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☩ Saving Our Sanity ☩ Highschool Of The Dead ☩ Profile

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:24 pm
VI Accepted Profiles VI


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username: Se-Chan Setsuna
Name: Inoue Konoka (Konoka Inoue)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Biography: Konoka was born into a strict traditional japanese family. She was the second of two daughters, and the third child of the family. Her eldest sibling was her brother, who was a kindly, but not so strong, figure. Due to this lack of mental, and physical strength, her father decided not to have him be the heir of the family's martial arts. Her older sister was just not that interested in martial arts, preferring more "feminine" arts, so Konoka was chosen. She didn't have much of a choice, but that did not matter. She had the mental strength and fierceness for even the more brutal aspects of fighting. Even when she was young she enjoyed exchanging strikes with other students at her father's dojo. This attitude and drive made it so she could wield her weapons as if they were just extensions of her arms. She was a little on the small side, so her physical strength was not all that great, but her swiftness and skill more than made up for it. Due to this natural talent, she was somewhat disliked by her siblings. Her brother, for one, felt that he had been cheated of the family honor. Her sister just did not like how Konoka was getting the attention from their father. Konoka seemed oblivious of these petty attitudes, but she felt it whenever they snapped at her, or did not include her in their activities. Her brother went far beyond such small revenges, but Konoka refuses to remember what he did, since it was when they were younger and he had somewhat mellowed out with age. Because of her skewed relationship with her closest family, she spent much of her time training. She had some friends, but social life was always secondary to her. It was not that she didn't care about others, quite the contrary, acutally, but she just did not know how to communicate with others that well. It was only in high school that she began opening up more. Due to this, she was able to comfortably join clubs and start basically a new life at school. Her life was the same at home, but she had a sanctuary with her friends at school. In this past year, she placed 5th in Nationals for Kendo, using her unorthodox strategies of turning and moving around, ever giving a concrete target, to throw off her opponents. Due to this, her father gave her a composite hickory bokuto, weighted slightly at the point, to give heavier strikes. He thought it would help train her to be stronger. She carries it wherever she can, and sometimes gets in trouble, as people think it is a real sword, wrapped up in it's cloth. up until the fateful day, she had lived her normal life at school, taking classes, test, training, goofing off with her friends. She felt that nothing would change and she was okay with that.
Class: Student/Menkyo in her father's Hozoin-Ryu Koryu School
Skills: Sojutsu, Kenjutsu, Able to drive somewhat, Along with being on the Kendo Nationals Team, she was part of the track team, so she is in good shape conditioning-wise
Weapons: She has her personal bokuto that she has because of being on the nationals team.

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths: She is a quick thinker. She does not hesitate in crucial moments. She cares about her friends and does everything to ensure their happiness
Weaknesses: She is slightly averse to getting to know boys, due to a problem in her past. She is very stubborn. When in a bad mood, she shuts herself away and does not let anyone in.


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username:Ryonara
Name:Keirei Aiki
Biography:Keirei is pretty standard in the highschool settings. He falls somewhere between Geek and Emo. Of course, Keirei claims to have past his over-emotional state, and now he is more emotionless. He feels the standard human behavior, but only on occasions. But what sets him apart from everyone else is his lack of guilt.
After suffering stress ever since he got into school, he one day decided to get into a fight with the Highschool bully. A fight broke out, but Keirei ended it quickly, eating a chuck of the bully's neck out. Other's tried to pry Keirei off, but Keirei took up a chair near by and mercilessly bludgeoned anyone who came close to him. Battered and bruised, Keirei left the scene, leaving dozens of near dead students behind.
Rumors of his actions spread through out the school, to everyone but the teachers. But he did not flaunt his renown, but he went back to his normal life, surfing the web. Of course, on the same day he decided to go back to his normal life, the world went into hell, and THEY came. Paranoid from the beginning, Keirei did what he knew he had to do: go to his locker, take the crowbar he smuggled, and find his sanctuary.

Skills:Fast and silent, he's quite an acrobat. He also has an amazing eye sight.
Weapons: Crowbar (from his locker), Firecrackers (stolen from other lockers via Crowbar), and a sling (made from a jacket in his locker).

