Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 9:59 pm
Next semester.... v_v;;; The Bio night class I really wanted is already full with 5 spots open on the waitlist... And I CAN'T register until 12 PM on Nov. 30th. It won't let me register a minute earlier than that time. So much for that class, then. The only other time I can work in for the same class is like 8 AM... *whimpers*
So... If I get the classes I want... it's going to be... insane. So far, my written schedule is...
Monday: BioB32 8:00 AM - 9:25 AM FrenB1 11:10 AM - 1:40 PM BioB16 5:20 PM - 6:45 PM & 6:50 PM - 10:00 PM
Tuesday: BioB32 9:35 AM - 11:00 AM ArtB2 6:00 PM - 9:10 PM
Wednesday: Repeat Monday's schedule
Thursday: Repeat Tuesday's schedule
Friday: Free
v________v;; I might ditch the art class, but I kinda need it for my gen ed for my degree. But I might not be allowed to take it because those four classes right there equal 17 units and I might be capped at like 15 or something x_x For the record, a full load is 12. Ughhhhh.... I need those classes, though. I NEED THAT BIO32 CLASS. IT'S LIKE... THE MAIN PART OF MY DEGREE! ;-; It's not faaaaaaaaaaaaair that early enrollment started on November 18th and I'm not allowed to enroll until the 30th... And then the next day is open enrollment... I'm never going to get that class I need and I'm never going to graduate and I'm never going to have my degree or a job or ;-; *just gets discouraged by the whole school thing* Nngh.
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:13 pm
Never f***ing mind, every class I need this semester is already full (through the waitlist as well).
I'm never going to get a goddamned stupid degree.
I might as well just give up. No one cares.