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His feet feel heavier with each step. The breathing becomes labored, and the path ahead seems to extend into eternity. How much longer must he travel? He does not know. Exhaustion has set in, and there isn't much time before sleep will take over, whether or not he is lying down to beckon it. Heavier hoofs, heavier hoofs. His stride is getting shorter and shorter until he's practically dragging himself along. It's been so long since he's rested.

There! A clearing. The sun's shining down on a flat rock. Using what strength he has left, he drags himself over to the rock. As he gets into the clearing, the shades of blue on his body become more vibrant. Lying down on the surface, the heat coming from the rock and the sun relax his muscles. Closing his eyes, he feels each part of his body become relaxed and limp. Not long now, not long.

Closing his eyes, he lets the warmth flow through his body like cool water down his throat on a scorching hot day. The sun bakes into his fur. The blues on his coat start to swirl in the sunlight. His breathing becomes slower...and slower....

Soon a deep sleep has taken him over. He is aware of nothing as his brain has taken advantage of the time for sleep. And the sun warms him.

The scales on his shoulder and black become bleached a pink color in the sunlight. They contrast well with the continuously swirling blues, creeping down his back leg, making a design.

Comfort is something hard to come by when emotion is what swirls in your head. When your head is turned off, your body does the swirling, it seems. Comfort.