Note: She's not a quest for myself. I'd like to give her to Dreamsinner, who has been a very good friend of mine for several years, and loves Blind Mag from Repo! The Genetic Opera, the inspiration for this Kimeti.

Name: Blind Fern
Gender: Doe
Naming Dream:

The doe was cowering. She was terrified, and it was coming after her, and there was no escape. She had hunkered down behind a stand of ferns, freshly green and newly unfurled, the fronds spread wide. The tiny doe was hidden behind them, hoping against hope that the creature wouldn't see her wide eyes behind the thin frond. She focused solely on the green leaves in front of her eyes, seeking solace in their forms, becoming deaf to her surroundings, becoming blind to the danger that crept behind her, loomed over her hiding place, and swept over her. She never saw it coming, because she had been blinded by the beautiful, frothy fern.

Inspiration:Tao of Mag

There are really only two edits I'd like for Blind Fern: The eyes, and the fans. The fans would (hopefully) be the shoulder scale, or a hairstyle.