part 1:

[뉴스엔 이언혁 기자]

비스트가 ‘숨’ 퍼포먼스를 준비할 당시 어려웠던 점을 털어놨다.

비스트는 ‘숨’에서 6명 각양각색의 댄스를 선보이면서도 하나로 어우러지는 독특한 퍼포먼스로 주목받았다. 비스트는 이후 안무 영상을 공개해 눈길을 끌었다.

용준형은 뉴스엔과의 인터뷰에서 “안무 연습이 정말 힘들었다”고 말했다. 비스트의 안무는 하우신의 작품. 하우신은 미국에서 안무를 짠 뒤 영상에 담아 먼저 한국으로 보냈고, 한국에 있는 안무 팀이 이 영상을 보고 연구해 비스트에게 가르쳤다. 하지만 며칠 뒤 하우신이 입국해 안무를 확인, 처음부터 다시 배우게 됐다.

“3~4일 동안 밤낮없이 연습실에서 안무 연습을 했어요. 이후 바로 뮤직비디오를 찍었죠.”

비스트의 빠른 안무 습득은 이미 정평이 나 있다. ‘쇼크’(SHOCK) 뮤직비디오를 찍을 때도 당일까지 안무연습을 했다고. “사실 이번에는 부탁을 드렸어요. 좀 더 여유 있게 연습하고 싶었거든요. 하지만 현실은 그렇지 않더라구요.”(장현승)

“짧은 시간 안에 소화해내는 것 역시 저희의 임무예요. 하지만 점차 습득 시간이 빨라지니까 다들 기대하거든요. 극심한 스트레스와 압박 속에 연습했어요.”(용준형)

리더 윤두준 역시 “부담이 너무 심해서 멤버들과 진지하게 ‘도망칠까’ 생각했다. 엘리베이터 안에서 ‘각자 집에 가서 잠수탈까’ 했다”며 “하지만 다들 겁이 많아서 ‘스케줄 없는 날 하자’고 마무리 지었다”고 전했다. 결국 비스트 편 ‘도망자’는 물거품이 된 셈이다.

2집 용준형에 이어 3집 활동에서 부반장으로 임명(?)된 양요섭은 “‘우리가 잘못하는 거다. 우리만 나쁜 애들이 된다’는 말을 하니 멤버들이 바로 동의하더라”고 밝혔다. 비스트는 “열심히 노력한 안무에 환호해주는 팬들을 보며 고생을 잊었다”고 했다.

컴백 후 비스트가 공개한 안무 영상에는 팬들을 위한 깜짝 선물이 숨겨져 있다. 컴백을 환영해 준 팬들에 대한 고마움을 막춤으로 표현한 것. 윤두준은 평소 모습 아니냐는 질문에 "이러지 않는다"고 손사래쳤지만 "평소엔 더하다"는 양요섭의 폭로를 피할 수 없었다. 윤두준은 이 영상에서 일명 ‘윤과장 댄스’를 추다 발목을 삐었을 정도다.

윤두준은 “차마 발목을 삐었다고 말 못 하겠더라”며 “다행히 큰 무리는 없었지만 내 자신이 한심했다”고 너스레를 떨었다.

데뷔 1년. 정신없이 활동해 온 비스트는 ‘신인’ 딱지를 떼고 가요계 정상을 향해 달려가고 있다. “이번 앨범을 통해 확실히 관심 받고 있다는 느낌이 들어요. 앞으로 대중에게 비스트의 존재를 많이 알리고 싶어요. 저희를 모르는 사람이 없었으면 해요.”(장현승)

한편 비스트는 12월 단독 콘서트를 통해 팬들과 특별한 시간을 갖는다.

[Newsen Lee Uhnhyuk Reporter]

BEAST had revealed the difficulties they faced while preparing for the ‘Breath’ performance.

BEAST had been continuously attracting attention by showing off a dance that displayed the different characteristics of 6 members while still maintaining to mix the different performances into one for ‘Breath’. The practice video that had been released afterward also helped to gain attention.

In the interview with Newsen, Yong Junhyung stated, “The choreography practice was the hardest.” The choreography for BEAST had been the work of Haw. He had made up the dance moves in America and sent them over to Korea, and the dance team in Korea had to study the video and teach BEAST. However a few days later, Haw arrived in Korea and checked over the dance and BEAST had to relearn the moves from scratch.

“We practiced the choreography for 3~4 days without a rest in the practice room. After that we moved right on to the music video filming.”