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths: Calm, creative, and willing to help others, although...
Weaknesses: ... He is really selfish, and is probably only helping someone for his benefit. He has a bad habit of lying, and he likes to tell the truth only when he knows it will hurt them when they know.


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username: Se-Chan Setsuna
Name: Hanako Amaya
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Biography: Hanako has lived in Japan her entire life, and has not traveled much outside of her hometown. This is mainly because her family definitely wasn't considered affluent. In fact, they could be considered sort of poor. Because of this, Hanako learned to value everything she owned much better than some of her early friends, that would always boast about every new thing they got, that Hanako couldn't afford. When she entered middle school, however, she met Kaede who quickly became her best friend. She couldn't imagine anyone better, kinder, than Kaede. She never boasted about everything and was completely encouraging in everything that Hanako did. In many ways, she was the sister that Hanako never had. Sometimes Hanako felt her feelings for Kaede went beyond just friendship but... such feelings weren't right... right? She often just pushed those feelings aside, since they were getting in the way of their relationship but she had always hoped there would be a time where she would understand what she should do. Then High School came and she met Konoka, who was just as kind as Kaedde, but a little less approachable. They quickly became friends, however, during kendo practice and Kaede, Konoka, and she began to hang out outside of the dojo. Those two were the ones that she wished she'd know for the rest of her life.
Class: Student/Kendo practitioner
Skills: She is skilled with a sword, and also has good survival skills due to the amount of free-form camping she did with her family over the years.
Weapons: Currently she is using her shinai from kendo.

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths: She has a strong will, and she is incredibly loyal to her friends.
Weaknesses: She hates blood. She doesn't get woozy, but the sight and smell of it makes her nauseous. She She is very rash, and reacts on instinct, only Kaede and Konoka keeping her in line has kept her out of trouble.


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username: Your Personal Reaper
Name: Sosuke Hoshiyoko
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Biography: Sosuke was born in a family of soldiers. Everyone on his father's side from his great-great grandfather Hiroshi Hoshiyoko have been soldiers. On his mother's side, everyone from his great grandmother Miyabi Tsukumaru has served in the military. Despite this, his parent's encouraged him to find his own path. However, despite their efforts, Sosuke was drawn to the military.
It started where a lot of kids start their interest in guns. With violent shooter games. At nine he had asked for training from his parents, who reluctantly agreed. They began giving him military exercises, drills, and making him perform tactical maneuvers around the house. They frequently played a game where Sosuke would have to move around the house without being seen or he would go without desert. He quickly excelled.
In school he had taken track, so he was a fast runner. He was actually in P.E, running laps when the pandemic occurred. He didn't even notice at first. He was just running freely. However, when he finished P.E and had put on his uniform he had heard the scream. That's when he saw the forms of the undead.
Class: Student
Skills: Is proficient in military tactics. His father and mother are both soldiers and at his request, trained him since he was 9. He can fire guns effectively. That and is fast on his feet, from being in track and field.
Weapons: A bat.

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths: Loyal to friends, noble(which in a Zombie oubreak could also be easily placed as a weakness)
Weaknesses: Easily annoyed, easily trusting, doesn't know his way around much of where he lives, so he gets lost easily as well.


