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Fruits Basket: Western Zodiac PROFILES

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Original Heckler

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:42 am

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:44 am

"My house, my rules."
User Image
My name is... Melanie Cassandra Crest
I am quite obviously a.. Female,
And I was born 22 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on October 10th, 1988.
Inside me lives... The one they call "The Gatherer". So technically....nothing.
And I can be pretty... Kind and soft to those she likes, but rude and arrogant towards those she doesn't. Despite what she says, Melanie loves attention, and often recieves it by being more dramatic then she needs to be, such as yelling and screaming when a simple chiding is needed. If something goes wrong she won't heasitate to take control of a situation, and if she has to play the role of the bad girl, she will, because being the Gatherer instills in her a sense of needing to protect the members of her zodiac. Though she can be vicious and frightening the zodiac all look up to her as a mother of sorts, and all of them can come to her for whatever they need; no matter if one of the girls needs a shoulder to cry on or the boys need some tough advice, she identifies with all of them on a fairly personal level; even if they don't want to admit it, she always knows exactly what to do or say. Outside of the zodiac she is fairly quiet, and doesn't like to get too attatched to anyone; because of this she rarely ever dates, though many men find her attractive.
Hitting Rewind... At first, Melanie didn't know she had such an important role like being the gatherer to fufill; she originally worked as a mechanic on cars and motorcycles, learning everything she knew in that respect from her father, a tough but effective leader and parent who often took on more burdens then needed since Melanie's mother had died in labor. But she can still vividly remember the day he came to her...the previous gatherer, and took her away to teach her the art of memory supression hypnosis. She thought the whole thing was, at first, a load; after all, people turning into snakes and crabs and whatever? But as time went on she began to accept her role in life, began to accept the previous gatherer's teaching and when he passed away the mechanic knew it would be up to Melanie to take up his mantle.

Unfortunately, before she could officially take the title there was a bit of drafting to be done, some tests to be taken care of. So even though the papers aren't yet official, Melanie knows she will be the new gatherer and knows she will have to shoulder this responsibility with quite a large degree of seriousness. Since then she's been finding the unfortunate zodiac members to ease the aging gatherer's mind and bringing them together under one roof. Hopefully things don't fall apart the moment everyone settles in...

I really enjoy... Melanie enjoys tinkering around with her motorcycle most of all, but on rainy days she's not adverse to curling up with a good book.
Love it! Spicy foods, pasta, being respected, the rest of the zodiac, reading and good music. She absolutely can't function in the morning without a cup of coffee.
Get it away! Disrespect, perverted men with huge egos, anyone that tries to hurt her zodiac and overly sugary foods.
Something Else // Good Charlotte
Dance Floor Anthem // Good Charlotte
The only Exception // Paramore

Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. Nobody. She's yet to meet a man who can handle her.
Forgetful, much? Melanie runs her house very strictly, so you'd best not take a step out of line. She used to be a smoker, but she quit so as not to be a bad example for the other Zodiac. She swears quite a bit when exceptionally angry.
Played by Yoko_Matsubishi


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:14 pm

"Cleanliness becomes more important when godliness is unlikely."
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(The brown one)
"Hello how- HEY! You're getting mud all over the carpet!!"

My name is... Achim Klein
I am quite obviously a.. Male,
And I was born 14 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on September 21, 1997.
Inside me lives... The Virgo; the... unicorn
And I can be pretty... demanding. Achim is the type of boy who will analyze something for hours on end before making a solution or comment. He is also a neat freak and expects everything to be perfect... so don't be surprised if you find Achim up late at night cleaning or doing something along that line. Achim is also very, VERY precise when doing things. He'll spend hours getting ready or hours making working on a project, making sure that everything is just right. This means that he usually stays in the backgroud, analyzing what he sees and filing that information away for later. However, he can get really passionate about things he loves to do and is very hard working. He makes a great friend, loyal and willing to help those in need.
Hitting Rewind... Achim lives a good life. Born to a wealthy father and a beautiful mother, he was the 'the good life' personified. His father ran a chain of high-end department stores while his mother modeled part-time. In the beginning, no one knew about the curse since his parents were often too busy with their social lives to pay much attention to their only son and for the first seven years of his life, Achim grew up on his own, surrouded by a handful to nannies and tutors. It wasn't until Achim's younger sister was born that his family began to pay attention to him. When his sister (Krista) was born, he held her a day after her birth and transformed into a small, brown unicorn. Everyone in the room freaked but they eventually settled down. His parent's though Achim had some disease and spent thousands of dollars trying to find a 'cure'. But they never found one. Instead they restricted Achim to their mansion and estate, never letting him in contact with other females.