BEAST’s ability to quickly learn the dance moves have been proven. Even during the ‘SHOCK’, they had practiced the dance moves right until the date of the music video filming. “This time we had asked them for a favor earlier. We wanted more time to practice freely. But the reality wasn’t like that.” (Jang Hyunseung)

“It is also our job to digest all the dance moves in a short time. However since the ending was coming soon, everyone starts to anticipate. We practiced with the stress and overwhelming feeling on us the whole time.” (Yong Junhyung)

Leader Yoon Doojoon had also thought about “actually running away with the member because the stress on them was too much.” In the elevator each of them thought about “hiding away in each of their homes,” but since all of them were scared, they ended the conversation with “running away on a day without schedules.” In the end BEAST’s episode of ‘Runner’ had disappeared.

After Yong Junhyung, who had been nominated as the second in charge for the second album, when Yang Yoseob, who had been nominated as the second in charge for third album, stated, “We are messing up. We are just becoming the bad kids,” suddenly all of the other members agreed. BEAST stated, “We ended up forgetting all the hardships after looking at the fans cheering for the dance moves we worked hard on.”

In the dance practice video that was revealed after their comeback had a little surprise for the fans. BEAST had expressed their thankfulness in the crazy dances. When we asked Yoon Doojoon if that was his everyday side, he stated, “I’m not like this,” however he couldn’t avoid Yang Yoseob confessing, “He is worse than that.” Yoon Doojoon had almost even sprained his ankle dancing the ‘Yoon Exaggerated Dance’.

Yoon Doojoon stated, “I really couldn’t tell anyone that I sprained my ankle. Thankfully there weren’t any big problems, but I was a bit disappointed in myself.”

After a year since debut, BEAST, who had been promoting like crazy, is now slowly starting to take off the “rookie” sticker and running towards the top of the music industry. “Through this album, we can clearly feel that we are getting some attention. In the future, we want to let the public know about the existence of BEAST. We hope that there isn’t anyone out there that doesn’t know us. (Jang Hyunseung)

Meanwhile BEAST will be having a special time with the fans in the solo concert coming up in December.

part 2:

[뉴스엔 이언혁 기자]

비스트가 연예계 최대의 화두 ‘슈퍼스타K 시즌2’에 대해 입을 열었다.

비스트는 최근 뉴스엔과의 인터뷰에서 “Mnet ‘슈퍼스타K 2’를 즐겨보고 있다”며 “출연자들의 성대모사도 할 줄 안다”고 말했다.

장재인, 존박, 허각, 강승윤 등 Top 4가 경합을 벌이는 ‘슈퍼스타K2’는 금요일 밤 예능 시청률 1위를 나타내고 있다. ‘슈퍼스타K’에 관련된 것은 무엇이라도 관심의 대상이다.

“시즌1보다 실력 있고 끼 많은 분들이 많아요. Top 11뿐만 아니라 예선 출연자들도 마찬가지죠. 저희끼리 숙소에서 TV를 보며 ‘저기 나가면 Top 11에도 못 끼지 않을까’ 하는 이야기를 많이 했어요.”

장현승은 시즌1 Top 3에 랭크, 가수로 정식 데뷔한 길학미와 친구 사이다. 학창시절 교회에서 만난 두 사람은 함께 눈물을 흘리며 새벽기도를 할 정도였다.

“TV에 나오기에 전화해서 ‘거기 왜 있냐’고 물었어요. 평소 긴 생머리에 얌전한 아이였는데 방송에서는 숏커트에 진한 화장을 한 모습이더라구요. 학창시절에도 오디션을 보러 다녔는데 떨어지고 나서 ‘왜 기회를 안 주냐’고 울며 기도하는 것을 봤어요. 잘 됐으면 좋겠어요.”

2009년 10월 가요계에 나타난 비스트는 어느새 데뷔 1년을 맞았다. 팬들은 비스트의 데뷔 1주년을 축하하기 위해 모금 운동을 벌이는 등 선행에도 힘쓰고 있다. “팬들이 남긴 글 중에 ‘비스트는 들어오지 마세요’라고 써 있는 것도 있지만 사실 다 봐요.(웃음) 정말 감사하죠. 하지만 모른 척 하고 있어요.

숨 가쁘게 달려온 1년을 되돌아보는 것도 비스트에게는 남다른 의미일 터. 멤버들은 한 목소리로 “눈 깜짝할 사이 1년이 지나갔다”며 “응원해주는 팬들이 있었기에 지금의 우리가 있다”고 했다.

