The drop was deep. How deep, none knew. It was endless, forever, infinite. A lone doe stood at the edge of the precipice, looking down, finding the bottom was no where in sight. Bottomless. Bottomless.


The ground underneath the doe shifted and changed form, turning from solid to nothing. With nothing to hold it up, the creature was a victim of gravity, and down it went. Down. Down.


Falling now, it certainly did seem bottomless.

Time seemed to stretch as the creature fell. It was impossible to tell if it had been mere moments, or if it had been hours, days, weeks. Perhaps it had been an eternity. It certainly seemed that way as the doe continued to fall. Fall.


It became impossible to tell if it was night or day. The darkness had become absolute, and the creature could neither see the beginning of the crack, nor the end. It was just darkness and black. Nothing existed anymore. Nothing. Nothing.


The doe's eyes closed; they were useless now.

The doe continued to fall, and just as it seemed that the creature had been stalled in time, something seemed to change. The doe started to feel different. Lighter, newer, stronger. Its' heavy heart was no longer heavy. Things had begun to change, and as the doe opened its eyes again, it was clear that they had begun to change outward as well.

The fall had stopped, and a small dot of light was visible above the doe. The dot was obtainable, a goal to work toward. The doe quirked its mouth into a small smile, and with a mighty flap, was lifted out of the abyss on newfound wings of black.

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