When Achim was twelve he decided to sneak out, using one of the many hidden passageways he discovered while confined at home. Once outside he just walked around the nearby town when he stumbled upon a young boy, a few years older than himself, being beaten up by a gand onf drunks. Quickly, Achim rushed to the boy's rescue and managed to bring the boy back to his room. At first the boy refused help from a 'stuck-up' 'evil' rich boy but Achim wouldn't let up. Eventually, he managed to give the boy first-aid and forced the boy to stay for dinner before allowing the boy to leave. The next day, he snuck back out only to find the same boy getting beaten up again. So he once again saved the boy and brought him home. This cycle repeated until Achim literally forced the the boy to stay at his house for the night, where the boy finally introduced himself as Alex. After that night, Alex became Achim's best and only friend, visiting when he had free time and not getting into any more fights.

Now, at the age of fourteen, Achim was approached by a young woman named Melanie to live with her. Achim said 'yes' after a few days of mulling it over and had moved in with the young Gatherer.

I really enjoy... Reading, cleaning, writing, martial arts and exploring.
Love it! Math, Science, his younger sister, Alex, Italian food, sweets, matial arts, perfection, cleanliness.
Get it away! Dirt, mud, bugs, things not being perfect, bad weather and carrots.
Replay! So Cold -- Breaking Benjamin
Breaking the Habit -- Linkin Park
You Don't Belong -- Chris Daughtry

Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. No one yet.
Forgetful, much? No... that's everything.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
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Zodiac Transformation
"Hey! C'mon lets go do something!"

My name is... Lucy Lynn Skye
I am quite obviously a.. girl,
And I was born 15 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on December 20th.
Inside me lives... Sagittarius; the Centaur
And I can be pretty... optimistic. I always sees the cup as half full, not half empty. I'm usually very fun and friendly but I have a short fuse; those who irritate me will suffer my wrath. I love learning new things but hate boring classroom enviroments. I'm honest and straightforward but I tend to say things without thinking first which can lead to some feelings being hurt, but my intentions are always good! I'm a natural athlete and I've played most sports but my favorite is archery. On that note, I'm extremely competitive and hate losing but I love a good challenge! I'm extremely confident almost to the point of being cocky. I'm very independant and love freedom but I fear responsibility. People often compare me to the wind since I love change and I'm always trying new things. As an ambitious person, every goal I set I follow through with it but sometimes I bite off more than I can choose which can lead me to being stressed. I get bored very easily and constantly need to be entertained or make sure that I'm keeping busy.
Hitting Rewind... So far, Lucy has had an amazing life full of fun memories. She grew up with only a father because her mother had left when she was a baby (Because of the zodiac curse) but Lucy doesn't mind since her father gave her more love than two parents ever would have. Her father is a complete outdoorsman; always camping, hunting, fishing, he practically lives outdoors! Of course he'd always take Lucy along and these memories are her favorite. Her father is an amazing archer and taught Lucy, who picked it up naturally and fell in love with it.

When she was in middle school she got into drama and theater. During a play rehersal a boy accidently tripped and she transformed into a centaur. At first, the other kids were confused and accusing but she managed to smooth it out by saying that it was a magic trick since she was into magic at the time. Ever since then she's been extremely careful around boys.