“인복이 정말 많아요. 도움을 많이 받았는걸요. 더욱 잘 돼서 아껴주시는 모든 분들에게 더 잘 해드리고 싶어요. 좋은 사람들은 비스트가 성장할 수 있었던 원동력이라고 생각해요.”(양요섭)

“가수로 활동하는 것 외에도 많은 이들을 만나며 인간적으로 많이 성숙한 것 같아요. 앞으로 더 성숙할 거예요. 물론 얼굴 말고 마음이요. 항상 발전할 수 있는 사람이 됐으면 해요.”(손동운)

“어렸을 때부터 꿈꿔 온 가수였지만 생각보다 힘들었어요. 하지만 후회한 적은 없어요. 앞으로 가야 할 길이 멀죠.”(윤두준)

한편 비스트는 3집 미니앨범 ‘Mastermind’(마스터마인드) 타이틀곡 ‘숨’으로 인기몰이 중이다.

trans:[Newsen Lee Uhnhyuk Reporter]

BEAST opened up their mouths regarding the recent interest these days, ‘Superstar K Season 2’.

In the recent Newsen interview with BEAST, they stated, “We enjoy watching ‘Mnet Superstar K 2’,” and added, “We can even do the impression of some of the people on the show.”

Placing first as the Friday night variety show, ‘Superstar K2’ captures the competitions between the top 4 including Jang Jane, John Park, Heogak, and Kang Seungyoon. Anything related to ‘Superstar K’ tends to be a issue of the public.

“There are more talented and skilled people compared to the season 1. This isn’t just including the top 11, but all the people who made it. When we are watching the TV at our dorms, we even tell ourselves, ‘If we go out there, we wouldn’t even make it to top 11’.”

Jang Hyunseung is close friends with Gil Hakmi who had ranked as top 3 in the first season and had debuted officially as a singer. These two people who met at church in the school days, they are close enough to attend midnight prayers and cry for each other.

“Since I saw her on TV, I called her and asked why she was there. She was usually the quiet kid with long hair, but on the show she had on a dark makeup with a short cut hair. I even saw her crying and praying about why she doesn’t get a chance every time she didn’t get in an audition. I wish the best for her.”

BEAST, who had appeared in October 2009, had already met their one year of debut. Fans have been gathering money and donating to good use in BEAST’s name in order to celebrate the one year of debut. “Looking at some of the posts the fans made, there are posts that read ‘BEAST don’t come in here’, but we actually look at everything. (Laughs) We are really thankful. However we just act like we don’t know it.”

For BEAST, looking back at the year that they ran through has additional meaning for them. In one voice, the members stated, “The year went by in a blink of an eye” and added, “Because of the fans cheering for us, we are here today.”

“I have a lot of luck in finding help. I have gotten a lot of help as well. I hope that we get to be better and I want to be better to everyone. I think that the reason BEAST was able to grow was thanks to the good people.” (Yang Yoseob)

“Being a singer, I think I was able to meet more people and grow more mature as a person. I will hope to get more mature later on. Of course not the face, but the heart. I wish I can be a person always capable of becoming better.” (Son Dongwoon)

“I've been dreaming of becoming a singer since I was little, but it was harder than I thought. But I have no regrets. There is still a long way to go.” (Yoon Doojoon)

Meanwhile, BEAST 3rd album ‘Mastermind’ title song ‘Breath’ is attracting a lot of attention.
part 3:
BEAST, "We are touched by the comment, 'BEAST isn’t the recycled group, but the rediscovered group'"

part 3:

[뉴스엔 이언혁 기자]

어느덧 데뷔 1년. '짐승돌'로 불리던 비스트는 이내 '애완돌'이 됐으며 이후 '애완 짐승돌'로 거듭났다. 1년 사이 팬들도 훌쩍 늘었다. 아시아 각국을 돌며 프로모션에 나섰을 때도 폭발적인 반응을 얻었다.

3집 미니앨범 'Mastermind'(마스터마 인드)로 돌아온 비스트는 음악적인 면뿐만 아니라 외모도 한층 성숙해졌다. '남신'으로 불리던 막내 손동운은 영화 '아저씨' 원빈을 연상케 하는 짧은 머리로 돌아왔다. "중학교 1학년 이후 6~7년 만에 머리카락을 잘랐어요. 중학교 사진을 본 팬들이 '손동운은 늙지 않는다'고 하더라구요. 만족스러워요. 사실 '잘 어울린다', '잘 생겼다'는 말보다 '어려보인다'는 말이 더 좋아요."

