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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:04 pm

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:12 pm

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Jun Imachiru
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Hephaestus?

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` artificial soul
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am seventeen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on nobody...
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Takahiro Sakurai
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Nagyvárosi Angyal // Ákos
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with Shinigami-sama

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Jun is a somewhat smart guy, who considers himself to be the best. People will tell him that he has a big ego and he will not object to that. He is also has no sense of humor and hardly gets jokes that other tell. Another fact is that while he views himself as an intelligent and cunning individual, he is actually just an normal student. His grades are dismissal and often he will blame the teachers if he receives a failing grade in a class.

Jun has a liking for books; often he will read whole volumes of classic novels in only one week. He loves to wake up early, not for reasons such as wanting to greet the new day, or even to spend some time alone, but because of the solitude. To him, the morning has its own freshness that can not be achieved any other time.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
JUn was the first of the artificial souls to wake up. His first memories were being pulled from the pond and being held by the witch who created him and being named Hephaestus. She had taken him into her home and told him to wait for the others to wake up. He did as he was told and waited until all of his "friends" were woken up. Growing up though, he was almost always silent and tended to play by himself, only being bugged by the other because he was considered to be the "biggest".

Yet unlike the others, he hated being withen the castle, only being told that he was an artifcial soul created to help take down Death city. "I will escape!" he told himself on a cold night seven years earlier. Never did he expect to get as far as he did. When Hephaestus saw the sky, he never thought that something could be so perfect, so pure. But during his escape through the city, he was followed by someone and was shoved down on the ground, his head hitting the pavemnt.

When he woke up, he had no memories of who he really was, only his the name that he was given in the hospital and that he was a weapon. Not knowing what to do with him, the authoritites sent him to Shibusen where Shinigami-sam let him become a student there, living in a local care house for children. Since then, Jun had trained hard and grew up to be a good looking young man, constantly being followed by girls, and a serious trainer.

Since he has no memories of his past before he came to the city, he can be a bit short tempered when people ask him about his family and has a bit of a hard time with people blabbering on about their home lives.

In his past life though, as Ikkaku, he was a different person. Ikkaku was somewhat of a charmer and was almost constantly receiving whatever he wanted in life. He had a beautiful Afghan wife, a meister that he respected and could work with and hopes of soon starting a family with Zahara. But all of this ended when he was sent on a mission by shinigami-sama, shortly after he had become a death scythe. His group was to kill the witch that would eventually turn him into an artificial soul and her young son, to destroy the deadly power that the family held. The plan went wrong though when Ikkaku was stuck by the Witch while trying to find his wife, who had been struck down by her seconds earlier.

Before he died, he last thoughts were of finding Zahara, who was already dead, and taking her body home. His goal was also to kill the witch that injured him and killed her too. "That basterd took everything from me." he thought as he stumbled though the castle, bloody and weak. "I will get my revenge on him and Nitta. I will kill them both." Finally, Ikkaku collapsed on the ground and knew that he was going to die, not in battle like his wife, but bleeding to death while trying to be the hero. "Why the hell do we need so many heros?" he thought as he closed his eyes. He never woke up.

The rest of Ikkaku's recollection is within Jun's mind. He is hidden beneath the black pond to wake up and take control of his rightful place as the ruler of their body when he can

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Jun's / Hephaestus' weapon form is a long bladed katana. While the blade itself is silver in color the handle is thick and well worn black leather that has began to go a dark brown with what seems to be age. Along the sides on the handle in wrn letters in the japanese symbol for strangth, what shows that he might be of japanese nationality and how the dcotors who found him gave him his name.

Another fact about him is that there are times when he acts "like another person" that being Ikkaku Madarme. Since he has never recovered a memory of his past life, and has no recollection of his childhood he is different from the other artificial souls. Within his mind there is what seems to be a small black pond where he is standing, on the other side there is another person willing to come out, Ikkaku. Jun, it would seem, is just a filler souls that his creator made to contain Ikkaku's body.

The Sweet Far Thing

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Alma Romas
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Romas Sensei as my students say~

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Teacher
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am forty years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am homosexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on any pretty male I see.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Onosaka, Masaya
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: He is so XXX // Gurren Lagann OST2
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with Shinigami as always!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
At first when you see Alma, one would think that he is a rather flanboyant man who should never be allowed near his male students because he would, in his exact word, like to "eat them up". While that happens to be true, he is also a genius as a former meister with plenty of experience under his belt. He is a very fast learner with certain things such as combat and is able to recognize danger by observing the enviroment around him. This comes as a great help in the battle field to the around him.

To others though, Alma is the type that likes to be around people at all times. He hates being alone with a passion and is known for calling his fellow teachers in the middle of the night just because he would like to hear the voice of another person instead of just having a one sided conversation with his cat. In his class though studetns might think that he is not being serious when he will talk about stories from his youth when he was a meister at the academy but underneath his stories are unearthed meaning that could get those studetsn out of trouble when they need it.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Alma romas is what you can call a self made man. Born to a middle class Italian family in Death City, he knew from his childhoos that he had wanted to be a meister for a good reason. When he was only four years old he was playing at thye park with his brother when the two were followed home by a kishen. It had the two boys cornered and they were as good as dead when what seemed to be out of nowhere a young teenage meaister from Shibusen academy and his weapon stepped between the two and saved their lives. When Alma saw them fight he knew that was what he wanted to do, protect those around him. As he grew up he focused on his training and getting stronger. He kept his body healthy and would work on keeping his mind sharp.

Of course, being the gifted child that he was, Alma had no problem with such things. With an IQ of almost two hundred and the patience of a saint as his mother would say, he entered the academy when he was only fourteen and got his first weapon. Alma became very much the prodigy and withen a year of enrtollment he had succeeded in making his first death scythe. After a couple ofm years he made two more and was beginning on his fourth when he got himself noticed. Shinigami-sama was impressed by his talent and offered him a job for protecting Death city and weilding a death scythe.

He took the job and for twenty years he helped fight witches and dangers to the public. Of course he suffered his share of loss, seeing good friends of his die along with innocent lives lost. Alma stayed strong the whole time and adapted, not letting what was going on around him bring him down. Thanks to a back injury though, he was forced to retire and recently took a job at the academy by teaching his students about combant training.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Alma is very popular with hia female student, most of whome see him as a friend. With male student though some can find him to be annoying or even creepy. But he is respected and a fine teacher when push comes to shove. he also likes to choose his favorites from the class and poresonally give them training sessions.

The sweet far thing


Desirable Sex Symbol

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Desirable Sex Symbol

10,650 Points
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:39 pm

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Miyuki Ayame
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Miyu

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Meister
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am seventeen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on anyone who catches my fancy, but Jun is my deepest desire.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Hisayo Mochizuki
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My Song: Tori No Uta // Lia
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with Shinigami-sama.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Miyuki is known to be a rather kind and outgoing girl, though she tends to trip over her own two feet. She tends to stare off into the clouds, often daydreaming about silly things or thinking about her past. She can be rather dense and not get things straight away at first, often having to give it a second thought. She is rather absent-minded although she is in actuality, a excellent student and is very intelligent. Miyuki tends to be very honest and blunt, having disliked it when people lied to her in the past. She is an otaku and will often be seen reading a Shoujo manga, claiming that it is because she is simply "in love with love". Miyuki, however girly she may seem, is actually far from it. She is sporty and is quite the skilled fighter,often practicing at home or in a secluded area. Despite this, she chooses not to fight until the time rightfully calls for it or she is pissed off. Miyuki is usually very low-tempered person, though she can get angry over unusual or rightful circumstances, such as a threat put towards a friend or someone messing with her manga collection.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Miyuki was born as the youngest child of a wealthy family, her father; owning a large set of companies, her mother; a pianist and death weapon, and her elder brother. For a while they lived happily, being the close-knit family that most people would kill for. Miyuki and her brother received everything they could have ever asked for as children. They were living the life every normal kid would have wanted, being loved by everyone around them and brought up well with the best education and support. When Miyuki was eleven though, her mother was overcome with an unknown illness. Her father did whatever possible to help her, but in the end it was useless. Miyuki's mother died, leaving her father heart-broken. Miyuki didn't know what to do without her mother there. The person who held their small fragile family together was now gone. Miyuki was lost, and so was her father and brother.