Not too long ago she got a visit from Melanie asking her to live with her in North Carolina. Seeing this as a new expirence chance, Lucy agreed right away and after hours of bargaining finally came to an agreement with her father. Her father agreed to let her go as long as she gave gim daily calls.

I really enjoy... Pretty much anything involving the outdoors, but her favorite sport is archery and happens to be quite good at it. Lucy also has a great love for the theater and often joins school plays.
Love it! Archery, the outdoors, being busy, learning new things, change, her father, freedom, sports, acting, sunny days, salty food.
Get it away! Responsibility, sweet food, having nothing to do, being alone, annoying people, freezing weather, control freaks.
Replay! Thanks for the memories~Fallout Boy
Tie me down~New Boyz

Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. She's far too busy for things like relationships but if she finds someone she may possibly make room in her schedule.
Forgetful, much?Lucy will transform if she gets too stressed.[/
PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:55 am

"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
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Zodiac Transformation
"Hello, please wait just one second while I finish this page..."

My name is... Ethan James Clark
I am quite obviously a.. boy
And I was born 12 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on November 14th.
Inside me lives... Libra; the Little Girl.
And I can be pretty... Warm and kind to everyone, very easygoing and never frustrated. He is a great listener and loves listening to people's problems so he can try to help them out. Ethan is the type of person that analyzes all sides of an situation before making a final decision; making him an excellent judge. He is extremely smart, intellectual, and loves to learn. He is always at the top of his class and smarter than most older than him. Ethan's passion for reading is stronger than the winds in a tornado; always reading. He's read enough books to fill an entire library! Ethan is somewhat lazy since he hates physical labor more than anything and will only do it if he absolutely must. Sometimes he is mistaken for a girl because of his feminine appearance and polite manner; being quite frail doesn't help this either.
Hitting rewind... When Ethan was born twelve years ago and his mother first held him in her arms he transformed into a girl. At first his parents and were confused but soon came to accept this unique trait because truthfully, it excited them because their favorite genre was fantasy and this strange event was just that. His older sister who was ten at the time instantly accepted him with open arms because she had wanted a sister anyway. Transforming wasn't a rare occurrence for him since his sister often hugged him. Ethan's parents are professors at Harvard University in the literature department which explains his love for literature. When he was young he was always with his sister who would read him stories she had written. He absolutely loved his sister's stories as they were beautifully written and so detailed.

Ethan was home schooled until the age of ten when his parents thought he would be better off surrounded by children so he could make friends. He found he wasn't quite good at it since he only had a couple friends. Ethan was hardly in the classroom anyway and spent most of his time in the library because he was way ahead of his class.

Not too long ago he was approached by Melanie and after weeks of thinking, finally agreed to go live with her and all the other zodiacs.

I really enjoy... Ethan just really loves finding the quietest place to read.
Love it! Reading, classical music, libraries, books, quiet places, autumn, learning.
Get it away! Meat, physical labor, sickness, sick people, cold weather, hot weather, loud noises/people,rock music, badly written books.
Replay! Canon in D major---Johanne pachelbel
Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. No one so far.
Forgetful, much? Ethan is a vegetarian. He also has a bicycle but only uses it as a last resort for transportation.

"Let me break it down; me, and you, probably ain't ever gonna happen."
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Second Form
*Smirking Grin* "Hey, what's up?"

My name is... Liam Aster Hayne
I am quite obviously a.. Male,
And I was born 18 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on July 18th
Inside me lives... Gemini; the twins
And I can be pretty... Overall, Liam's a pretty good representation of the gemini; at his best he's hardworking and agreeable, and very very charming, so much so that he's already quite the ladies' man, but at his worst he's obnoxious and superficial. Clever and independant, Liam has a strong sense of understanding others, but prefers not to be crowded by attention unless he craves someone to talk to. Liam tends to go with the flow most of the time and therefore adapts to new circumstances fairly well, but if something truely concerns him you'll know almost immediatly. Very inquisitive and intelligent, Liam makes it a point to know at least something about everyone and everything, but at the same time he tends to keep his personal imformation to himself, becoming very particular about who he shares the intimate details with.

