I've had this game for a few years now. I picked it up knowing nothing about it. No details about the game on the back, and I got a copy without a instruction booklet.

I tried playing it and it turned out to be a RPG, so I was like cool, but it was far too weird for me.

A couple years after the matter a friend of mine was mentioning Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 FES so I tried that game and quickly fell in love with it. So much I just had to get Persona 4 and the remake of the first Persona for the PSP, which is ok I guess, just that I find it super confusing with it's old style early Might and Magic 3D maze concept.

So with having finished P3 FES reccently, and now that I have experinced other Shin Megami Tensei games, I decided to pull out Digital Devil Saga and give it another try. Only problem is... Once I finish it I'd be dying to play Digital Devil Saga Part II... And... Well... It's not really a easy game to come by. Oh well, the least I can do is enjoy what I got right.