Marketplace listing for Mini UFO
User Image
Mini UFO

Were-Item Poses:
User Image Mini UFO

Marketplace Description:
Please use Mini UFOs with caution. Side effects may include headaches, nausea, inexplicable fondness for cows, loss of mental control, rudeness toward carbon-based life, and irregular "duties."

Monthly Collectible.

How to get:
Open Thank You Letter For November 2006 (may get MoMo the Monkey instead)

First Revealed:
Announcement: November 2006 Monthly Collectibles are out! (Nov 15, 2006)

For a little while, Mini UFO had an extra feature that allowed you to fly (explained here).

Drinking Zurg Energy Drink can turn you into the kind of alien that seems associated with the Mini UFO. Zurg Energy Drink is usually cheaper if you buy it from Skin Tyte instead of in the Marketplace.