Your Rank: ANBU/Ex-kage
Ninja Class: Weapon master
Name of Jutsu: Ragnarok: Revenge of the Two Hundred Fallen
Rank of Jutsu: Jounin
Jutsu's Element: N/A
Jutsu Type: Weapon jutsu
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? Yes, but they need a scroll that can only be recieved from my character.
Description: Calling upon the departed souls of two hundred mighty warriors, their honor and souls enfused in their weapons. By breaking the seal on the scroll, a storm of two hundred blades will rain down upon the field of battle. However, this is not the main purpose of the attack, for the blades are easy to dodge by an experienced jounin, only genin and chuunin will find a lot of trouble trying to dodge this attack.

The main purpose of this technique is to create a near endless supply of weapons for the weapon user. The weapon user is able to grab up to four of the blades on the ground, two in each hand, and use them for two posts each. These swords are considered non-custom and are merely regular swords, so they can be broken by regular means. The other weakness of this technique is that your opponent can use the swords as well. He/she, too, has to follow the two post rule. These swords cannot be enfused with chakra.

This technique's chakra consumption is very light, only costing chakra to summon the blades. This technique can be used only once in a battle and takes the scroll two days (real time) to recharge.
Rp Sample(Only if requested)