper; the first of Blizzard's ways of making engineering less of a horrid money sink and more of an actual profession.

then came wrath with its wonderful bombs that actually were viable and, of course, the instant Easy Rider reenactment that was the chopper

but then i hopped on for the first time in ever and got slapped across the face with THIS

i know it holds no use whatsoever, but this is what engineering did to make me love it in the first place. really stupid stuff that you can tell, lore-wise, someone made because "********, why not?" was always a good reason and damn everyone who thinks it a waste of time.

now we're gonna get copy-cat ring enchantments, a juice box in our belt, and, why not, even Jewelcrafting ripoffs

and i still think that 'neering should done up so that you make has a .002-or some such- chance of blowing up while channeling and either hurting you severly, or killing you out-right.

why? simple, that's what they tell you happens to engineers all the time, but in bc the most you could see was ur jetboots would peter out on you while u were still in the air and die horribly.

... oh, and i also think it would be hilarious to see a crapton of naked people prof grinding in town because they dont want their s**t damaged