Nova Raiken
Raiken Clan
Six Tailed Beast Host

Your Rank: Genin
Ninja Class: Ninjutsu
Name of Jutsu: Nova Flare
Rank of Jutsu: C
Jutsu's Element: Lightning
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu, attack, supplementary
Do you want you Jutsu added to the Guild List? No, I'd rather be greedy.
Description: Acting similar to a normal flare, Nova Flare launches three sphere shaped compressed jutsu into the air fused with a large amount of lightning going heights up to 300 feet into the skies before exploding in a bright blinding light both blinding anyone staring at the sky within a relatively close distance and signaling those who aren't blinded by it that can be a good distance away depending on which time of the day the jutsu is used. People also hear large bangs of thunder from this jutsu, acting as a backup signal if they didn't see the light.
Rp Sample ((If need be))