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A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining.

The Teens:

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Brittany Rose Hart

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx「 The Party Girl」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Sixteen 」 xx 「 Female 」 xx 「 Straight」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Fun-loving」 xx 「 Nice 」 xx「 Stubborn 」

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx★ ` THE - inside
  • Brittany is one of the most bubbly, funnest person to be around. Well that is until she turns stressed out. She seems to always.. well just sometimes be gloomy about her life. Hey but she does like to crack a few jokes around here and there. Brittany also is a very kind person just ignore how stubborn she is.

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  • Brittany was not wanted, unloved, and wasn't cared for one bit by her Mother or Father. They didn't want her in their life so they dropped her off at an orphanage so she could be taken by another family. Know this caused her to start drinking too much. Brittany filled her head with lies. She believed if she drank it would ease the pain. She could never face reality, it was too hard to face the fact that you were hated by your real family.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rayne Rei Valentine
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Miss Self-Inflicted 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Seventeen 」 xx 「 Female 」 xx 「 Straight 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Attention Hog 」 xx 「 Sweet 」 xx 「 Wants to be cared for 」

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  • Rayne has always been a bit of a freak, doing everything she could to get attention. She can be sweet, when you pay attention to her, and even though she is a bit rude, all she really wants is to be cared for. Rayne mostly keeps to herself.

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  • Rayne has always been a bit of a freak. She had no friends at school and when she got home she would do whatever was possible to get attention. She tried everything, until she began to cut herself. Her mother sent her to Camp Sunshine, in hopes to get her back to her normal self and hopefully find some friends. When her mother told her this, at first she was happy that someone was paying attentiont to her. But she soon realized her mother just wanted her away.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Maxwell Scott Green
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 The Dare Devil 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 17 」 xx 「 Male 」 xx 「 Bisexual 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 ❶Hyper 」 xx 「 ❷Dangerous 」 xx 「 ❸Sarcastic 」

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  • Max is a very sarcastic b*****d. He's always in the need of a rush. From doing stupid stunts down to shooting himself up with dirty needles. He doesn't really care for anyone else but himself and his crazy ways. He always goes over board when it comes to even feeling the wind in his hair. Though what people don;t know about Max is that he can be a sweetheart too when he wants to be. Mostly towards boys.

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  • Maxwell comes from a very rich family. Hence his name. He's originally from England and moved to America was the first thing his parents did when they had the chance. They wanted a better life than just in a big house in England. So they got a mansion in America. Once that was done and over with Maxwell went outside on a sunny day. Just to see some people jumping around in a huge dirt field with music playing very loud. Walking over to go see what it is he found a group of boys and girls that all looked depressing but they were having fun. They invited Maxwell in.

    Thats when Maxwell became Max. He ended up turning in a huge lover of booze, and rushes. He became one hard Adrenaline Junkie. He loved it. From Mosh Pits and getting high. He loved it.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Jeremy Theo Hinds
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Mister Insomnia 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 eighteen 」 xx 「 Male 」 xx 「 Bisexual 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Shy 」 xx 「 Witty 」 xx 「 Caring 」

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  • Jeremy is the baby of his family, always getting beaten on. But instead of turning out with his emotions, he turned in and bottled them up. His nightmares began after he found out some bad things his other family had done.

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  • Jeremy is the quietest guy he knows, no friends or people to talk to. Even in school, not even the teachers talked to him. It was after that he learned to play music, well not get taught, but more like natural ability. He lost himself in his music and his parents sent him off to a camp.

The Consules:

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Leda Marie Sixx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 The Overly Active 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Eighteen 」 xx 「 Female 」 xx 「 Straight 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Loud❶ 」 xx 「 Hyper❷ 」 xx 「 Random❸ 」

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx★ ` THE - inside
    I've been known to be a rather hyper, random, loud, sporty, and sweet person. I'm loved by many, and hated by more. It's amazing though. I love it all. I'm not a person who would take s**t from others, and try not to get into stuff with people. I'm also really nice, loyal, fierce, flirty, helpful, and open for the most part. That's about it.

