A Sailor Senshi I had devised for use as a Hero in Warhammer 40,000.

User Image
The image was colored and inked using a mouse.

Sailor Scout: Sailor Drakaasi
Planet of Origin: Drakaasi
Weapon: Berzerker Glaive, fragmentation grenades, Krak Grenades.
Powers: Bellow of Endless Fury(sealed)
Name: Vizell Feia
Age: 8,690
Birthday: Unknown
Birthplace: Slaver camp in a cemetery city named Titan's Finale
Eyes: Red
Hair: Short brunette with light brown highlights.
Family: All deceased.
Talents: Anything related to being a warrior. She has gained pseudo immortality from Khorne the Blood God due to her military accomplishments.
Occupation: Mercenary and Slaver

Likes: Killing, blood, and skulls.
Dislikes: Love, lust, a trickery but can be prone to all three.

Personality: Ruthless, cold, witty, and intelligent. She has an uncompromising personality and whenever she wields her glaive she's driven into an uncontrollable blood frenzy. She's very high strung. She is unable to feel fear and as such will fight until she kills her foe or ritualistically decapitates herself with her weapon before or after the final fatal blow is delivered. She is the antithesis of the Sailor Senshi of the Sol Solar System.

History: Born to die, she was born to a widowed mother who had been taken as slave to be sacrificed in Drakaasi's great gladiator arena for the planets supreme ruler the Daemon Prince Lord Ebondrake. The loss of her left arm as a six year old was the catalyst to the awakening of her powers as a Senshi. When her power awoke she let out a mighty roar that focused all of her power on the target and tore him apart.

Like the Guardian Senshi before her, she was taken as a concubine of the supreme ruler. She was granted her special transformation icon, but unlike a normal senshi in was made using a daemon and as such her fuku is a nearly indestructible set of armor and a collar to seal away her power and to leave her immune to other powers and magic. Like her predecessors she was also then forced to learn all there was to be a general of her Lord's military and trained to kill. Her mark as a senshi made her utterly fearless. After thousands of years work of military accomplishments she was given the Berzerker Glaive by Khorne himself. It contains a daemon that had been sealed in the weapon of a millenia and it's thirst for blood and souls and drives it's user into a blood crazy frenzy and would, if she ever fell in battle take over her corpse and decapitate it. After crushing an entire civilization with her raiding party of Berzerkers she was given the gift of having the runs of her God craved into her flesh and was granted near immortality.

One day a raider from the stars attacked her world and due to their valiant defense their leader decided to destroy their planet. in a last ditch effort to destroy their foe she road out in as captain of the last remaining battleship. The ship was damaged in the ensuing hopeless battle. Her ships warp drive was hit and sent it drifting into the warp and back in time and toward Earth. The ship was spit out of the warp and crash landed on Earth during the Silver Millennium.