래퍼 용준형 역시 한층 '평범한' 헤어스타일이다. 옆 머리를 밀고 가운데를 한껏 올린 일명 '뿔몬' 머리는 이제 차분해졌다. "이제 무난한 헤어스타일로 돌아왔나요? 팬들도, 부모님도 좋아하세요. 대비효과인가봐요. 그 동안 거부반응을 일으킬 수 있는 센 머리를 했거든요. 당분간은 머리를 자를 생각이 없어요."

리드보컬 양요섭은 컴백 준비를 하던 중 비염 종양을 발견, 수술했다. 다들 하는 비염 수술이지만 가수로서는 어려운 결정이었다. 소리가 변할 수도 있고 발성이 힘들어질 수도 있기 때문이다. 다행히 수술 결과는 좋았다. "안 좋은 것을 떼 내고 나서 더 안 좋아질 수는 없다고 생각했어요. 다행히 나빠진 것은 없어요. 오히려 나아진 것이 많더라구요."

용준형이 제목을 지은 '숨'으로 활동 중인 비스트는 3집 미니앨범 Part.1에 이어 Part.2도 조만간 선보일 계획이다. 아직 콘셉트는 미정이지만 비스트는 "새로운 모습이자 팬들이 바라는 음악 스타일을 선보일 것 같다"고 귀띔했다.

12월 12일 서울 잠실 실내체육관에서는 비스트의 첫 단독 콘서트도 열린다. 현재 콘서트는 기획 단계다. 비스트 멤버들 역시 회의에 적극 참여, 의견을 내며 함께 콘서트를 만들어 갈 예정이다. 그토록 기다려왔던 콘서트. 멤버들이 각자 선보이고 싶은 무대는 어떤 것일까?

"일본 가수의 콘서트를 봤어요. 레일을 설치해 자전거를 타고 무대를 360도 돌며 노래를 부르더라구요. 특이해서 꼭 해 보고 싶다는 생각을 했어요. 하늘을 나는 느낌을 표현한 것 같아요."(양요섭)

"멤버들의 음악적 취향이 각각 다르잖아요. 그 동안 방송에서 보여줄 수 없었던 모습을 담아내고 싶어요. 또 활동하지 못했던 수록곡도 최대한 멋지게 보여주려구요. 첫 콘서트이다 보니 하고 싶은 게 많아요. 최대한 재밌는 콘서트를 만들어야죠."(용준형)

장현승은 유일하게 콘서트 경험이 있다. 댄서로 다른 이의 콘서트 무대에 선 적이 있기 때문이다. 하지만 무대의 주인공이 된다는 생각에 걱정도 앞선다. "댄서로 했을 때, 스트레스가 장난이 아니었어요. 댄서는 안무만 준비하면 되지만 주인공이 되면 노래 연습 등 할 게 더 많잖아요. 어휴. 지금 바쁜 건 바쁜 것도 아니죠."

2009년 신인상을 거머쥔 비스트. 올해는 한 단계 높은 상을 바라고 있지 않을까? "사실 상 욕심은 없어요. 차근차근 올라가고 싶거든요. 물론 주면 감사히 받죠.(웃음)"

이제 신인상 트로피를 물려줘야 하는 '선배' 비스트. 이들이 꼽은 2010년 신인상 유력 후보는 누구일까? "씨엔블루 아닐까요? 남녀 각각 상을 준다면..음.. 걸그룹 중에서는 미쓰에이요."(용준형은 인터뷰 말미 미쓰에이의 'Breathe'(브리드) 후렴구를 흥얼거리기도 했다.)

마지막으로 데뷔 2년차, 비스트라는 이름 앞에 붙었으면 하는 수식어에는 어떤 것이 있는지 물었다. "힘든 질문이다"고 고민하던 윤두준을 대신해 2집 부반장을 맡은 용준형이 입을 열었다.

"사실 데뷔했을 때는 이런저런 안 좋은 말들이 많았어요. 하지만 3집이 나온 뒤 '비스트는 재활용 그룹이 아니라 재발견 그룹이다'는 말을 들었죠. 정말 뿌듯하고 힘이 났어요. 가장 기억에 남아요. 앞으로 '재조명', '재발견'이라는 말을 많이 듣고 싶어요."

'Bad Girl'(배드걸)로 데뷔, 'Mystery'(미스테리), 'SHOCK'(쇼크), 'Special'(스페셜)까지 연타석 홈런을 친 비스트가 앞으로 또 어떤 활약을 보여줄지 귀추가 주목된다.