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    I grew up raised by my father. My mother died in childbirth, and left me in the care of my father. He was devistated by the death of his wife, but went on with life and raised me. He loved me dearly, and taught me to be as helpful as I can be with people. I live the way that I know my father would want me to live. About two years ago, my father died and I started to help out here at Camp Sunshine. It's not that bad, I mean, yes both of my parents are dead, but you have to be strong. I lived on my own as soon as I found out about my father, and wouldn't move in with other family members. I still live where me and my father lived together, and live the way I was taught to live by my father. I'm one hundred percent sure that helping these teens out is something that my father would have wanted me to do.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rosetta Amber Crayola
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Miss Cautious 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Twenty 」 xx 「 Female 」 xx 「 Heterosexual 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Quiet 」 xx 「 Observant 」 xx 「 Afraid 」

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  • Rosie is easy going, and calm. Most things in life scare the bajeezus out of her. She likes to keep quiet in loud situations, instead of adding to the noise. Rose is V e r y sensitive. Make sure you remember that for the future. A lot of things hit her heart, and upset her. She has minor trust issues, but they're not too bad. She's cautious when it comes to her heart.

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  • Rosie's lived a very easy life. At the beginning, she lived with her mother, her grandmother, and her aunt. She was spoiled by her Grandma, taught life lessons by her aunt, and Sheltered by her Mother. A lot of the times, other kids would get to do things that Rose was not aloud to do. When it was raining, she was forced to stay indoors while all of the other children on her street ran around barefoot. When a lot of snow was on the ground, she was not aloud to play outside. When kids went to the park and invited her, she was not aloud to go unless parents were there. (Which they weren't because the park was at the end of the street.) Rosie had a long list of what she wasn't aloud to do. At times, she resented her mother for it, and at times she loved her mom for caring so much.
    As time progressed, and Rose aged, she began to have strong fears of the world. Everything scared her. In her teen years, her biggest fear was high school. Strong side fears were the outdoors, heights, pain, new people, and new places. Her grandmother and aunt tried to coax her out of the house many times. While her mother said to let her alone. After high school, Rosie grew out of many of her fears. (Heights and Pain stayed strong) So to pass the time while she took her college courses, she became a councilor at a local camp for teens.

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Matthew Adam Nelson
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 The Bookworm 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Eighteen 」 xx 「 Male 」 xx 「 Straight 」
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 「 Intelligent 」 xx 「 Outgoing 」 xx 「 Fun 」

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx★ ` THE - inside
  • Matthew, who mainly goes by Matt, is a very fun-loving guy. He knows the limits of fun, however, but that doesn't stop him from being responsible as well as enjoying himself. Surprisingly, he's a very smart guy and loves to read. This is what makes him so well-rounded and can easily relate to anyone. He has a certain charisma that makes him a very likable person.

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  • Matt was born to a pretty normal family. He had a sister named Allison who was two years younger than him. His life had seemed perfect to anyone that looked at him: he had the grades, the popularity, the friends, even a great girlfriend. But at home, it was tough for him. His life was falling apart before his very eyes. His parents were fighting more often, each day inching closer to a divorce. Allison couldn't take all the sadness and took her life when she was fourteen and Matt was sixteen. He started getting high and drunk at parties to escape his horrible life at home. He tried cocaine, marijuana, anything that could help him get out of the torturous life he was dealing with. However, at one particular party, he went too far and overdosed on prescription pills that he found in a medicine cabinet. He was immediately rushed to the hospital and treated, stuck at rehab to get his life back on track. His parents got a divorce during this time, but both his mom and dad visited him often in the hospital. After his experience, he would switch between his mother's house and father's house for weekdays, weekends, vacations, special holidays, etc. He learned to deal with it and decided to help other teenagers with this problem at Camp Sunshine. Now that he had learned his lesson, he could control himself and never fall into that trap again. Reading became his sanctuary, so he became known as the "bookworm," even though he doesn't care what people think about him. As long as he focuses on how his life is going and how he can deal with his problems, he is perfectly fine.

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