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Shadow Dancer is one of those quiet kiokotes you find in the background, subtly influencing what is happening from the shadows. He prefers to get others to do things his way, or the way he feels is best, without straight up telling them what to do. Kind of like...planting the idea in their heads and then they take off with it so that they feel it was their idea to begin with. Shadow Dancer does not have a loud voice, but when he does speak it is with a quiet, reserved and deep tone that generally gets people to listen anyway. He speaks with the voice of a born leader, but does not like to lead in an obvious manner.

He is exceptionally curious and as such when the Ache came to him, he immediately followed after it on an impulse. Shadow Dancer is curious to see exactly what this Ache is and why it exists - his goal is to find some answers and see what is so great about this Swamp.

Shadow Dancer's family is small, and though he hunted in a group and ran with his herd as any proper kiokote should, he preferred to be alone. Doing this his way, in his own time, as he pleased. As such he has very few relationships and they are distant ones at best at that. He's viewed as sort of a prodigal son to be, the family hopes he will return and be better from his time in the Swamp, but they aren't allowing their hopes to be too high. They have mostly given up on Shadow Dancer following the kiokote way to a T, instead making his own path within the kiokote way.