When Liam experiences a split personality, his traits also go right down the middle; his male form tends to shirk from hard work and intead prefers to stretch his creative abilities, while his female form, who has been named Laya, will not stop until everything has been completed in a timely order and fashion. This makes it easy for the gemini to get along with everyone in the house, because having two forms in varying personalities allows him to understand things from both ends.

Hitting Rewind... Liam was born to a successful painter mother and an equally renowned lawyer father in the heart of New York City, place of dreams and lights; in some ways it wasn't too bad having the zodiac transformation for Gemini, mostly because his form was still a human and the family could always play it off as his split form being his twin. As Liam grew older, however, things began to get a little stressful, not from the outside since by now all of Liam's friends had met his "sister", but from his family. Liam's mother wanted him to enbrace his creativity for a career, and his straight laced father pretty much demanded he become a lawyer like his old man. To solve this problem he often was taught two different sets of lessons at once, his original form taking the more creative path and his female split following after Liam's father in the world of textbooks and objections. But eventually, Liam decided he didn't want either of those things, and became more or less, a very rebellious kid, hanging out in gangs, terrorizing others.

That's when he met Melanie; it was late at night, on the street corner of Broadway Avenue, and most of his gang, drunk and on drugs, more or less tried to put the moves on the young woman. What they earned was a fist to the face, and needless to say Liam was pretty impressed. After that she took him back to his flat and explained her position to his parents, who agreed that it would be safer if Liam went with her. Liam agreed, and has been on the straight and narrow ever since then, having given up all his formor issues. With Melanie's help he graduated high school (his parents attended and his mother bawled her eyes out), and now, deciding not to go to college, works at a mechanics shop fixing up vehicles and transmissions.

I really enjoy... Depending on which form you are asking, it varies, but generally the hobbies are working at his job, spending time with the other zodiac, flirting with girls, sleeping, playing a variety of musical instruments and reading.
Love it! Mystery and detective novels, spicy foods, good music, intelligent conversation, video games, horror movies, and anything to do with his home state.
Get it away! Boring, stick in the mud personalities, sweet foods, clingy girls, crowds, being woken up early.
Why should I Worry // Billy Joel
Streets of Gold

Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. Hrm..nobody right now.
Forgetful, much? Liam still hasn't quite let go of his home state, and therefore still has the New York drawl when he talks. Additionally, he knows how to play the piano and in his youth he was a prodigy at it (he's given it up for the most part, but he's still incredible at it).


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:22 pm

User Image
Zodiac Transformation
"Hey There...Can I help you?"
My name is... Paris Giovanee
I am quite obviously a.. Female,
And I was born 17 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on August 23rd.
Inside me lives... Leo; The Lion
And I can be pretty... self centered. I guess you could say that I'm an attention whore and love to be surrounded by compliments. Still, even though I'm conceited, I am very open minded and generous to others and people closest to me. Beware my flirty attitude, men. If i see something I like, I'm not afraid to go after it. Also, don't get very offended if I say something wrong. I mean well; its just that I like to speak whatever comes to my mind and I'm not afraid to say it out loud. Besides my vibrant personality, I have a habit of holding in my deepest emotions, so you won't ever see me cry unless you basically destroy my pride.
Hitting Rewind... Paris was born to a family of rich world travelers. Originally, she was born in the vast Savanna of Africa. But was then brought back to the US after her mother gave birth. When she grew up in California, she was a spoiled child. Her parents constantly spoiled her and boys fell to their knees from her beauty and confidence. She simply drowned in their compliments and the attention she was getting. But when she reached the age of 13, she learned that her perfect family was nothing but a lie. Her parents divorced and she simply held in her emotions, knowing that tears would not help the situation. Paris would simply vent by putting her anguish into her dance. This kept her calm and steady, but one night, her mother came home with another man. She gave this man all of her attention and love and out of jealousy, Paris had her first transformation. Her mother went into complete shock and was put into the hospital for a short amount of time while the man her mother was dating disappeared.