[Newsen Lee Uhnhyuk Reporter]

BEAST, who had been called ‘beast-idol’ to ‘pet-idol’, proudly claimed the title, ‘pet-beast-idol’ one year later. As BEAST gains a year, the fans have gained a year older as well. Even when they were doing promotions in different areas of Asia, they had received explosive popularity as well.

Returning with the 3rd mini album, ‘Mastermind’, BEAST had not only grown mature in music, but they had gotten mature in visual ways as well. The youngest, Son Dongwoon, who had been referred to as “male god”, had come back with a short hair cut that reminds one of Wonbin from the movie, ‘Man’. “Since the first year of middle school, in about 6~7 years, I got to cut my hair for the first time. Fans who saw my middle school picture commented, ‘Son Dongwoon doesn’t grow old’. I am really pleased with that comment. In truth, I like comments like ‘He looks younger’ then comments like, ‘it looks good’ or ‘he looks good’.”

The rapper Yong Junhyung had gotten a much more “regular” hair style. The ‘bbul-mon’ hair had returned back to its calm state. “So are you back with a calm hairstyle?” “The fans and my parents like it as well. It must be contrast effect. So far I had strong hairstyles that might cause dislike in some people. At least for now, I have no plans of cutting my hair.”

The lead vocal Yang Yoseob had gone through surgery due to a discovery of an infection in his nose. It might be a regular surgery for someone normal, but as a singer, it had been a hard decision. This is because of the chance that his sound can change and he can have a harder time of pronouncing words. Thankfully the results were well. “After removing the infection, I thought that it couldn’t get worse. Thankfully nothing else went wrong. On the other hand, more good things came out of it.”

Currently promoting ‘Breath’ titled by Yong Junhyung, BEAST is looking forward to release a Part.2 album after this Part.1 album. Even thought the concept hasn’t been chosen, BEAST hinted, “It will be a new look and a new music style that that fans might want from us.”

Also, on December 12th, BEAST’s first concert will be opening at the Seould Jamshil Indoor Stadium. Currently the concert is in the planning stage. BEAST members will be participating in the planning directly and will start building the concert with their ideas. The concert that they all have been waiting for, what will the stages each member want to show be like?

"I saw this one concert from a Japanese singer. They were on a bicycle attracted to a railing and sang while going around the stage. It was unique so I really wanted to try that once. I think it was expressing the feeling of flying up on the sky." (Yang Yoseob)

"The music styles of the members are all different. I want to show a side that hasn’t been shown on broadcasts yet. And I want to show the other songs on album that we never got to be sung on music shows. Since this will be my first concert, I want to do a lot of different things. We need to make the most enjoyable concert. (Yong Junhyung)

Only Jang Hyunseung is the member with experiences with concerts. It is because he had stood on a concert stage as a dance. However, he is worried with the fact that he will be the main character of the stage. “When I was a dancer, the stress was overwhelming. If you are a dancer, all you have to pay attention to is the choreography, but as a since I will be the main character, I need to practice singing and more. Oh wow. We aren’t even busy compared to how we will be like then."

BEAST, who had won the rookie award for 2009, wouldn’t they want a higher award for this year? “Honestly we don’t have greed for awards. We just want to go up step by step. But of course if you them to give, we will receive it with thankful hearts. (Laughs)”

Now the ‘sunbae’ group BEAST has to give away the rookie trophy. Who have they chosen as the nominees for the 2010 rookie award? “Wouldn’t it be CN Blue? If we can give a gift to a female as well…um… it would have to be Miss A out of all the female groups.” (In the middle of the interview, Yong Junhyung started humming the song ‘Breathe’ by Miss A.)

Lastly we asked them what they would like to be an associated word with BEAST in two years. While Yoon Doojoon was pondering after he said, “That is a hard question,” the second leader of the group Yong Junhyung spoke up.

"Honestly when we debuted, there were a lot of bad words about us. But after the 3rd album came out, we started to hear comments like, ‘BEAST isn’t the recycled group, but the rediscovered group.’ I was really proud and gained strength. I remember that comment exactly. In the future we want to hear words like ‘refocus’ and ‘rediscovered’ a lot.”

Debuting with 'Bad Girl', and hitting home runs with the song 'Mystery', 'SHOCK', and 'Special', attentions are turned towards them as others anticipate what other homeruns BEAST might be hitting.

credit: newsen + b2r