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The buck shivered.
The sky was already dark, the moon shining down on him as he stood knee deep in water. He was chilled to the bone and he was tired, but he could not rest. For there, glinting in the moonlight, sat a pearl, as round and as beautiful as the moon herself. And somehow he knew, that if he left now, the pearl would disappear forever.
Just one more dive, and then he would let it be.
He waded further into the water, letting it lap around his maw before drawing a deep breath and plunging in. There wasn’t much to see, but the buck didn't take his eyes off the soft glow coming from the depths of the water. Deeper he swam, feeling the pressure of the water increase. It was so close, only a few more kicks...

But something was wrong, he felt light-headed… dizzy. His vision started to blur as he strained to get closer to the ever-dimming glow. By now he was flailing, gasping for air that wasn’t there.