Proud Christians of Gaia


Hey everyone!

This is a makeshift newsletter for August. Hopefully the newsletter system will be up and running again soon. In the meantime, here are some things that have been happening in the guild, and will be happening in the future.

Wanna become a member of the guild's crew? Here's your chance! Go to the Looking For New Crew Members thread in the main forum!

You can view this week's Bible Scripture in the main forum.

As you know, a major part of the Christian life is prayer! Check out the prayer requests subforum, and feel free to share a request with the guild, or start praying for people who have shared all ready. ^_^

The Summer Theme Avatar Contest has been over for a while now, but don't think I haven't forgotten to mention the winners!

1st place was Luna Wolfgang! Tied for 2nd place was xX to save a life Xx, RandomFreak200, and Lady Morgana the Witch! Tied for 3rd place was our own captain, squeakygirl, along with sapphirianna and jesusgirl115! Congratulations, you guys, and good job!

And that's this month's newsletter! So stop by and say hello or participate in the discussion, or share a prayer request, or any number of other things! I love you guys! God bless!
