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Hi there... umm, I'm Coca Feudala, co-owner of
the Dancing Kunoichi teahouse. My sister, Belvedere, is
the other owner. I'd tell you more of myself but I prefer
if you knew more about my establishment first.

At the Dancing Kunoichi, we serve Chinese, Japanese
and Korean food. And spring rolls thanks to the Filipinos.
We also serve home made teas, fruit juices, sake and
wines. Water and milk as well but people hardly come
for all that.

I don't like to seem like a mean guy with a bunch of rules
so we have but a few and the foundation of them is
Respect: for me, my sister, our establishment and other customers...

-There is no nudity in the teahouse. With that, no sex
either. I will not ask twice.
-There is no fighting in the teahouse. No questions asked.
-Keep your voices from a minimum to a medium.
Shouting is not okay.
-Please respect your fellow customer. Theft, sexual
harassment, discrimination, rudeness are not permited.

Thank you,