After her mother's death, Miyuki's father became engulfed in his work and completely ignored her and her brother. He acted as if they had never existed and Miyuki could not accept the fact that her father didn't acknowledge them as his children. Miyuki couldn't understand why he would treat them as such when they used to be such a happy family. When asking her brother, he simply ignored her and walked away. Even her brother had begun to stray away from her and Miyuki had begun to feel so very alone. He had already begun to accept the fact that their father was different now and they had to move on. But Miyuki could not take her fathers treatment and one day, she confronted him. She asked him why he no longer cared for them the way he used to. In response he slapped her hard across the face and sent her flying to the floor. He looked on at her in disgust, as if she were some lowly life-form he couldn't stand to touch let alone be near to. The man coldly responded, "Because I wish that you were never born." That exact moment, was when Miyuki realized all hope was gone.

Soon after that event, Miyuki went into a deep depression and locked herself in her room for weeks. Even if she wanted to leave, she feared that once she left the room everything would still be the same again. No matter what she did she would still be alone. Her brother had moved on and left the mansion in order to start a new life. He had left Miyuki all alone, and hadn't looked back once. He feared that Miyuki, who was all to similar to their mother, would only bring back painful memories. Her father remarried to a woman who had absolutely no interest in the girl at all. I hadn't helped that the woman had a daughter who would hover outside Miyuki's room, only to whisper awful comments to torture the girl. One day she finally left her room and abandoned her life of confinement, accepting the fact that her father would never love her and she would always be alone no matter what. She accepted an offer from her Uncle and came to live in one of the high class apartment buildings he owned. Miyuki lost all contact with her father and brother and chose to live her own life. She became a person who believed that the only way to live was to fight your way through. She pushed everyone away from fear of being hurt anymore then she had already been.

With this in mind, Miyuki trained herself to be a person that would do whatever was possible in order to be stronger. She studied hard and practiced her fighting day and night. She enrolled herself in Shibusen Academy, finding that it would be the only place that could truly make her a stronger person. Upon entering Shibusen for the first time, Miyuki put all her fears and anger behind her and start a different life. She became a new person, her personality drastically changed from a child angry at the world to a girl who accepted everything and everyone with kindness. Although there are times when she feels hit with a sudden wave of sadness, she pushes it all aside in order to continue on her journey. With or without someone by her side.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Miyuki has a strong fear of any form of insects and is frightened easily by thunder; phobia's that she has continued to have since childhood. She has claustrophobia and tends to stay far away from tight spaces or else she will have a panic attack. This was caused by a prank her brother played on her when she was a child. Miyuki has strong soul perception although she does not openly reveal it to others.


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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Aphrodite
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Ai

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Artificial soul
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am seventeen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on anyone who catches my fancy, but Jun is my deepest desire.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Yui Makino
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My Song: Dear You... // Yuzuki
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the witches.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Ai is cold, playful, and flirtatious but is the woman every guy wants. Nicknamed Aphrodite, Ai has no trouble getting guys to give into her every whim and loves to use that to her advantage. She is a controlling person and a seems to enjoy making people angry or aggressive, finding it amusing how easily upset people can get. Ai can be secretive and never really trusts in anyone besides her "mother" and Jun. Ai doesn't even seem to be capable of trusting in herself. She is a childish side however, and shows it on most occasions. Never having the ability to be a child, nonetheless have one, she often likes to toy with others and play rather dark games. Ai is considered to be just a bit twisted. Having to live an empty life could do that to a person. She is violent and has a destructive personality although she will rarely show it, due to the fact that it is unladylike and does not suit her beautiful appearance. Despite everything though, there is a part of Ai that is waiting to be freed. A part of her that is kind and caring, although its almost impossible to show. Almost.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Ai was the last of the artificial souls to wake up from what she liked to call "the pool of life". When she awoke she was given the name Aphrodite and chose to stick with it, only ever being called as such or Ai, a Japanese translation of love. The witch who created her took her into her home and from then on Ai felt as if she rightfully belonged there. She never questioned the witches reasons for creating her and loved her as child would love a mother. Ai felt as if she could always be loved as such, and so felt that if it could continue this way forever then she would do whatever it took to keep it that way.

As the youngest, Ai tended to act as such, often playing foolish games that almost always resulted in someone or something being hurt. She often followed elder children, irritating them or causing trouble and blaming it on them. Mostly she would follow Jun, the eldest of them, and was taken with him. He was always silent and alone all the time, always seeming like the on out of all of them that was not mean to belong there. And for Ai, it was this that fascinated her and drove her to follow him almost everywhere if only to examine him.

Ai loved being within the castle and thought of it as a safe haven from the world outside. The witch, who she liked to call mother, would tell her the outside world was a hideous and scary place. People there would kill people like Ai, who were just a little different from the rest. Thats why they had to take down Death City, if only to begin their journey to make the world a perfect and beautiful place. When Jun had run away in order to escape the castle, Ai had chased after him in secret, only to find out that the place he was escaping to was their enemy. But looking at Jun look up at the sky in such awe, Ai couldn't let him come back to the castle. She couldn't let him be unhappy. So she did the only thing she could, Ai pushed him hard onto the ground and his head hit the pavement. She felt it better if he were to forget all of his sorrows and live a life that none of them could, even if he were to be her enemy.

Ai, unlike most of the other artificial souls, has absolutely no memory of her past life whatsoever except in her dreams. Often naught they will be faint and she would not remember what the dream was about when she would awake. Most times in her dreams she would find her lover in bed with another woman and everything after that would be a blur. Ai's dreams link to the most important times in her life excluding her death and in her past, she held an entirely different personality.

In her past life, Ai was Auden, a woman of kindness and beauty. Often she would be chased around by men asking for her love and she always rejected them for they never saw past her beauty. She fell in in love with her Meister, Adrien, an all around playboy and joker who always seemed to make her laugh. He seemed to be the only man who truly saw the real her and she feel head over heels for him.They began dating over the span of two years and had even begun to discuss marriage. They were in love and happy together, well at least thats what she believed. One day Auden came home to find Adrien in bed with another woman. She fled from the scene, heartbroken at his betrayal. She became deeply depressed and heard of a suicide mission that Shinigami was offering out to death weapons. After the last pair had not returned, Auden went it alone, believing that it was better off that way. Even if she died, no one would be there to miss her. Adrien had found someone else and she was long forgotten.

Upon battling the witch, Auden was struck down within moments. She couldn't believe her death would be that simple. That she could be taken down without a proper fight. Before she died, all she could think about was how it was all her fault. It was all because she fell in love that such tragedy befell her. In her last moments, all she could think about was Adrien and the family she so desperately wanted to start. She put her hand over her stomach. That day, she had wanted to tell Adrien her good news, that she had conceived their child. But now, as the life began to drift from her eyes, the point in living was gone.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Ai has a fear of becoming hideous and so she does whatever she can to maintain her beauty, even if others assure that she will remain beautiful forever. She has a talent for dancing and is very good at ballet, a sport that holds great beauty. Ai knows three languages: French, Japanese and English. and will often speak to others in a different language if only to irritate them. Her weapon form is a blue scythe and Ai has absolutely no recollection of her past life, only that she was betrayed by her lover long ago.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:45 pm

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Kei Rei Leigh
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Lee (Or what ever nick-name you want to give me).

