The Hovel


The Hovel is a massive underground tunnel dug by various Furs (anthropomorphics) many years ago for safety from their oppressors. It is known as a haven to nearly all Fur tribes, and is perhaps the only Fur habitat which is openly discussed by Lyndrians, as nearly all others are hidden around the Western Continent. In fact, The Hovel itself is nearly impossible for any non-Fur to come across. The reason for their secretive nature is due to the fact that many Lyndrian cultures still view Furs to be lesser creatures whose only purpose in life is to mate with others of their kind. However, crimes against Furs are considered to be very serious today and are nearly completely unheard of. It is for this reason that many Lyndrians feel that there is no longer a need for The Hovel, though the Furs consider it to be the Talik of their culture. In other words, it is simply a center of commerce to most Furs. The Hovel's tunnels run all through the Western Continent and a few are rumored to even run beneath the Sapphiric Main to the East. Those who inhabit The Hovel come in all shapes and sizes, though its main race is considered to be the Leporid or Rabbit Fur. It is said that these Furs were the first to contribute to the construction of The Hovel, and were perhaps the race that contributed most to its construction. Apart from the Rodent families of the Fur cultures which inhabit The Hovel, there are also many Canines, Felines, Equids, and even Reptiles which will undoubtedly be seen hustling through its enormous corridors. Due to The Hovel having such a wide variety of Fur cultures dwelling within its dirt walls, it has an equally wide variety of religions, rituals, and celebrations.
{For more information, visit the Lyndrian Athenaeum.}