I just wrote this up! It's really short and does not really continue any further. You'll need to know the Suikoden Tierkries characters in order to really understand this.

The Dreams

Blank white filled Chrodechild’s surroundings, erasing the previous dream’s scenery. Wind whooshed all around her, catching her feet off the ground and ruffling her hair. She felt used to it now since the same blank white and wind seemed to pick up between dreams. Slowly, she felt her feet meet solid ground and her surroundings return to colour.

Green grass rippled from underneath Chrodechild and grew into the scenery of a well looked after garden. Stone castle walls surrounded the large garden’s boundaries and were dotted with patrolling guards. Chrodechild immediately recognised the area she was in: Pharamond Castle. Knights were on duty and busily minded the servants that briefly brushed past them. A few maids ran past Chrodechild chatting to each other excitedly as they carried out their daily chores. Pharamond seemed to be as it always had to Chrodechild.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

Chrodechild almost jumped when she realised the sound came from a small boy right in front of her. The child was playing with a wooden toy horse that had been fitted with wheels and a long piece of string was tied around its neck. Entertained, the boy pulled the string on the horse and hoisted it forward on the short grass, making the wheels clink softly together.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

Chrodechild relaxed. It must be one of the lord’s or lady’s child. She leaned closely and studied the small boy; she didn’t recognise him at all or his resemblance. Frowning, Chrodechild straightened herself and watched the boy pull the horse across the grass again. A blond mop of hair concealed the child’s eyes. Chrodechild couldn’t remember a lord or lady of the council who had such blond hair or their partner.

“Assshhhherssssshhh,” called out a masculine but muffled voice.

The child immediately jerked up his head and began running towards a figure across from Chrodechild. “Father! Father!” the boy cried cheerfully, dragging the wheeled horse behind him. Arms wide open, the child embraced his father. Chrodechild gasped as she recognised the young man as he bent down and hugged the child. The boy’s face was still concealed by that blond fringe but it didn’t matter to Chrodechild anymore as she watched Asad happily pick up the young boy and began walking away.