Paris simply coped with her transformations by finding other ways to keep herself calm. But she soon discovered that it was jealousy and going green with envy that made her transform. Believing that her rage just might endanger someone, she ran away. After roaming from family house to house during each dance recital, she met Melanie who offered her an escape to peace. With a simple smile and hand shake, she agreed and moved in.

I really enjoy... dancing, lounging in the sun, and eating
Love it! Cake, medium rare meat, attention, guys
Get it away! spiders, burnt meat, snobs, people who try to steal my attention
Replay! Lady Gaga// Monster

Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. No one yet. I'm still waiting for my totally hot prince charming to ask me for that special dance.
Forgetful, much? I'll do anything to get my way. Even if I have to remove some people out of the picture. So try not to get on my bad side.

"In truth are hidden lies, in lies are hidden truths..."
Appearance: User Image
Second appearance: Blue Crab

My name is... Rikiya Mizuki
I am quite obviously a.. Male,
And I was born 18 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on June 30th.
Inside me lives... The cancer; the crab
And I can be pretty... Though you'll never know much of me, I'm willing to listen. Sensitive to others' emotions I can pick up another's moods. Because of this I somewhat rely on others to "feel" for me. No, I not emotionless...
Hitting Rewind... From the beginning, when I born, I was "different"...Maybe even before that. I was born into the Mizuki Family once located in The Caribbeans. With my father "mysteriously" always away from home and my mother -for an unknown reason to me at the time- simply disliking me the crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches have always echoed and comforted me, even miles away. This strain from my family constantly whispering, seeming to know something I clearly did not sent me into constant sickness from worry alone. Never once did I find it strange to find myself in the hospitals frequently nor with male doctors. I was living and learning more there than in my own home or schools. Finally, around the age of 10 did the curse of the zodiac truly show. A motherly nurse attempted to comfort me. The moment I was brought into full embrace my form had changed completely. I can not recall what took place after both her and my realization, perhaps that is for the best...Now turning into an adult I've received a summons of a sort. Inviting me to be with "my own kind". The location of this place, the US, not only an invitation for a potential true home but also an excellent opportunity to go into medical studies....perhaps even to break this curse.
I really enjoy... Medicine, both modern and ancient. Singing.
Love it! The moon, the beach
Get it away! Annoying people. Pressured situations. Meaningless fights.
Replay! ((can't have just one, i like to play one for each mood the character will be in))
Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. No one...perhaps that will change.
Forgetful, much? Though with a much more tolerant immune system when I do manage to fall ill I will always transform. Also, with my fascination with the moon its phases seems to have a slight effect on me.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:09 pm

If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it.
User Image
Yo. Call me Alex.

My name is... Alexander Koji Yoshitake
I am quite obviously a.. Man!
And I was born 18 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on May 13, 1993.
I'm exactly like..... Aries
And I can be pretty... fearless. Though some may call it stupidity I call it bravery!! I am the type of man who will never run away! I will always face everything head on and never back down! That's because I know I'll overcome anything and everything that life throws at me!! People say that I can be loud and energetic but who cares?! As long as I'm me I don't care what other people think!! I absolutely HATE being told what to do and prefer to do things my way. Though I'm not entirely 'book smart' I am street smart.
Hitting Rewind... My life wasn't one of rainbows and butterfiles. I was born into the harsh streets of LA. Not in the rich and 'nice' part of LA either, but in the slum part. My parents constantly fought over money and booze so I'm no stranger to violence or 'crude' language. I was the only child so my parents put me work, stealing from people and 'liberating' money from other gangs. This went on until I was sixteen.

