Note: I had just recently got back into Gaia so I don't know if anyone has made a topic of this yet. If someone did, please accept my apology for making this one. Thank you for being understanding! ^^

I know, I know it's a little late but I had recently gotten back into Gaia and it was a pleasant surprise to see that I'm still a member of this awesome guild~!! Anyways, me and my husband went to Blizzcon 2010 and I was just wondering if anyone else here went too?

It was my first time being at Blizzcon and it was awesome! First day was uber hectic, my husband had to help me with getting my costume ready as I wanted to join the Costume Contest as Blood Queen Lanathel. The body paint I got sucks, lesson learned for next year I guess. All and all, it was fun! There were alot of people taking pictures. It was my first con so that was new for me. I didn't know where to sign up so I was late and only got lucky that there were spots left for the costume contest. I didn't even know that there was a certain area where cosplayer hung out at!! Whattan00b! Lol! We bought a bunch of stuff too, we got matching Horde jackets, Horde Wall banner which was much bigger than I thought it was gonna be o.o and little knick knacks here and there. We also watched the panel for D3, I CAN'T WAIT!!! We also watch the PvP tourney going on and man, those people are good. @@

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Me during the Costume Contest

For the second day, I dressed in a simpler attire, wore my Horde jacket that I got the previous day with my Warlock Legendary Shirt (posted a pic in, surprised that there are still nice people out there in the internetz since I got positive comments on it) with my plaid skirt and thigh high stockings. My husband wore his Horde jacket with his Paladin Legendary shirt. Also drew on my face to make me look Undead.. well, sorta haha! We immediately lined up for the D3 demo and man, was it kickass! Sadly, we didn't get to play the new class introduced ---- Demon Hunter ---- but we played our favorites, mine was the Necro aka Witchdoctor while my husband play a Sorc. I'll probably get alot of hate for this but we didn't get to see Tenacious D since we were super tired from getting up early the precious day to get my costume ready then waking up again early that day as well.

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My make-shift undead... ness? Lol!