xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx★▉▉`this NONfictional
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFairy - TALE

ROLEPLAY | OOCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

__________________________❶ do NOT change the initial layout of the profile skeleton
__________________________❷ you can however do whatever lettering you wish and add colors to anywhere you see fit

[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] first last middle
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] [size=10]「 title; ie The Prince | The Theif | The Tomboy | The Friend 」[/size]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] [size=10]「 age 」 [color=white]xx[/color] 「 gender 」 [color=white]xx[/color] 「 sexuality 」[/size]
[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color] [size=10]「 trait❶ 」 [color=white]xx[/color] 「 trait❷ 」 [color=white]xx[/color] 「 trait❸ 」[/size]

[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][size=14]★ ` [color=cadetblue][b]THE - inside[/b][/color][/size]
[size=10][list][*] write a personality in depth description , 1 to 2 paragraph at least[/list][/size]

[color=white]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][size=14]★ ` [color=cadetblue][b]THE - outside[/b][/color][/size]
[size=10][list][*] write your character's history, past, biography- whichever , 2 or more paragraphs[/list][/size]