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Villain
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a Male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Fifteen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Bisexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on no one.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Uninstall // Chiaki Ishikawa.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Witches.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
A rather nice person really. Very friendly, and loyal person. Prone to insanity. No, actually, he's always insane. He wants to be normal, but doesn't want to change. He wants acceptance, which is why he's so docile. He want's everyone to like him, but he is scared of what would happen if the truth came out; he would have to leave his friends, or changed them. Forcibly.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
His family likes to keep things normal. In fact, his entire family is pretty normal. His father is a human, who works as a manager of a publishing company. Kei has two sisters, one younger, one older. The odd person out is his mother; a Demon weapon, whom Kei has inherited the ability from. But that is not the only reason she is odd; she left Shibusen, and worked as an interrogator in various countries. The thing was though, during one interrogation, the person she was interrogating broke out and ran for it. That was Kei's father. Before he was a book publisher, he was a war-journalist. Captured, Kei's father was brought into prison for interrogation, but with a combination of skill and explosives, Kei's father escaped. His mother gave chase, trying to find Kei's father. When they met, things went to hell; they stepped right into a battle between opposing factions. Right after the bullets were fired, his mother was shot in the back, paralyzing her. Though act's of shear badassary and violence, his father took Kei's mother and he fought their way out of the war zone. Kei's father took care of his mother, and a two years after, they married, moved to America, and had children: a girl, then a boy, then one more girl.

Eight years after Kei was born (February 29), two things happened; his little sister is born, and then she died. In truth, her soul was actually taken; some Kishin demon broke into his house, taking the weakest soul in the house. It rendered Kei's baby sister into a shell of a human, nothing more then a corpse that will never rot. It struck the entire family hard; his mother went into a suicidal depression, and father took up alcohol. Kei's older sister tried to be level-headed, but she couldn't keep her cool for long. She soon joined her father, drowning away her sorrows. At his age, Kei had no idea what was wrong other then his family was said; and so begins his fall to darkness.

Kei knew what the main source of the problem was; his little sister was "Dead", and he needed to find a way to bring her back. No one in his family at the time took care of him, so he left them to find a way to save his baby sister. He traveled around, taking with him only some cash a pocket knife that his father had given him. He looked around, asked people, and got into trouble. More then once, he had to steal from people. On one faithful day, Kei met a woman: A witch, which Kei did not knwo the name of. With out asking questions, she told everything Kei needed to save his sister; but it was for a price. Kei, young and naive, complied. She would help Kei retrieve his sister's soul, and in exchange, Kei will submit himself to experimentation. For two weeks, Kei traveled the world with this stranger, which Kei had to call "Mistress".

One their first day, the witch injected something into Kei; a black liquid. Black Blood. Immediately then, Kei fell into coma for two days. When he awoke, he was outraged. He yelled at the witch, asking her why she did such a thing, only to realized he promised to do so. Unknowing of him, during those two days, she rewrote Kei's personality, giving him a greater chance of rage. They continued to search for his little sister's soul, first with the demon who took it. It was a monster known as Spring Heel Jack. Their first priority was finding out his location. For three days, he and his Mistress went through various underground channels and shady characters; one in which ended up making Kei consume a soul. This was when he found out he was a weapon; his Mistress told him much. However, he know not what he would become; he did not eat a kishin, but a innocent soul.

Kei and his Mistress tracked down Spring Heeled Jack in London, England. Eight days had pass, and the black blood had fully integrated into his blood stream. He was still experimented on, but he was also taught how to control his new powers by his Mistress. Blood Blades, Bullets, Walls; young Kei knew enough moves to start giving them names. His Mistress, a witch, also told him various lore and stories of other witches; their reign, and their downfall. It struck Kei to hear all the horrible things that happened to the witches; and in time, her days spent of his Mistress was what brought him to side with the Witches later on in his life. She even told Kei her story; why she is traveling, how she knew Kei's predicament, and why she wants to help him. She even told him her name; Koumori. She still insisted that Kei call her mistress though. In turn, Kei opened up to Koumori; he told her of his mother and father and his older sister. That was the most memorable, and happiest, day they would have together...

Twelve days had pass since Kei left to save his sister. They had already met Spring Heeled Jack; Koumori and Kei tried to ambush him during one of his robberies, but he ultimately escaped. They kept chasing him down until the next day, when Koumori told Kei an idea. To lure Spring Heeled Jack to them, there would have to be many innocent souls present. To do that, how ever, would mean to kill them. At first, Kei refused. But the Black Blood in Kei was used to bend him to do what she willed; he was brain washed, and on the thirtieth day. Kei killed a total of 30 people, men and women, for their souls. He brought them to a tunnel, where they waited for Jack to come. When he did, Koumori trapped Jack, and they proceeded to try to kill Jack. Jack fought in a strange way; he would summon the spirits of those he took, and turn them into a sort of weapon in which he would chuck at Koumori and Kei. Kei was scared during his fight; the black blood was making him go insane, and his inner demons tried to clawed their way out of Kei.

The fight would last for an hour, before something happened to Kei. During the fight, he was impaled with a lance; even his black blood did not save him, because the lance was made of his little sister's soul. Pinned to the wall, Jack began to overwhelm Koumori. She could only block his attack with her magic, for she too was tied. All seemed lost that day.

Kei's eyes went white, and he was back in his home. Only, outside the window was nothing but blackness, and none of his family was home. He walked around, finding everything in there place but his family. Upon coming back from his tour though the basement, there was a strange light emitting from the upper stairs. He traveled to the light, then entered a room; the room that belonged to his little sister. There was someone their though; a girl with black hair and in a black dress. in her had she held a rather large cello, much larger then her. She looked about the same age as him. They parleyed, mostly with Kei asking questions. She answered to the best of her abilities, and when Kei had no more questions, she smiled. "You have come a long way, Kei. You family in disarray, and you sacrificed many things just to chase down an empty dream. Do you really think you can save your little sister? Her soul was taken; changed into something that you can't fix. Not by you or that witch. Come here, and I'll help you..."

For what seemed like days, the girl taught Kei how to play the cello. He didn't talk the entire time, he never felt hungry, sleepy, or anything. He played songs, though nothing like the girl. After he mastered ten songs, she nodded her head. "It is time. There is nothing else I can do for you, not today. Later in life, you may need my help again. And then, maybe we'll be somewhere more, pleasing." Confused, When Kei blinked, the girl was gone. That was something on the ground though; the bow in witch was needed to play the cello. Kei picked it up and looked around. For once, he would play on his own. He closed his eyes and played...

When he opened his eyes, Koumori was against the wall, with Spring Heeled jack trying to strangle her. Kei looked down; the lance made of his sister soul still was their. Though a new found strength, Kei reached down and grabbed the lance. Jack noticed this, and slammed Koumori to Kei. He mocked them, telling the two how he would slowly killed them. Kei then reached down to Koumori's hand, cluching ti tightly. "Mistress..." Kei then smiled. Koumori looked at him strangly, and Kei started to dissipate. Kei's form started disappearing, and then Jack was blown away. Koumori fell to the ground and looked into her hands and found out what Kei's weapon transformation was; A Demon Whip. In his knew form, Koumori and Kei turned the tide, slowly but surly killing Spring Heeled Jack. In a last act of desperation, Jack released all the souls and flung them at Koumori and Kei. Though Koumori was hit, Kei transformed back to his human state and picked up the lance on the ground; the lance of his little sister. With Jack's own weapon, Kei impaled and killed Spring Heeled Jack. The deed was done. The Lance soon turned into a small blue orb, in which Kei placed into his pocket. After sucuring his Little sister, Kei fell, fainted with all the fighting he just did.

Fourteen days. Many things had happen right after the fight; Koumori injected the rest of the Black Blood serum into Kei, as well as feeding him the souls of the innocent, save his sister's, and Jack's kishin Soul. In his sleep, Koumori took Kei back to America, and Even dropped him off at her place. When Kei awoke, in bed. Koumori was sitting on a chair, examining him. Coldly, she told him that now that she had saved his sister, he was to follow though with his part of the deal, and tell no one of it. She allowed him to return home, however. Kei thanked her, even gave her a hug. He ran back home, only to be answered to a slightly angry father.

The anger was not unjust, however; Kei had been gone for two weeks; his entire family worried. First, Kei's little sister died, then he ran away. But he was back, and he explained what happened, leaving Koumori out, however. He, by himself, tracked down Spring Heeled Jack, slayed him, and took back his sister's soul. His father and sister was in disbelief; his mother however, smiled once more. "My son... I always knew that you would do something for us one day. But you're young... I'm sorry it had to be now..." She cried tears of happiness and sorrow; sorrow for her ineptitude to control her family, and happiness that it may be fixed again. Kei's family circled the small baby that was the baby of the family. The eight year-old Kei took out his little sister's soul, and placed it back into the baby body. A few seconds later, and there was a loud crying, by him, by his family, and most of all, by Kei's little sister.