When I was sixteen, a new gang moved in and completely took over the neighborhood. When they demanded complete compliance from me... well let's just say I ended up in the hopsital for a while after. I was the thorn in their side; stealing from them and openly mocking them and in return I was 'introduced' to their fists time and time again. One day, when I was being 'introduced' to their fists, I kid comes out of nowhere and drags me away and to this mansion of his. Of course I start yelling at the kid, calling him a 'stuck-up' 'rich' kid who probably only saved me out of pity but man! That boy was stubborn! He literally forced the first aid on me and made me stay for dinner until I bolted for the door... after I got dessert of course.

So the next day rolls around and I'm once again being 'introduced' to fists when the same brat from yesterday swoops in and saves me. Again!! Do you know how uncool it is being saved by a little kid?! So the same thing happens. I get first aid and dinner before leaving. Next day comes, kid saves me and I get first aid and dinner. This went on for a few weeks before the kid makes me stay the night and forces my name from me. I swear the kid was some kind of prision warden in a past life or something!! So I tell him my name and he tells me his (Achim) and we became friends after that. Achim saved me from turning into my folks or becoming a murderer of something. I visited him from time to time and even met his younger sister Krista, cute kid.

Yeah, so one day I'm on my way to visit when I hear the maids saying that Achim was going to live with this chick in North Carolina. So I confront him and find out that it's true and the next day... he was gone. I didn't cry! No way!! Instead I packed up my things and followed him. No way am I letting my (only) friend live with some chick he only met for ten minutes!! Don't worry Achim!! I'm coming!!

I really enjoy... Fighting, bugging Achim... it's hilarious watching him freak out about the details and things, playing the guitar, flirting with girls, exploring and driving my motorcycle.
Love it! Achim, good food, my motorcycle, my guitar, quiet places, rock music and hot chicks.
Get it away! Bossy people, annoying brats, milk, blood and flowers... makes me itch
Replay! The Game -- Disturbed
It's An Arms Race -- Fall Out Boy

Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. No one yet.
Forgetful, much? Mess with my friends and I'll kill you... and I drive a red Ducati Multistrada 1200


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:31 pm

"Nobody asked you to come along and find me, but...here you are."
User Image

Beauty of the Ocean
"Hm....nice day for a dip, don't you think?"

My name is... Natalia (Tali, Talia or Tal) Wincher
I am quite obviously a.. Female,
And I was born 18 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on March 7th
Inside me lives... Aquaris; the Mermaid
And I can be pretty... For the most part, Talia is fairly well balanced; the eighteen year old prides herself in being fair and agreeable, which makes her an excellent mediator in conflict, however she is very independant withher thinking and may offer solutions to issues that nobody has thought of, because it is soley a very "Talia way of thinking". She may not take all of the initiative, this is true, but Talia is good under pressure and veiws large problems as challenges for which she may aspire to overcome. Little issues are a bit harder for her to deal with, though if they become constant interruptions she will face them head on. However, though she may seem borish and a stickler for the rules and regulations at times, Talia is actually quite a complex character; when she comes into contact with something she does not agree with she rebels, and rebels intensely. This gives her the freedom to act on impulses that may otherwise seem buried under everything else, and adds another layer to her personality. Forever standing up for what she beleives in, Talia can become extremely passionate, almost to the point of being an inspiration to other people.

One thing Talia takes great pride in is her well being, both mentally and physically, so she's very active in a number of sports, and she looks after the younger zodiac in her family like a responsible mother when Melanie cannot do so due to other circumstances. Forever fascinated by that which she does not know or understand, sometimes it takes a bit of time to see that there is in fact a teenage girl under all of her complications, but it's truely worth getting to know her.

