Name of weapon: wolves savior
Your Rank: chuunin
Who owns the weapon: miwata inzuka
Where it was found/Who made it: (you can choose one or the other, you can use both if you want) miwata inzuka. she made it to use in conjuction with the miniature sword of her canine partner, aki.
Users Class: animal tamer
The Range of the weapon: melee range, standard sword length
Weakness: (!MUST HAVE ONE!) the metal its made from is highly conductive, and can easily shock its user when hit with an electric jutsu. it also gets dull quickly and the metal softens quickly when it gets over 100F
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the wolves savior is a blade crafted by miwata for her to use in conjunction with the blade of her canine partner, aki. its very conductive against lightning jutsu and softens from the heat of fire jutsu and dulls easily, but its lightweight and speedy and is easily strapped to her back when she has to rush out on missions. she has a bit of her chakra inside of it, allowing her to keep track of it at all times, and also uses the chakra as a bit of a defense mechnism. she can also use it to keep a bit of extra chakra on hand in the situation she runs out by drawing on the chakra in her sword and using it for extensive jutsus or if she ever needs a small pick-me-up during a battle or a training session. the blade can only hold a certain amount of chakra however. starting out, it can only hold the amount of chakra needed to perform a small chuunin level jutsu, but after the ninja has gone up in rank and has gained some experience, it can be upgraded to hold more. with the upgrades comes the ability for it to hold more chakra, and possibly a stronger metal. the look if it is a rather simple blade, but the blade glows slightly if she has a lot of chakra in it. the handle is about half to 3/4 of a foot long, with the blade 2 to 3 feet long. the handle is a semi t-style design, with a light curve in it. inscribed on the blade is 'a wolf travels in a pack, you must follow the same' to miwata, that means to always do her best to make friends.
Rp Sample: miwata and her canine partner, aki, were on a small c-rank recon mission. her sword drawn in case of enemies, she scanned the area from the tree tops, and saw a group of ninjas whos village symbols were crossed out "looks like we got ourselves some rouges, aki." said miwata, smirking "and here i thought i'd never find some excitement." and she raised her sword and climbed down, landing with a small flourish "hey there." she said, her sword drawn
"looks like we have company. lets get her!" said one of the rouges, and he charged. miwata slid between his legs, and tripped him with a low kick, she then raised her sword and blocked an attack from an attacking rouge while aki bit the ankle of another.
"fire style, phoenix flower jutsu!" one rouge said, and miwatas sword softened "tch... great..." she said. another rouge then fired an electric jutsu at it, shocking her. aki yelped urgently and tossed a stone at her hand, causing her to drop it. she stretched her hand, which had a bad burn from the shock, and winced "i can still fight" she said, and proceeded to fight the rouge ninjas with her suiton jutsus