Kei followed through his promised, and visited Koumori every week for experimentation. Luckily, most of it involved actual scientific works and not things that involved Kei's body(Most of the time). When he was twelve, his family sent him to Shibusen. Unfortunately, that meant leaving his witch friend. However, the day when he came to say good bye, she was not their. In fact, nothing was at her home but a note. The note said only that Koumori had to leave; others was trying to harm her, trying to take her soul. He remembered back to the days when she told him of her people. It would be sad, but he promised himself that he would try to save the witches; they did not deserve to be hunted down.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Kei's weapon form is a Whip. He can play the Cello, and likes to cook. He's also a cannibal, but he's civilized (Most of the time). His soul has a huge white X floating in front of it, and has a noticeable chunk of Kishen corruption. Despite this, Koumori did place a Soul Protect on him.

He also has control over his black blood, but he uses it only when he must. When ever it comes into affect, he blanks out for two seconds. During those two seconds, he visits the Black Room, which is a very fancy look hall. The girl he met when he was eight ages is their, and she seemed to age at the same rate as him. When ever he goes into the Black Room, he always end up in a black suit. He named the girl in the Black Room after his little sister; Mari.

Unknown to him, however, is with all the experimenting put upon him, if he where to ever be hit by Soul Menace, the end result could end with death.


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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Wilfre Lucifer
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Will

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Teacher
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a Male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Twenty Five years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Heterosexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on no one.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: High Road // Fort Minor
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with Shinigami

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Lecherous, especially to the older women. I try to stay away from the younger teenagers, but hey... It's not like I'm just after booty; if I do more then just ogle you, it's because I want to know more about you. I mean, while everyone else is going insane becuase of family issues, I plan to stay calm in the storm. After all; A sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
The thing about meisters; anyone with enough will is able to become one. Sure, some have some skills going on for them; advance soul perception, parents who are total badasses, what-have-you. But Wilfre was not one of those people. His family, the Lucifer's, had a problem with their last name; everyone seems to hate them because of it. It didn't help that they never really have done anything amazing themselves; they have never even caused any trouble. He would be bullied to no end at school, and his family was treated poorly or ignored as a whole. But Wilfre's father, a salaryman, kept him and his family going. His father taught Wilfre while he was growing up that the past will affect future if you do nothing in the present. It was confusing for the young Wilfre, but he knew the basis of what his father told him; be proud of your heritage. Now, Wilfre has seen where such ideals can lead a person; some people end up with a superiority complex and do crazy things, like genocide and what sort. But Wilfre was above this sort of crazy; over time, Wilfre would develop into a kind young man, with an overabundance of hormones. Alas, not all would go well as Wilfre would hope.
During a ride back from church, Wilfre,his father, and mother would find that their house has been burnt and looted. It would seem that their heritage would be very disastrous. But why? Simple because of their last name? It was not all that though; Their small town in which Wilfre's family had lived in seems to have been prey of an Kishin Organization; The Knight Templar. At the age ten, Wilfre learn quickly why everything was happening; his neighbors did not hate him or their Last name, only that their presences would cause much trouble for them all. Seeking safe haven, Wilfre and his family quickly took what they could salvage and moved to a new city. Their, he would hope he could live a new life with out fear of the Knight Templar.
However, by the time Wilfre was 13, the Knight Templar struck home once more, this time, taking his father. They some how managed to track down his family out of spite, and taken his father. His mother was hidden by then, by her husbands orders. On that day, Wilfre dropped out of his school and took his mother to the only place where he could get help; Death City. There, he trained as a meister, in order to someday return to his home town and take back everything that belonged to his family.
Wilfre would soon learn, though, that not everything is as simple as he would have thought. Others had much more potential then him; they had talent, and they too worked hard to improve their skills. It was saddening for him; everyone had the talent, the ability to be better. He would strive to become better, only for twenty others to master what Wilfre would work so hard on improving. It would seem that he would always be nothing but an eyesore.
At his home, while he was brooding like a pubescent tween, he heard a knocking on the door. Twas his mother, who wished to see him. He spoke little words to her as he answered her questions, until she asked on he did not know how to respond. "What would your father think if he saw you now?" Yes, what would his fun-loving, devoted, and upbeat father think of his emo son? His mother answered, saying she would not know either. While she was at home, she showed Wilfre her hands; they were bruised and burnt.
Wilfre asked her what happened, and she responded by telling her a secrete she has done for the past twenty years; she too, once attended Death City. Like Wilfre
she lacked any special talents; she could hardly use the most basic of weapons. So instead, she trained in the art of Soul Menace. For years, she trained to be able to inject her soul into others and when she was twenty one, she left Death City. She, on her own, mastered the art of Soul Menace. However, Wilfre's mother still felt life crap; she never collected more then ten souls, and no one she had met ever seemed to be able to fit with her. Then she met Wilfre's father at a party, where his cynically optimistic views won her over. He showed her that, though you may be insignificant on a large scale, you can still do epic things. And since Wilfre's father was kidnaps, she prepared her self to use her powers once again.
On the same night, she began teaching Wilfre the ways of Soul Menace. He did not slack on his meister studies either; he found multiple partners he could work with. Over time, he would use and master more then thirty weapons, and twelve improvable weapons, such as scissors to a single chop stick.
Six years after his father was kidnapped, Shinigami sent Wilfre on one last mission; this mission, should he finish it, would grant Wilfre the chance to become a teacher at Shibusen. Wilfre was to do this alone, because it was personal; eliminate the cult of the Knight Templar. Wilfre was dropped off back to his home town; nothing had changed. He stayed there for a day, and no one noticed him. On the second day, everything went to hell.
The town was cleared out, and before Wilfre knew it, he was in the town square, sounded by armored knights. At the head, a large humanoid armed with a rather large mace, and at his feet, his father. His father looked starved, and hair has grown everywhere on him. But he was alive. Wilfre gave the Knight Templar one chance to redeem themselves. They refused, and the head went into a long discussion about his superiority of his cult and his father. In mid speech, Wilfre killed one of the Knight's. "Now what's up with this superiority complex, eh? Sure, your proud of your heritage and your father..."Suddenly, Wilfre's soul expanded and took a physical form; his soul was so powerful, it covered most of the town and all of the Knight Templar. "...But I'm proud of my father too. And when you take him away from me, you will feel the might of the Lucifer's."
Wilfre's soul started to spark, and then suddenly lightning surged throughout Wilfre's soul. The knights that was inside Wilfre's soul was electrocuted, and theirs hearts stopped and they all fell over, dead. The leader of the knight Templar was unaffected, but he flinched at Wilfre's. "Return my father!" Wilfre jumped to the Templar Leader and grabbed his face. Wilfre sent his wave link directly into the Templar leader, and in a matter of seconds, the leader fell to the floor, and his soul floated above to Wilfre. He looked down to his father, then picked him back up and Wilfre embraced his father. Finally, he has everything back.
Five years after saving his father, Wilfre took up a job teaching at Shibusen. He does an extra curricular class as well, teaching other meisters how to use Soul Menace. He's more relaxed now, and he lives with his parents. His mom would sometime come around and help Wilfre teach students how to use Soul Menace, and his father works as an accounted for Shinigami-Sama.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Has the ability to use Soul Menace, and a much more powerful form know as "Doom Dome", where anyone within his Soul area would be hit by a his Soul Wave Link. However, since the last time he did his Doom Dome, his power had shrank. He would us it sparingly. He has a simple form of Soul Perception, but compare to other teachers, his is quite inferior. Some of his students are better then him at Soul Perception.

He has a fear of chocolate due to his father.