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username: Fallen_shinku
Name: Yukiko Kinji (Kinji Yukiko)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Biography: Kinji belonged to a wealthy and prestigious family. Or at least on his mother's side. His mom works as the senior surgeon of the local medical ward, a position of respect and prestige. She is strong, confident, and strict, holding high expectations for her family. His father, on the other hand, was a humble veterinarian, whom helped the neighbors dogs and cats when they became ill. His dad was quiet, thoughtful and kind, the total opposite of his mother. Kinji also had an older sister, whom was eight years his senior, Yukiko Michiko. She was a perfect child. She was calm, graceful, bright, and intelligent. She was an excellent student, and a caring young woman. Kinji's parents were very proud of her. She went on to University, later marrying and moving overseas. Though Kinji had memories of her as a caring, mature older sister, one he could always go to for help, he hadn't seen her ever since she got married. However, she had left a legacy. His mother expected similar great things of her son.
However, Kinji took after his father more than his mother. Whilst he was able to achieve similar academic achievements in school, he was nowhere as popular, or loved as Michiko. Whilst Michiko always carried around a bright, warm smile, treating everyone with sincerity, Kinji always had a forlorn expression. He would talk with people, but they would say it seemed like he was looking right through them. People felt uncomfortable around him.
Needless to say, his mother wouldn't stand for this. She tried many things to get him to open up. She even tried to introduce Kinji to one of her coworker's daughters. Kinji remained passive. After many attempts, his mother finally gave up and told his father to do something about it. His father was a simple man, and he at first had no idea what his son needed. That was until one of his client's dog had a litter. The old man had decided to sell the litter, as he didn't had the energy to care for them all. Deciding it was worth a shot, his father bought an albino Shiba Inu. Yukiko. He decided to call it Sango, for being third in the family. Yukiko Sanko.
When his dad first presented Sanko to Kinji, Kinji was cold to it. He thanked his father and took care of Sanko, though that was just a formality. Sango couldn't feel any connection with the Shiba. Kinji continued to stay isolated with his cold eyes, and forlorn gaze. However, after a few months with Sanko, slowly, but surely, Kinji began to show some spark in his eyes. He had found what he never knew he needed from the beginning; unconditional love. Since then, the two had been inseparable. Kinji walks Sanko to school everyday. While Kinji does his studies, Sanko plays with the little kids that live nearby. When school was over, Kinji would meet Sanko, and the pair would return home together. It had been like this for a few years, regular, blissful life. Until the day “They” came.

Class: Student
Skills: Kinji knows First Aid, along with a decent knowledge of Chemistry and Medicine. He also plays tennis, billiard, and knows how to swim and drive.
Weapons: A fruit knife he found in the cafeteria, along with a lighter.

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths: Kinji has a steady hand, and is a person who is capable of working under pressure. He is creative, intuitive, and clever. He cares deeply to those close to him and would do anything to make sure that no harm come to them.
Weaknesses: Kinji is a man of few words, and is not talkative to others. Although he will protect those he cares about, he doesn't think much about those whom he's not close to.


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username:Grand Chevalier Haji
Name:Demi Drake
Biography:Demi is an american born child. His mother and father divorced when he was young and his father gained custody of him as to why he is now in japan. You see his father is in the Military and was sent to different locations around the world alot. The Main reason why his parents divorced. So now thats its only him and his father,he felt like he should spend more time with his son. He taught him some of the basic skills he would need like firing a gun. His father had mulitple stored in the house outside of base. He even taught him survival skills like foraging and being sneaky but one of the things he is now glad that his father taught him is how to turn off his emotions..So his father was stationed in Japan so Demi moved with him. He quickly found a place when he joined the school soccer team. He was then asked if he would like to join track he accepted as it could help him with his soccer. Demi is your average Jock/nerd he scores high on all his tests and is popular around school and on the teams he is in. He is pessimistic about things sometimes especially in bad situations even though he knows things will turn out well in the end. Demi was sick with the flu when everything started to happen so he wasn't at school. He believes the world is going to end.
Skills:Fit,able to use a gun,
Weapons:A large Stick,45. Defender(handgun)

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Weaknesses:Thinks he's smarter than others,headstrong


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username:Norschtalen
Name: Aikira Rappi
Biography: Aikira is the Computer Science teacher, and dispite her looks, has been single for all of her life. In her younger days, she was an sci-fi otaku, which lead her to learn how to hack programs, and even create some of her own inventions. But she went from computers to TV's, to cars, and then to home electronics. She always thought of herself as an engineer then a teacher. Alas, there was no jobs open for those position, so she became the computer science teacher.
Before the day the world spiraled into chaos, Aikira was looking into a new interest: Guns. Sadly, Japan bans the possessions of firearms, and the closes thing she ever got to something like a gun was an AirSoft Pistol. Still, with the magic of the Internet, she learned the in and out of most modern weaponry.
On the day when the world went into chaos, Aikira was in the hallways. She was heading to her classroom, when the announcement of an intruder came over the intercoms. When she heard this, the first thing she did was the the Sasumata off the wall. That was what it said to do in her teacher's manual. She was nervous, but she knew she would have to do something in the event that the intruder came to her. If only she knew what she was going up against.