Hitting Rewind... Natalia was born far away from North Carolina, or even America for that matter; from her birth, the young mermaid lived in Venice Italy, city of canals, major tourist attraction. Of course, she didn't know she was a mermaid; just that she was an incredible swimmer which helped, living in a place with such a connection to water. Her mother was a stay at homer, and her father a diplomat to relations in America so Natialia grew up with the best of both cultures, fluent in both english and itallian, as much a fan of ancient mythology as baseball and hockey. She managed to go a few year without her curse being found out since most of her friends had always been the girls on her swim team, but one day, when she actually did make a friend of the opposite gender and they hugged, it was a disaster. He ran screaming, and Natalia had no choice but to dive into the nearest canal until she transformed back, her clothes on the edge of the canal wall. Her parents were suprised, but more fearful for Natalia then for themselves, and so the entire family packed up and moved to California until she was about twelve.

There, Natalia found she could actually forget about most of his problems in Italy; she was always surrounded by the ocean and sea breeze, and actually began swimming under a professional trainer in hopes of becoming and olympic swimmer (it was entirely possible for her to break records, given her affinity to water). But like so many of her other plans, this one slipped up too; some child who had not been looking out for his footing slipped on the tiles of the pool she'd been training at and barreled straight into Natalia. Thankfully she'd landed in water so nobody could see her or make a fuss untill she'd transformed back, but Natalia was still aware that things were going to be just as difficult as they'd been in Italy. Melanie came to fetch her at about this time, and so she now lives in North Carolina with the rest of the Zodiac.

I really enjoy... Swimming, drawing, keeping her itallian fresh and well practiced and cooking.
Love it! The beach and anything to do with water, her zodiac family most of the time, classic rock, particpating in sports (mostly tennis, basketball, and those which can be done with more then one person), vintage cars and sweet foods.
Get it away! Laziness, unhealthiness, perverts, rap music, people who are too impulsive (as in, they never ever think things through), and anyone who would dare to hurt her zodiac family.
Kiss the Girl // Ashley Tisdale cover
Saltwater Room // Owl City

Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. At the moment, nobody.
Forgetful, much? Natalia drives a vintage Ford Mustang; she bought it with the money she recieves teaching swimming lessons to the local kids at the rec center on the weekends. Additionally, Natalia needs to drink a lot of water everyday, because if she becomes too dehydrated or hot she will transform.

"Wake up with a smile for me."
User Image
My Fishy Form
"Goodmorning starshine."

My name is... Charlotte Mary Boisvert
I am quite obviously a.. female,
And I was born 17 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on April 18th.
Inside me lives... Pisces; the fish
And I can be pretty... Compassionate and loving, Char tends to put others before herself, which leads to people taking advantage of her kindness. She makes it known to those around her that she is there for them to lean on in times of need. Charlotte follows her heart, instead of her head, which ends her up in very emotional situations sometimes. She's a total bleeding heart, always taking time out of her life to help other people and creatures.
Hitting Rewind... Charlotte lived with her single mother in a one-room apartment in a small french town. Her mother was a newspaper editor, who painted houses on the side, and her young daughter would help when she got old enough. She became infatuated with painting from then on, and her mother worked hard to put her into art-focused schooling. Char grew up a dreamer, and though her school mates all loved her, they could tell there was something different about the distant girl. It was actually some time before Charlotte ever changed into her fish form, the end of middle school to be exact. She was obviously a pretty girl, and despite his friends telling him she was strange, one boy got up the nerve to ask her out. She hugged him, and poof..fish. It was shortly after that when Melanie found her. All was explained, and it was arranged for Charlotte to move.
I really enjoy... Painting and violin
Love it! The arts, the colors orange and green, writing letters to her mother.
Get it away! Seeing anyone in distress, mistreatment of animals, stubborn people.
Replay! Yellow//Coldplay
Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. No one as of this moment
Forgetful, much? Charlotte's hair is obviously dyed green, it's naturally blonde. Also, when she become dehydrated, or very flustered, she transforms.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 6:06 pm

"For yourself, for someone else...every day, you're doing something for somebody."
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"I think...you should keep on trying."

