This post went quiet last year but I'm going to pop some ideas in anyway. XD

Horror movies (Everything from Freddy to Xenomorphs c: )
Gaia Evolving Items
Mother, Maiden and Crone (Would only be a trio unless others were made to compliment but could be AMAZING)
Superstitions (Black cat, broken mirror, salt over the shoulder)
Plant based (Creeping vine, willow tree, moss)
Comic books (Not just like Batman and Spiderman but comics like Witchblade, Fathom and Tank Girl)
7 Deadly Sins/Heavenly Virtues (Those may have already been done)
Good Dreams/Nightmares
Plague/Healing (Plague could be Kimeti who spread disease and illness while Healing Kimeti can cure said ailments, could be a rivalry)

I'll stop now. xd

Also I love the Herb, Perfume, and Horn ideas. <3~