Class: Teacher
Skills: She can basicaly fix and even improve any sort of machinery. She's not the most athetic of peopel, but she does what she has to to keep healthy.
Weapons: Sasumata and anything else she can use.

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths: Aikira is very open-minded about people, and tries to understand on others feel. She's not brave, but she does her best not to panic to often.
Weaknesses: Aikira is not a fighter, nor is she a doctor. The sight of corpses can freak her out. She also tends to be cynical when the chips are down; if she knows she goign to lose, she not going to lose alone.


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username: Xeonyte
Name: Matsu Yukihoshi
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Biography:Matsu Yukihoshi grew up with a love for sports. Both his parents were involved in a sports career, so he of course wanted to follow in their footsteps. Matsu went through several sports, from soccer, to basketball, to baseball, and found he never quite liked those sports. Then he found golf, and got hooked instantly. He participated in several tournaments and, although he never won first place, still did very well, and his parents were proud of him.

It wasn't until his high school years that his parents' happy marriage turned sour, which ended in a nasty divorce. He was a sophomore when it happened, and ended up living with his mother the rest of his high school years. He later found out it was because his father was abusing performance-enhancing drugs and was blatantly denying it. Matsu remembered his father was always telling him to stay away from things like that, and began hating his father for it.

When he graduated, he still held onto the belief that athletes shouldn't rely on drugs to better themselves. He wanted to pass on his belief to other people, so he decided to become a coach at his high school. And coach what else but golf, his favorite sport.

He was hired quickly and enjoyed several years of employment. It wasn't until his fourth year as a teacher that a strange illness began spreading throughout the world. At first he thought it was just a strain of the flu, and he wasn't worried too much... that is, until the illness began spreading in the school. The illness was nothing like Matsu was told; these people looked dead, and were walking around biting people. And with each bite, more of them would appear.

His instincts told him to evacuate who he could and get out of the school, and so he did. The students didn't make it, though; at least, the ones he escorted anyway. Now he's got a new job assignment; work to survive in this chaotic world.
Class: Teacher
Skills: Very fit; is strong, fast, and has great stamina. Very effective with close range weapons. Can be a leader when the time arises.
Weapons: A nine iron.

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths: Persistent, supportive, tough.
Weaknesses: Stubborn and short-tempered. Does things without thinking at times.


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username: Sho Isugara
Name: Usui Hayako
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Biography: I've always been the hard worker in my family... Always making the money, always supporting the family and always getting into trouble. From a young age, I've had to do things that would get you killed in the streets. Pickpocketing, gambling, even gunpoint robberies in the daytime. I continued doing this until I met a man who changed my life. That man took me under his wing and disciplined me strictly on how to really be a man. I wasn't anywhere near where I was before he made me the man I was, though there was a session in training where he knocked me off of a waterfall and I took a high fall and almost drowned. Uggh... Rather not speak about it.

Now I'm teachin the youth what I learned growing up to make them fine women and men of the 21st age, though I'll implement force if I have to. Master trained me well, and I'll never forget or ever give up.
Class: Teacher. Can sub a bunch of other classes, but is the guidance counselor mainly.
Skills: Is efficient in Karate and Hapkido, Making his attacks Lethal and his body physically superior to most other people. Is good with his words, making him a good negotiator and a charmer with people. Can keep a level head under dire circumstances.
Weapons: Broken Lamp Pole

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths:Very-calm headed and methodical thinker, Has great social tact and personality, making it easier to coerce people into doing things for or with him.
Weaknesses: Is deathly afraid of water deeper than his knees, Can forget other peoples feelings at times, making him seem heartless when he only means well.