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PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:17 am

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Relm Lee Clovis
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Remi

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` supporter of Shinigami-sama
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a Female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Nineteen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am bisexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on my art.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: No volume, sorry
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Proud Mary - Tina Turner
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with Shinigami sama

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Relm is very snappy about alot but when it comes to at she has a very open mind. She enjoys all types from paper work to music. She doesn't really care what people think about her own work but isn't afraid to critize someone elses work. She always says whats on her mind but figures its kinder to be truthful then to allow the other person to live a lie. She perfers to work alone in the quite but as a weapon she needs a partner to work properly. Her temper is short and she can sometimes be violent when riled up. She curses alot and can come off as rude and tasteless but really its just a cold cover to keep the others at bay.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Relm was born to very loveing parents, a father that build furniture and a mother that sewed and painted. Relm grew up in a very arts-based family. Her brother played the violen and none of them had any idea of the weapon blood-line in their family. The first time relm used her power was in a moment of sicking anger and she almost killed the other child. She was about five years old when another boy took a prized bunny from her that her mother had made. She tought one good push and that stupid boy would never bother her again but when she swung wide at his shoulder her arm transformed and nearly lopted the boys arm off.

From that day of she was the violent freak that painted werid stuff and she didn't mind. She enjoyed the quite and time it allowed her to give to her work. The down side was she didn't soicalize and never learned to properly. When she was thirteen She entered the DMWA to be a weapon. She met a meister and they got along fine. They worked well with each other but once she was a death sythe they no longer needed each other and seperated. By this time she was seventeen and more then capable of living alone. She ventured out to explore the world and its art. She waits for Death-samas call and is prepaired to head home if ever needed, shes currently in death city but is planning to leave again very soon.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Relm is a Battle Ax which matches her fierce personaility perfectly. She paints like crazy and enjoys a good story. She keeps her hair short because when it was long the tips would be multi-colored from it dipping into her work. She enjoyed Louisiana the very most out of her travels due to the rich culture covered in art and music.


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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Gaara Junkins
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Ares

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` artificial soul Ares
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a Male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Ten years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am curious but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on no one.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: ---
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Place for my head - Linkin park
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the witch

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Gaara was the last to be and like the youngest child he tends to stick to his own devices whille still coping and trying to understand his older siblings. For whatever reason he was born without the ability to express his emotions well. He doesn't laugh at jokes and sometimes doesn't even understand then. He doesn't understand the need for things like humor or laughing. He belives all a human needs to live is anger and the rest is useless. Hes always some place watching and learning, hoping to impress the witch whom he calls mother. He idolizes her a great deal and would be lost without her. He doesn't trust his siblings very much but still listens to their orders like the good little boy he is. The only time hes ever shown a noticable bit of emotion is when hes with the witch.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Gaara was the last child to be born from the witches pond of souls. He looks like nothing more then a normal male child but not a thought or action from him is taken lightly. Very early on he was given his human name Gaara which means 'only love yourself.' The witch was uncertion about his abilitys for a whille because he wasn't willing to have anything to do with the family. At first she was going to dismiss him as a failed project but one day she caught him doing something out of the ordinary. He would light a lighter and run his fingers over the flames and at first they figured he was exploreing but they soon relized it didn't hurt him.

Gaara was completely immune to the affects of fire. He could stand in the middle of a blaze larger then himself and even though it burned away his clothes he would remained unharmed. Now of course with every strangth comes a weakness and no matter how the witch tried she couldn't teach the boy to swim. He would sink like a rock in a matter of seconds. Once these abilitys were discovered and he began his training amoung his siblings he gained the title of Ares. Hes willing to die for the witch but only the witch, he would leave any of his siblings to die in a heart-beat. Hes still considered 'the weakest link' but he plans to change that very soon and show his mother just how much he cares for her.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Gaara is a meister in training. Because of his small form large weapons don't work. He prefers long distance weapons like guns and arrows since he isn't big enough nor strong enough to properly weild a sword. The paint around his eyes is tattooed and doesn't come off. The witch allowed him to do it when he gained his title as a sign to himself of the change in his life.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:10 am

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Vayle Aaire
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Vayle

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Weapon
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a Male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Eighteen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on no on at the moment.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: ---
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: My Sanctuary // Utada Hikaru
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with Shinigami sama

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Vayle is very uptight and stubborn, he is an extremely picky weapon, if he feels his Meister is not using him to his liking he will force himself out of weapon form and yells at his Meister. Even though Vayle can seem over bearing and self centered at times he cares about others over himself and will do anything to help them. Because of Vayle's uptight and stubborn nature he can be very hard to get to open up and dose not fall for people easily. Vayle has high patience but if pushed hard enough he can be an aggressive person

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Vayle was born into a small family, He had no brothers or sisters and just lived with his mother. Vayle's father was always away for work and he only ever saw him on special occasions like his birthday and the like. Both of Vayle's parents were weapons but hid this from him till he was older. Vayle was always a stubborn child since he was young and had to get his way although as he got older he became less stubborn and more tolerable . Vayle's parents had made a few enemies when they were active as weapons and one of said enemies had caught up to them.

on Vayle's tenth birthday he was told by his parents that he was also a weapon and was going to be attending the academy. on his Sixteenth birthday when he was supposed to attend the academy a witch, being the child of a witch killed by Vayle's parents, killed his Family and left Vayle unconscious, thinking that he was dead. Awaking two years later in a hospital Vayle now attends the academy. Vayle dosnt like to talk about his past life much and only opens up to those he is close with.

Still searching for a Meister he feels his Stubborn and uptight nature may be the cause for this he continues to search as he traines himself to fight without a Meister and is beginning to get good. Vayle has learnt to become less stubborn and uptight to an amazing extent but can still be stubborn and uptight in the worse possible times

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Vayle's Weapon form is a long Dim red Serpent like blade, Curves run up the long blade and the handle is in the shape of a snakes head, protruding form the snakes mouth on the hilt is a long thorn covered whip, running down the edge of the blade on both sides is a slight poison that burns to an extensive amount, and the thorns on his whip have a paralyzing poison that lasts for a short time, These poisons work thusly. First strike the person with the weapon to leave the poison residue, the paralyzing poison only works on the area that it made contact with, hit the arm, the arm is paralyzed although this poison only seems to work on souls that have become Kishin eggs. Once the poison is administered the Meister MUST!! strike Vayle against a piece of metal making a distinct ringing noise within 5 min of the poison being applied to make them take effect.



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PostPosted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:02 pm

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Zeus

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Artificial Souls
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am seventeen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am heterosexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on no one.
My song: The World // Nightmare
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the witches

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
questionable. Zeus is know for his explosive rage and quick temper. This has even been aimed at his siblings at time when they act out of place or bother him too much. Despite this sibling bullying, he is extremely protective of them and is always fearful to lose one of them. Oddly enough, he shows openly shows that he cares for his siblings and mother.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Zeus was the second of the children to climb out of the ponds. And even at that early stage his power was incredible. While he waited for the others, his mind and powers continue to grow at a rate his moth had not expected. However, there was no ill effect from this and Zeus soon proved he was a match for anything.

After a few year, Zeus had already fully matured and stayed at what appeared to be about eighteen or so. And while they waited for the last few to come out of the ponds, he helped raised the others while they matured. Soon after the last one awoke, he took time to wonder around and get a grasp on the world. Seeing how the world was, he wanted nothing more then to simply destroy it all and rebuild it from the ashes.

The memories from Zeus's former life fill his head. Every single one taking the for of a dream or random thought at sometime for another. Although this memories play like sound bites and video clips, Zeus finds an odd pleasure out of viewing the happiness of others.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Despite Zeus's power, he does find the thought of losing his siblings or mother a dreadful thing. And wouldn't hesitate to die himself to preserve their lives. While clam, he tends to spend time with the classical arts.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:45 am

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Dignity-Honor Crimson Shoawguns(O.T.L) &&
Disgrace Silver Shoawguns(O.T.R)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Crimson & Silver

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` (pair) weapons
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, we are male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We are both Six-teen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I(Crimson) am strait, I(Silver) am confused, but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on Y/T/B/A.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Our voice: -(The voice of the man with the white hair, 2:10)- Ginko
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Our song: Down fall // Matchbox Twenty
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We side with Shinigami-sama

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Crimson: I wont wait to act, I can't wait to act. I will take what opertunity comes my way before it passes with out hesitation! Though, there is only one thing in this world that can make me wait! Despite my hot headed nature, I wont leave my brother behind. Despite what you see on my surface, I'm quite the deceptive con man.

