Yazie - Sama: I need to do some research on a spell.
Yazie - Sama: Brb
symarealivana: Have fun.
Yazie - Sama: back
symarealivana: How did the spell go?
Yazie - Sama: I was just looking it up for David
symarealivana: What spell?
Yazie - Sama: Birthing spell
symarealivana: ...Why does he need a birthing spell?
symarealivana: Magic should never be done around children.
Yazie - Sama: He wants to know for future reference.
Yazie - Sama: And magick can be done around children
symarealivana: symarealivana: Yes. But it shouldn't be.
Yazie - Sama: Why not?
symarealivana: I never said it couldn't, I just said it shouldn't.
symarealivana: It affects their nervous system. Along with their energy waves. You could change the child's behavior patterns or give it deformities before it is done developing. That, and if caught, children are not the best secret keepers.
Yazie - Sama: You say that as if I was purposely trying to hurt a child. It's a protection spell. And from what I've seen magick has helped children both mentally and physically.
symarealivana: I didn't mean to say it in such a way. And magick has only helped some, not all. It depends on the child.
symarealivana: And the caster.
Yazie - Sama: You have no faith in David then? Think he would ever hurt his children
symarealivana: symarealivana: No. I never said that. You are twisting my words.
Yazie - Sama: You might as well take the extra step and come to that conclusion because that's what this whole argument is based on.
symarealivana: What are you talking about?
symarealivana: I don't care about David. We were talking about magick. Not him.
symarealivana: Or at least, I wasn't talking about him.
Yazie - Sama is typing...
Yazie - Sama: Hn...
symarealivana: And you don't believe me.
symarealivana: Okay. Then. I am going to walk away and let you be the child and let you think you are always right.
symarealivana: I was only simply stating that the magick may still harm the child, even with good intentions.
Yazie - Sama: I don't think I'm always right
Yazie - Sama is typing...
Yazie - Sama: I'm not immature
symarealivana: You seem to act that way everytime you talk to me.
Yazie - Sama: Then you make poor assumptions. I challenge you, not automatically consider myself above you by saying I'm always tight.
symarealivana: What is the point in challenging me? You earn nothing but satisfaction for your boredom, which, let's face it, that's the only reason you ever talk to me.
symarealivana: You and your whole side of friends, Excluding Allie and Adri, don't give a damn for me. I am not blind, you know.
Yazie - Sama is typing...
Yazie - Sama: I don't even know who Allie is. And what makes you think I give a damn about them? They could be nothing more than just forms of entertainment to me. You don't know how I feel for them.
symarealivana: symarealivana: ~facepalm~ You do know her. I am just not going to tell you who she is to you. I didn't say you didn't give a damn about them. I said you didn't give a damn about me.
symarealivana: God, do you just read what you want to see? Read it again.
symarealivana: I never said your feelings towards them.
symarealivana: I said you and most of your friends I know, feelings about ME.
symarealivana: It is hopeless getting through to you.
Yazie - Sama: Fine, whatever.Bookmark
And then we just ended out convo. This is the reason I hate people. This is the reason why I tell you I don't get along with someone, I mean it. I even tried to get along with her in our earlier conversation, and all she did was use me to try and get me to say she's right. ~eyeroll~ I swear. Humanity is just plain stupid.
What is worse, is she KNOWS how I feel about doing anything that could potentionally harm a child, even if not meaning to. I am shaking so bad because of the anger, and because I am cold. I wish Karma gets her good.
Playground for the random.