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username: Dr Jecko Gruntyforcer
Name: Gozen Hiyate
Age: 69
Gender: Male
Biography: Gozen was born in a small village in the mountains of Japan. As the third son, not much was expected from him. He grew up surrounded by nature and loved it. He chose to study biology in college and was the first in his family to get though college. Before he could start work as a biologist war broke out. At age of 25 he joined the army, following his two older brothers, as a field doctor. While in the service he saw may horrors. His oldest brother was killed in combat and the middle bother became a politician. After thirty years of service he left to pursue his childhood passion. He traveled the world as a biologist. While in South America he discovered a new species of frog. After ten years he returned to his hometown to retire. The town had changed much since he had last been there forty years ago. He became a teacher at a local High School as a biology teacher. In a tank he keeps some of the frogs he discovered.
Class: Teacher
Skills: Capable of extensive medical procedures
Weapons: Femur from a model skeleton

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths: Has a great under sanding of the human body and has medical knowledge
Weaknesses: Old age has made him slower
PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:28 pm


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username: Baka-slash-chibi13
Name: William Puzikas
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Biography: William was born in Russia after the Cold War. His father was a member of Russia's Soldier elite, also known as the Spetsnaz. William was raised with the hopes that he could follow in his fathers footsteps. After he became a member, William did just about everything he could to stand out. In the end, however, he had to retire and move away from his beloved Russia. Once in America, William found it difficult to assimilate completely. He had to adopt a child, as he couldn't connect with any of the Americans. Even though adopted, he loved his daughter. That's why it tore him apart when she was torn apart by gangs in New York. William became a recluse for a number of years, before finally leaving the USA forever. He needed a change of pace. Russia and the USA were out of the question, so his next choice was China. However, the Chinese wouldn't let him in because of his military back-round. That was when he was forced to go to Japan. He has lived there for five years now, finally mastering Japanese.
Class: Soldier
Skills: Master Marksmen, and Kick boxer, Strong Physical Body
Weapons: Saiga Shotgun, AK-74 Carbine

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths: Due to Spetsnaz training, a strong mental state
Weaknesses: Claustrophobia


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⇠ Basic ⇢
Gaia Username: Vizzion
Name: Mamushi Shuhei
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Biography: Mamushi Shuhei is the Eldest of the four children of the Shuhei family. For the most part of his teenage life, Mamushi had a normal life. He went to highschool and while not excelling to the top of the academic ladder, He still managed to graduate with some honors. After Highschool, Mamushi joined the police force as a rookie of course. Mamushi trained for at least a year before finally being able to go out in the field as night patrol.

After several years, he was finally able to move up the ladder of the police force and was granted the day patrol. It was during one of his day patrol shifts that he was able to climb unto the Special Assault Team's ranks. In one of his shifts, Mamushi risked life and limb to not only save hostages but to also foil a bank robbery that occurred in the area that he was patrolling in. After the robbery was foiled, the Chief of Police had a meeting with Mamushi and the Commander of the Special Assault Team. After a stellar recommendation from the Chief, the commander agreed that Mamushi deserved a chance to move up into the SAT, which Mamushi was more than delighted to hear.

After years of grueling training in martial arts and weapons training, Mamushi was a full fledged SAT Member. It was only recently that Mamushi was able to get a Squad Leader title. Then the pandemic hit and the SAT was deployed all over Japan. Mamushi Shuhei is a current member of what is left of the Special Assault Team that was deployed to an area of Japan that has had rumors of surviving high school students toting guns and slaying the infected populace.
Class: Special Assault Team
Skills: Proficient and Trained in Several Firearms, Martial Arts for Close Quarter Combat, and Athletic body due to SAT Training.
Weapons: M4 Carbine, Heckler & Koch MP5 (SMG), Heckler & Koch USP 9 (Hand Gun)

⇠ Personality Traits ⇢
Strengths: Intense focus and Strong Mental state of mind even under pressure due to SAT Training
Weaknesses: Due to his line of work as a counter-terrorist, he is still trying to save as much lives as he can. Which in this current state of the world can be problematic. Gets Easily distracted by women.


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