Name of weapon:Kuromaru Suru
Your Rank: Sannin
Who owns the weapon: Ronnel
Where it was found/Who made it: it was found in the depths of the desert when Ronnel was training. Ronnel then added to the blade by forcibly removing half of the tattoos on his body of his bloodline and re-crafted the blade, imbuing it with the power of the Bloodline Destroyer.
Users Class: Medic.
The Range of the weapon: Changes.
Weakness: Can only be wielded by those with intense strength. This actually does not include the Weapons Master class - only the Medical Class can even carry the weapon. The changeover between the tiers of the weapon take two posts to do. Can only be wielded by Ronnel, or another Bloodline Destroyer who has sacrificed half of their tattoos. (Can only use ONE of the Tattoo techniques of the initial stage, and cannot achieve the second stage of the Bloodline Destroyer.)
The Kuromaru is a weapon that changes its size. It does not change its weight - it is always the insane weight of three double handed greatswords melded into one. This requires massive strength to wield - the Medical Class. The weapon is in three 'tiers'.
The first tier is a Roman Gladius. This stage is simplisitic and the form it is normally carried in. The weapon though keeps the same weight - that heavy weight that requires major strength. The blade is silver in appearance, and the hilt has a stylized lion on it.
The second tier is a Celtic greatsword. The blade is a purplish metal with slight waves back and forth. The hilt is black metal with the head of a serpent as the pommel.
The third tier is where the weight comes from. This tier is tremendously large, and difficult to wield inside of a city. The blade is as large as a city street, and as thick as two legs stacked atop each other.

Ronnel's modifications to the Kuromaru have changed the blade only slightly. When not actively using blade (IE: Not fighting) it automatically reverts to the Gladius stage. What this has done to the blade though, is make it so that the tattoo on the blade acts the same as the tattoo on his chest. Any bloodline users who touch it / see it or bloodline techniques that impact it are affected the same as if they encountered the tattoo on his body.
Rp Sample:

Ronnel glared at the man as he set his copy of Full Metal Alchemist to the table and stood up, glaring at the intruder who had broken into his home. He picked up his sword that was leaning against the chair he had sat in and tapped his hand against the hilt as he moved in front of the intruder, standing between him and the hallway into the back of the house, where Aki was sleeping.
"Rule Number Four punk. Always include a weakness. Yours is idiocy - breaking into the house of a Sannin. Kuromaru, grow." In his hand, the short blade quivered. Before the intruder's astonished eyes, the gladius grew several sizes, forcing the Sannin to take it in both hands. He brought it up, the tip scraping against the large ceiling, then brought it down in an arc as he dashed forward. The dark metal of the blade swept straight through the shocked intruder, bisecting him and splitting him in half.

crying Do I HAVE to do a new sample? I will...if I gots ta...