Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:34 pm
I kinda feel like I don't really belong anywhere. My old friends have new college/ University friends but I'm working so I'm not going to college. My other friends also have new friends who are in high school because they're still in high school. I've hung out with people from both of these friend groups and since it was so long since I had hung out with them, I don't quite feel like I fit in anymore. My work friends remind me of work and how much I dislike it there, plus I never see them outside of work anyway. My anime convention friends I used to have have moved on. My tsukino-con friends are all older and more mature and legal age and I kiinda feel like I fit but I don't really. All in due time, I guess. I use the term 'friend' loosely, more like some were friends and others acquaintances. When I set foot outside the guild on gaia, I get ignored something fierce. I just dunno what to do anymore.
Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:33 pm
Awww, Medic D: That really sucks... *pets a little* Sorry if I'm bein' nosy or anything, but yeah... I can sympathize with the feeling, definitely not funnn. If it helps any, if I was over there, I'd probably hang out with you and stuff :] ... But that probably doesn't help. Gosh... Feeling ignored must be a lonely feeling. But I'm sure it'll get better *nods* You'll eventually find people that you'll really click with D: