-No godmodding
-No cybering
-Keep it PG-13, do not go into too much detail during romance or violence scenes.
-Always follow the TOS and the Forum Rules and Guidlines
-Respect and be polite to every guid member
(I will not tolerate breaking of the rules, three strikes and you're out!)

Hello, adventure-going human, and welcome to the Horror House. Read all of this thread before posting, please! Feel free to ask questions in this thread.


-The way this guild works is that there are a number of different horror RPs in the sub-forums. Some roleplays have a limited amount of characters, and some do not, so be sure to check if all the slots are taken or not before creating a character.
-PM YOUR CHARACTER TO ME BEFORE POSTING IT IN THE FORUMS. If you post it without me accepting it first, I will delete it. If it is in a Roleplay with unlimited characters, I will PM you asking to send it to me first. If it is in a Roleplay with limited characters, I will PM you saying you cannot have the spot and give it to someone who actually read the rules.


-In the character sticky, I will also post a story (written in 1st person) for the RP. Please follow the plot of the story! If I say there is a monster in the closet, then there really is!
-If you have an idea for horror roleplay you want in the guild, PM it to me and I will make a sub-forum for it if I like the idea.

Well, I believe that's it for now. Feel free to go explore the guild a bit, just watch your step! Also, try to avoid the attic as much as possible. If you hear any chains rattleing or screams for help, just ignore them =D