For those who need a little reminder of the rules of chess:

1.)White always begins the game

2.)The queen is always on her color

3.)Pieces can take any one piece blocking their way for the exception of pawns and kings

4.)Pawns can only move forward and one space at a time, except for the first move then it can move two spaces. Pawns can capture pieces that are diagonal to its current space. They cannot move backwards nor capture pieces that are not diagonally in front of the piece. Should a pawn successfully reach the opposite side of the board, it can be replaced with a queen, bishop, knight, or castle.

5.)Castles, or also known as the rook, can move forward or backwards in straight lines. They can also preform a move with the King, in which the castle moves two spaces toward the King and the King two spaces towards the castle, only as long as the spaces between the King and the castle are empty and neither the King or the castle has moved prior to the this move. Castles can capture any pieces that is in its way.

6.)The knight is the only piece on the board that can jump over other pieces. Knights move in a L pattern: two spaces up, one over.

7.)The bishop can only move in diagonal lines; one on the black squares, one on the white squares.

8.)The Queen can move any number of spaces in any direction.

9.)The King is the most important piece on the board. They can only move one space in any direction as long as the ending space will not land the King in Check. They also cannot take any piece that once landing on that piece's space, will put the King in Check.

10.)When a King is in check, the “checking” player must call “check” and the 'checked' player must make a move to get their King out of check.

11.)The game ends when a player's King is checked and cannot make a move to counter it. The winning player must call “Check Mate” in order to win.

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