Silver: All my life I've been unsertain of my existance, so I'm quite hesitant in make desissions on my own behalf. I have a low self esteme that my brother hides with his hot-headed nature around others. I can't seem to leave my brothers side, I trust him with my life. I follow my brothers lead as if I were his mirored image.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Crimson and Silver are from the Shoaguns family. A family made of only shooting type weapons, originating from Japan. There was supposed to be only one son to be born, though at the date of birth, Silver clung to Crimson as he was pulled out. Their father and mother are tied by a family curse. Their father was over joyed with that fact that they had been born with the twins Crimson and Silver. In the legend of Shoaguns, there was a demon weapon who saught imortality, but as he could not obtain it, he cursed his descendents. He would be reborn in two bodies, one would have Crimson hair and the other Silver. There was also a condition with how the two should grow up, the mother didn't want the tradition to continue and the father was only for the tradition. Though love prevailed, and they met half way, they were braught up with the traditional way till the age of 14. At the age of 15 the tradition was broken and the two brothers were finnaly able to meet properly and they would finnaly be able to enjoy the rest of their lifes together if they wished so.

While the twins were bring braught up through the Shoagguns traditions, both brothers were braught up to hate each others existances. In the year they were finnaly reunited, Crimson took Silver in with open arms, and Silver, who didn't know how to accept Crimson's supposed affection, fell into a state of confusion. During a period of time, Silver befell a tragic acident in witch Crimson did what he could to salvage what was left of Silver. Due to the acident and because Crimson saved Silver, Silver follows the brother he had grown to hate in a state were he had full dependance on Crimson. The acident was caused by their father, as he secretly hid his actions from his wife. Crimson saught out Shibusen as a way to free him and his brother from the rath of their father. Their father agread to send both brothers to Shibusen on one condition. A condition both brothers accepted, a condition that has scared Silver more then his twin brother.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
These are our weapon forms,
This is my brother Crimsons weapon form
This is my brother Silvers form

My brother, Silver, is horified by spiders and felines! It'd be best if you don't play a prank on my brother with such things... And another thing... Don't unwrap his arm, he's quite sensitive about what he's hiding under those wraps, so I'd also apriciate it if you don't take off my own glove. He's sensitive about these things we hide. After all, its best to leave the past behind us.
((To be critical on the Twin aspect, Crimson is the leading Twin. Meaning: Crimson faught more for the existance in the woumb against Silver. Thus Crimson is naturaly stronger then Silver is mostly all aspects))

Mini me of the Zurg


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:17 pm

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Athena & Artemis
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call us Romy (right) & Rayne (left). We like those names better!

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` artificial souls
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, we are female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We are seventeen, but lots of people think we look eleven years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We are straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but we have a crush on nobody at all! Ha ha!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Mimi's voice: Kaori Fukuhara
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Kiki's voice: Emiri Kato
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Our song: Matryoshka // Zebra & Hashiyan
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We side with the witches

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` We can be a bit...
Despite their mental ages, Romy and Rayne do not act as maturely as they should. They act incredibly childish. For one, they hardly take anything seriously. They could take the most serious situation and turn it into a complete joke. Secondly, they have no regard whatsoever as to how their actions affect others. This is especially bad since they love to play rather dangerous 'games'. Romy and Rayne are also very short-tempered little ladies, so it goes without saying that they will most likely blow you away if you piss them off.

Romy and Rayne may be identical twins, but there are a few traits that set them apart. Romy is more of a vicious fighter, and very skilled when it comes to tracking and catching an enemy. Rayne on the other hand is very devious and skilled when it comes to devising a battle plan. But, these two differences are what make Romy and Rayne the deadly duo they are.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Our past you ask?
Romy and Rayne are identical twin girls, and two of the many aftificial souls created to fight Shinigami-sama and the weapons and meisters of Shibusen Academy. The two used to be known as Amy and Annie Ellwood, but that all changed one fateful day. The two youngsters can't remember quite how they died, but a few memories of their past lives still remain.

Going back many years to when the twins were known as Amy and Annie Ellwood, they were also young weapon students of Shibusen. Unlike the other weapons in the school though, Amy and Annie never had meisters. They never saw the point in having meisters, when they could rely on each other. Being twins, and also the best of friends, they had a connection unlike any weapon and meister pair... But, because of what they believed, they were made fun of by the other weapons and meisters. The others would say things like "The only reason you say you don't need meisters is because all the meisters in the school think you're too weird to have as partners!" The twins were laughed at constantly for their odd behaviour and thoughts, so they always tried to distance themselves from the other students... Deep down though, they always wished and waited for that one opportunity to come along where they would be able to show everyone just how powerful they were together, without meisters.

That one opportunity did eventually come along... One day, while sneaking around the school when they were supposed to be in class, Amy and Annie overheard Shinigami-sama giving a mission to a death scythe and his meister. They knew that this death scythe was well respected around the school, so they concocted a plan so stow away on that mission. They figured, that if they were able to show a death scythe how talented and powerful they were on a tough mission, then they would gain his respect and ultimately gain the respect of everyone who ever made of them! It was a genius plan in their minds...

Amy and Annie did end up sneaking along on the mission, with no clue what was in store for them... They died, along with the weapon and meister that had been given the mission. But it was the same witch they lost their lives to who would end up giving them new lives.

When they awoke from the dark ponds in the witches castle, they were given the names Athena and Artemis, after the virgin goddesses of the Hunt and Wisdom. These names were a good fit since Amy was always a great fighter and hunter, while Annie was the smart one who thought of their defensive and offensive strategies... Unfortunetly, Artemis and Athena weren't really names the the twins liked, so they just started calling themselves Romy and Rayne. Much cooler names in their opinion.

The twins grew up happily around the other artificial souls, coming to think of them as siblings while the witch that created them was their mother. They loved exploring and playing around the castle, since their adventurous and playul natures had been carried with them into their new lives. They didn't even really care that they were artificial souls meant for taking down Death City. They were just too carefree. Not to mention they still held a grudge against Shibusen and its students for neglecting them because of their differences...

With their purpose in mind, Romy and Rayne take a lot of time out of their days to practice their abilities and techniques. Often to the chagrin of others in the castle, the twins favorite method of training is playing 'tag'. A nasty re-make which pretty much consists of chasing others down the halls while trying to shoot them. They also spend late nights prowling around the city stalking young meisters set on turning their weapons into Death Scythes. Their deepest fear more than anything else is that they will fail in their new lives like they did in their old ones. Romy and Rayne are constantly striving to make their 'Mother' proud of them, so they can finally gain the recognition they deserve for being an inseparable weapon pair.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
The twins may claim that they are fearless, but just like regular little girls their age they are in fact afraid of many things. Things like spiders, the dark, being left alone, eating broccoli, getting scolded... But since the twins are artificial souls, they are far from human in many other ways. Romy and Rayne are much faster and more flexible than regular humans. They can also regenerate from injuries, although it does take a fair bit out of them. On top of that, they age slowly, and that is why they look younger than they actually are.

When in weapon form, Romy and Rayne are a pair of railguns capable of shooting electrified blasts of soul wavelength. Despite their age and level of training, the twins are very powerful when in weapon form. They are very motivated, confident and brave, which gives them that extra power boost.


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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Alba Everdeen
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Alba please... don't get creative with nicknames

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` meister
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a lady.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am sixteen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am bisexual but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on no one as of yet.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Noto Mamiko
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Rollin' Girl // Kettaro
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with Shinigami-sama

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Alba is best described as a very up-beat and kindly individual, with intelligence and a good sence of humour to boot. Many who know her would say that she is a reliable friend who can always offer intelligent insight and good advice. But for those who really get to know her will find that behind her kindness there is a darker, brutally nasty side to her personality. Although most won't have to know this about her unless they really tick her off. So just try to stay on her good side, and you won't ever have to face her wrath.