My name is... Rachelle Madison Vire
I am quite obviously a.. Female,
And I was born 18 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on March 28th.
I'm exactly like..... The Pisces
And I can be pretty... A tad emotional sometimes but compassionate, understanding and completely gentle, Rachelle often gives off the vibe of a mother or older sister figure to those around her; that is, if you can get her to talk to you. Rachelle tends to be quite shy around other people, especially those she doesn't know very well; however, once she warms up to you, you'd be suprised just how intense she can be. Rachelle is incredibly creative and has a never ending imagination, and she loves taking risks that pump her adrenaline. She's alspo quite good with numbers, and seemes to understand the most ridiculous forms of logic due to her inherited knowledge of the abstract. Rachelle can adapt to change fairly easilly, but when things change in a way that prevent her from doing something she feels needs to be accomplished it can put a lot of stress on the eighteen year old.

Of course, Rachelle has her faults just like any other person; while she is not a perfectionist she prefers things to be neat, somewhat organized and findable instead of a black hole of impossibility. While she doesn't judge with too much harshness Rachelle does tend to form subconcious decisions about the people she meets, and if those images do not meet the expectations she may have set then it it more then likely that she won't go out of her way to meet him/her again in the near future. And there have been times, yes, when Rachelle has been taken advantage of by others who exploit her natural talents. She's just too sweet to understand it.

Hitting Rewind... Rachelle has lived a normal life, her whole life; she grew up in North Carolina with a marine biologist father and a mother who wrote many children's books. She was never spoiled, but she had a decent life with a few close friends, one dog, two cats and a two story whitewashed home that her parents had built from the ground up. And Rachelle always had dreams; even from a young age she was fully aware that she wanted to go into the filed of medicine; she had been very close to her grandfather, an old gentleman who liked practical jokes, who took her to the aquarium every chance he could. Rachelle didn't know he had cancer until the day she sppoke at his funeral, only twelve at the time. It was the day history was pretty much made; from that moment after Rachelle threw herself into her future career, graduating from high school to enroll in the local college in the medical field; currently she wants to be a physical therapist, to help others, and the baby sister who was just born into her family a year ago.
I really enjoy... Reading, baking, drawing, spending time with her family, taking long walks.
Love it! The smell of the ocean, sports (usually participating, but she will watch sometimes), her family, animals, thinking of her grandfather, helping others, kind, sweet and gentle individuals, warm weather and orange soda.
Get it away! Messes, being criticized or yelled at, those who hurt other people, being unable to help someone, being told to speak up or teased, liars and fakes.
Wedding Dress // Matt Nathanson
For you I will (Confidence) // Teddy Geiger
Red meets Blue // Matt Wertz

Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. At the moment, nobody.
Forgetful, much? Nothing, thanks.


Original Heckler


Original Heckler

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:17 pm

It's not my fault! Sombody put a wall in my way!
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My ram form
"I didn't do it!"

My name is... Trace Wyoming Legends
I am quite obviously a.. boy,
And I was born 9 years ago. That means you should bring me presents on May 5th.
Inside me lives... Aries the Ram
And I can be pretty... untrusting. Trace has grown up abused and therefore doesn't trust anyone except Melanie Crest. Trace usually avoids everybody around him and doesn't speak unless spoken to. Give him some time and he will start trusting you.
Hitting Rewind... Trace grew up abused. His parents had anger issues and were alcoholics. After a week of counseling at his school, he was taken away from his parents. When he was moved to an orphanage, the adult there, Mrs. Washington, hugged him and he turned into a ram. Even though he was a ram, Mrs. Washington loved him as much as everybody around her.

One day, Melanie stopped by his orphanage and told him he'd have a place to stay and everything, as long as he followed rules and didn't mind living with thirteen other people. Within the hour Trace had packed and said goodbye to Mrs. Washington.

I really enjoy... Sleeping, reading, digging and playing video games
Love it! Big beds and Mystery and fantasy novels
Get it away! Spicy foods, cold foods and seafood.
Replay! It Ends Tonight - All-American Rejects
Sssh, don't tell! But I really like.. no one yet
Forgetful, much? Trace is claustrophobic.
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