Will Write For Cookies is now open for business.

We're a guild for commission stories. If you feel like a story, and have some spare gold, why not try it?

Not to mention it's much cheaper than a lor of other commissioners.

You can also get yourself a free commission, which is a bit oxymoronic, I know, but nonetheless... Free! Worth trying then, no?

We're always hiring new writers, too, so if you feel like you'd be able to write well enough for a bit of gold, come on over.

Additionally, we'll be running competitions, so even if you can't afford commissions, and don't want to write for gold, you can still earn yourself some gold and items, maybe to pay for another commission!

So, come on over!!!

Apologies if you don't like my advertising here, or if I've given you a headache. Also, feel free to delete the older post looking for new writers.