Alba is known for being very perfectionistic. To the point that she could be considered OCD. She is the kind of person will never be happy with something unless it meets the standers of what she considers "perfect". For example, if she were ever to get a bad grade on a test, then she would probably mentally (and perhaps physically) torture herself for having not met her own standards. But occasionally this perfectionistic attitude can come in handy.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
The past isn't something that Alba enjoys talking about. At a young age, she and her older brother Jaidyn, were orphaned after a car accident took the lives of their parents. With no other relitives they knew of to care for them, the two young siblings were sent to live in an orphanage. Alba was about 12 at the time, while her brother was 14.

The siblings lived in the orphanage for a grand total of 4 years, and not once did they ever come close to being adopted. Jaidyn was usually the cause of the problem. He always acted out when in an interview with possible foster parents. His reasoning had always been the same; "We don't need new parents! As long as we have each other, we won't ever need anybody else!" He told his sister this when she cried after not getting adopted, and Alba would believe in every word he said to her. Alba looked up to her brother greatly. To her, Jaidyn was the bravest, smartest and strongest person in the world. Her hero.

Eventually, after getting so fed up of living in the orphanage, Jaidyn devised a plan of escape. One night, while everyone else was sleeping, Jaidyn and Alba snuck out the top storey window and climbed down using a rope made of clothes tied together. The two then ran off into the night, but they didn't get very far away from the orphanage when they were grabbed by dark clothed people who knocked them out and shoved them into a van. From that point on, everything is a blur.

Apon awakening, Alba found herself in alone in an alleyway with the worst pain in her back, where a pair of wings had sprouted. She had no recolection of what happened to her, and Jaidyn was nowhere in sight. Now, alone and in pain, Alba began to wander the street's in search of her brother, hoping that he would be close by... But unfortunetly, even after 3 days of searching, she was unable to find her brother. She then started searching outside the city, and searched for almost a month without finding any trace of Haine. During her search though, Alba stumbled apon a very interesting place. A school called Shibusen Academy, specially built for the education of young Meisters and Weapon's. Alba also met a rather strange individual known as Shinigami-sama.

Shinigami-sama, who happened to be the headmaster of the school, took her under his wing and taught Alba more about her powers as a Meister. She learned that the 'wings' sticking out of her back were a mutation that acted as antenna, amplifying her soul wavelength and soul perception to a great extent. Alba was then enrolled in the school so she could further train her newly found Meister abilities, and dedicated her entire being to learning more and training to become as strong as she possibly could. All the while, she continues her search for her brother, who has still yet to be found...

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Alba isn't afraid of much, although the thought of getting dirty and getting bad grades really freaks her out. Otherwise, if you havn't noticed, Alba has a pair of wings oddly protruding from her back. They are in fact the physical extension of her soul and act as antenna to amplify her wavelength, as said by Shinigami-sama. Alba's wavelength is also special because it is capable of healing others. So, despite them being an oddity, her wings are quite usefull. They can't give her the ability to fly, but they certainly aren't just for show. Alba doesn't really want people gawking at her little feathery appendages however, so she just tucks them away into her shirt, which luckily doesn't cause any discomfort for her.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:45 am

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Crissy Anne Johnston
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Cris

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` meister
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am sixteen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on try to guess.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice:---
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song:This is Halloween//Marilyn Manson
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with Shinigami-Sama

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Crissy is more of a demented little girl. She is loud and obsessive but there is more then that. When she is in her "normal" state she is loud, fun, and loving of everyone but as soon as she gets mad or in a fight she is someone else entirely. Some people call it multiple personality disorder but she calls it her other side. this side of her is cold, mean, and cruel. She calls herself Cris in this form and she hates everyone and everything. "Normal" Crissy is just a crazy, wild, fun person; Cris is not.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
When Crissy was younger, her mother died of a terrible disease. Her mother and her had been close, so Crissy couldn't handle her mother dying very well. The night of her mother's death, Crissy became distant and cold. Her father noticed the changes and tried to talk to her, but Crissy refused to communicate or talk to anyone. Her father didn't know what to do.

Months later, people started noticing a new emotion i Crissy's eyes. she insisted people call her Cris and anyone who refused ended up hurt quite badly. She started to fight a lot and people started to avoid her. On the days that Crissy was normal, she could never remember her night or past days. When people said she had fought she wouldn't believe them.

This continued on for years until Crissy realized that the others were right. She had been fighting others and being mean. The girl couldn't quite understand or believe it, but she learned to channel her anger and emotions towards fighting the bad guys. When she found her first weapon, it was hard work but he managed to work with her for along while. A year passed and then the weapon and Crissy parted ways unable to help each other anymore. Crissy was getting hard to deal with again.

Crissy's last weapon attempt also failed. She lashed out and lost control and her partner left without word. Cris is out to find the right partner for her other side but Crissy just wants someone who is nice. the two clashing personalities often end up fighting and now Crissy is at the academy trying to find someone that works with her and one who can handle Cris.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Cris is terrified of death and blood she often lets Crissy handle this stuff when something bad happens. Crissy is afraid of spiders and heights. The two personalities fight often so when Crissy is yelling at herself she is perceived as crazy but honestly she isn't. Oh one other thing, Cris wants to be allied with the witch, so she is trying to corrupt Crissy's good thinking, but Crissy is loyal.


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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Dionysus
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Cole

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` artificial soul
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am nineteen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on no one yet.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: ---
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: All Star//Smash Mouth
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with witches

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Cole is a reserved individual but he can be hyper and annoying too. He likes to have fun and this boy is always doing something. There is just a tweak in his personality that makes it so he can't sit still. He loves cooking and making food for people so he often visits houses for a recreational activity. He is caring and likes to try to help out when others are in pain or hurt, but sometimes he is a bit cranky too. The only time he is cold or mean is when he is fighting.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Cole never uses his other name to refer to himself but at times he will annoy the other souls with their names. He is energetic around his own kind and the witches and he doesn't often question what is going on anymore. He is a tool and he does as he is told. He doesn't quite rememebr much of his other life as he should yet, but he tries his hardest.

Being one of the oldest, Cole does have a more mature side to his being just because he feels the need to protect. He helped take care of the youngest of the souls and now he is ready once again for anything. At times his past life will pop into his head; those moments are his favorite.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Cole doesn't like the idea of death. He tries to avoid the subject.



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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:53 am

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Shiku Arashi
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Demeter, or just Demi.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Artificial soul
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a Female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am seventeen years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on Zeus, even though he's known for his explosive temper...
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Nami Tamaki
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: But It's Better If You Do // Panic! At The Disco
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the Witches

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Motherly. Demi is always there with an unlimited supply of smiles and kind words. She is probably one of the few who aren't fazed by Zeus's explosive temper, and manage to calm him down at times. She's very loyal to her family, and to the Witch who brought her up, and she can be too trusting at times. She's also rather stubborn, and won't give up a thought easily, much to the extreme annoyance of some of her siblings. Despite this, she's very perceptive and can notice when something is wrong with the ones close to her immediately.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Demi had been the third to come out of the pond. She had shown no special power when she had just come out, but merely clung to her new 'mother' as she watched the 'birth' of her 'siblings'. For many days, Demi was out of it a lot. She didn't respond to anyone who called her. For some reason, Demi would always feel more out of place than anyone else. While Ai felt like she belonged, Demi felt as if she was just a sore thumb sticking out; just like how she had been in the past.

Demi hated being alone, but she couldn't really pick up the courage to do anything about it. She usually hung around Jun, because he didn't talk much, and she enjoyed the silence they shared. When he disappeared, she withdrew even further into herself, afraid of being hurt. Time passed, and slowly, she started to open up a little bit more. She felt pretty useless because her powers had yet to show, and even Ares, the youngest of them all, had shown powers with fire. She felt left out, but she didn't know that her powers would soon come to her in the most unimaginable form.

She was alone again one day, in the gardens, because everyone else was doing something that she couldn't, and she was playing with a dead plant. For some reason, anger and anguish filled her and she, fragile looking and small as she was, punched the ground to vent it out. The ground from her tiny fist to the far end of the garden was split into two, as if an earthquake had cracked it open. The weakest looking of the artificial souls had become the physically strongest.

In Demi's past life, she was a girl named Saiki, a happy-go-lucky girl whom nothing could ever put down. Saiki had been best friends with two boys, Hikaru, and Sora. The three were weapons, the inseparable trio who did everything together. However, one day, Hikaru disappeared, and, despite the efforts of Sora and Saiki, they couldn't find the missing boy. A day later, they were sneaking around the school together, just to two of them, they heard Shinigami-sama giving a mission to a death scythe and his meister. For some reason, they just knew that wherever the two were going, Hikaru would probably be there. They snuck out with the death scythe and the meister, with only the innocent goal of finding their best friend. What they found was worse. The death scythe and meister were killed by the witch and the trio started to run away. However, Saiki knew that the three of them wouldn't be able to run away in time, so she sacrificed herself for her friends, trying to fight the witch so that her attention would be on her and not them.

She didn't even last three seconds.

Her last thought as she died was that, at least Sora and Hikaru got away....And so the witch, seeing her strong will, took her soul and created her artificial self, Demeter.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
She chose the name Shiku, from the combination of Sora and Hikaru, although she doesn't really know it. The last name, Arashi, meant storm, and she wanted to be as fierce as one, hence her full 'name' Shiku Arashi. Her weapon form is an elongated kusari-gama (ignore the dude). She knows multiple languages, usually European, other than her Japanese.

Hunter Crawl
PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:52 am

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Wyoming Legends
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call me Poseidon

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Artificial Soul
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a male.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am nine years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on nobody.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Kara Edwards
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: It Ends Tonight // All-American Rejects
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with witches

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Wyoming is a secretive person. While he is outgoing, if he is holed up in his room, he will be doing things that he doesn't want anybody else to know about, whether he is cleaning his room, reading a book or hiding something he shouldn't have, he will always be a secretive person. He only willingly lets in his 'mother' because of the respect he holds for her being a parental figure. He usually comes up with escape routes throughout the castle in worst case scenarios situations. He has at least forty planned out if the castle was invaded.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Wyoming was born after the one who was supposed to 'born' last from the pond of souls. He choose the name Wyoming because it was a very unique name, even for the place it originated from. He was reading books on U.S. History when he read about the state known as Wyoming. His last name, Legends, was chosen for all the myths and fairy tales about what he could find. Even though he has read as much as he could, Wyoming has never found Greek mythology books dictating their ranks (Ares, Poseidon, Zeus etc.). As a child, Wyoming had taken a keen interest in reading. He had read every book he could find in the castle. His abilities as a natural in water were discovered when he fell into a pond in the castle garden. He was under the water for five minutes, long enough for the witch to declare him dead, when he surfaced, gasping for air. He was put through tests from diving to breath holding to swimming. He excelled in all but one. The underwater breathing test. He almost died, and the witch would've let him if he hadn't passed the others. Fortunately for Wyoming, he passed.

What Wyoming was weak to was heat. He suffered from heat more than anybody in his family. You can always see him carrying around a bottle of water on hot days. On moderately cool days, he will be walking around in a T-shirt and shorts. If he gets dehydrated on a hot day, he will be almost too hot to touch and definitely too hot to live. Wyoming is social enough to hang around his older siblings but not social enough to not be shy in open public.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Wyoming was given a task. He was training to be a miser like his brother Ares. He was strong enough to manage a sword due to his physical fitness from swimming and taught the basics of sword play. He will be taught to wield any weapon after a while of training.

Trace Legends


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:27 pm

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Mikoto Ari Lin
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Ari or Miko

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Witch
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, I am a Female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Twenty years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I am Straight but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on thats my secret.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice:---
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My song: Furniture Waltz // Shannon and Kanon
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________I side with the witches

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` I can be a bit...
Mikoto is usually mean to her allies. She tries to show kindness when she can but it comes out wrong. She is protective of her allies and will help them when they need her help. She is normally quiet and comes with with tricky ways to make her plans unfold. She is also is shy sometimes but you cant tell it at all.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` My past you ask?
Mikoto was born as a witch. She has lived her whole life as a witch and loved ever minute of it... That is until her parents were killed by Meister's and their weapons. She swore revenge on them when she was 5 years old and went after them when she was ten but when she tried she didn't do too well and went into hiding. When she was 17 years old she started to get stronger and found out how to hid her magic by a shield so that the weapons and their Meister's wont find her. She did have a son but he was murdered by the Academy full of Meister's. She is now Twenty and swore revenge for the murder of her son. She will full fill her wish if it kills her in the end.

Mikoto is still in hiding and is gathering up her forces to make her attack on the school. She believes that training them they way she was trained will make them strong of an asset. She is waiting for the right day to get her plan into motion.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Mikoto is indeed afraid of losing the fight to come and no being able to fulfill her plan. She also is indeed in charge of this whole mission to attack the Meister's with her group. She is afraid of her allies judging her as a softy and will do anything to make sure they dont think that.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:10 am

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Aeden Namago / Claire Galesworth
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________but call us The Soul Riders

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Meister / Weapon
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________In case you haven't noticed, we are male and female.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We are twenty and twenty-one years old!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We're straight and bi, but why would you want to know that?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Do not tell anybody, but I have a crush on ((crush)).
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________My voice: Narumi Ayumu and Hiyono Yuikazi
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________Our song: Paradise Lost // Minori Chihara)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__________________We side with Shinigami-sama

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` We can be a bit...
Aeden's the calm one of the Meister/Weapon duo. He's the thinker, the strategy-maker. He can remain calm and unphased, even in the most dire of situations. He's also straight forward; a trait some hate about him. If he likes you, he'll say so. If he hates you, he'll say so. Claire, on the other hand, is like his polar opposite. She's very whimsy and usually hyper. She generally throws caution to the wind and has a good time, letting Aeden worry about the technical stuff. She tries to befriend everyone she meets, and even acts friendly towards enemies. Neither discriminate between Witches or Shinigami Supporters, and both hate to resort to violence.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Our past you ask?
Aeden grew up relying on no one but himself. He rarely ever spoke of his parents, and the bits he did speak of translated into his mother being a drunk, and his father being a drunk plus being an a**. After the two parents got in an argument on his fifth birthday about some small, minor thing, Aeden packed what he could, stole what he could from the savings stash, and left. He started taking on small jobs: mechanic work, errand boy, etc. Anything you can think of. He then eventually made his way to Death City when he was ten, where he attended the Academy... and once again relied on no one. Apparently old habits died hard, and his were particularly stubborn.

A few weeks later, a girl by the name of Claire Galesworth entered the Academy, and while her intelligence was awe-striking, her 'friendly' approach was annoying, especially to Aeden. The first time they met ended with Aeden simply turning around and leaving without saying a single word to her. But that just made her more curious about him; like a child being told 'no' makes them want to do it. She kept trying and trying to at least get him to say a word for weeks, but he never broke; a first.

By this time, Meisters and Weapons were starting to pair up, and in the future months, Aeden would make a name for himself among the students: The Solo Act; the guy that neither wanted nor needed a weapon partner. His training of martial arts allowed him to overcome and single opponent or meister/weapon duo. And all of the fights the participated in, he never wanted to do in the first place. He hated fighting other people, but in the student body mind, Aeden was a Lone Wolf wanting attention when it was the exact opposite. At this point, one of the only people that didn't resent Aeden was Claire, the annoying girl that ate lunch with him, met him at the gates every morning, and actually made him crack a small grin every now and again, usually due to her falling or hitting something.

After six years of attending the Academy, both Aeden and Claire graduated, then immediately hit the road, acting as the eyes of Shinigami-sama where only a small group could go. That was four years ago. Since then, they've taken down many a rogue witch group, Claire discovered her Death Scythe form, and the two even got married. Aeden managed to perfect his control over his Wavelength, leading to Soul Perception and using his wavelength to attack.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx` Extra! Extra!
Claire's weapon form is... unique... in that she has no real weapon form. When she changes, she becomes one with Aeden's Wavelength, increasing his attributes greatly. He hits harder, moves a lot faster, and his muscles become steel hard.; he turns into a literal human weapon. Aeden and Claire are a little famous for playing music, which is a little odd, because when Claire morphs, music plays, and any ally that hears said music will feel the same effects Aeden gets, only it's half as potent./size]



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